• anon6789
    811 year ago

    This one might seem to be a bit silly, but for the last few years I’ve made my girlfriend’s breakfast every day and she’s packed my lunch.

    She has a hard time getting up, so it helps her to have a fresh coffee and whatnot ready for her. She in turn makes my sandwich for lunch because even though I like eating it, I don’t like touching the lunch meat.

    So while we’re doing the same amount of work, we’re doing a job for each other that the other doesn’t really enjoy. It also irrationality suggests tastes better, because it was made with the other person in mind, not as a chore we have to do for ourselves.

    • Remmock
      231 year ago

      You’re still touching the lunchmeat. It’s touching you inside. All over. It’s rubbing against your tongue, teeth… the roof of your mouth. It massages its way to the back of your throat rubbing itself against every inch of your esophagus, until it finally reaches the inside of your stomach.

      But it’s not done there. Your lunchmeat - the same thing you revile touching with your fingers - begins to lay against the walls of your stomach lining as it is slowly digested. Some of it may even make its way into your small intestine completely intact. It touches you all the way through.

      Is that really what you want for yourself?

      • anon6789
        221 year ago

        Lol… Meanie! 😜

        It’s only my outside nerves that get bothered by it. The insides know it is tasty.

        Very descriptive writing though, so good effort!

        • Remmock
          61 year ago

          Much obliged. You and your wife have a very considerate, charming relationship and I’m happy you found each other!

  • @[email protected]
    1 year ago

    Take my cart from where people randomly left it or from the return and leave it in the store.

    Tidy up my table and stack dishes when I eat out.

    Park between the lines.

    Put my cart on the side when shopping instead of leaving it in the middle of the aisle.

    Pick up the dog poop other people don’t.

    Pull forward product if it is shoved into the back of the shelf.

    Hold open doors.

    Pick up stuff that people accidentally drop, especially if they have kids or are elderly.

    Leave intersections clear.

    Let people merge.

    Not park on the street when it snows.

    Be polite to anyone working public facing, no matter how bad my mood is.

    Take my meds.

    Teach my kids to respect rules, even the ones that seem dumb.

    Keep my dog leashed when not in a designated area.

    Leave accurate and fair reviews.

    Return ebooks early if someone is waiting.

    • @[email protected]
      221 year ago

      Take my meds- man I never thought I was that different on or off meds until the recent ADHD medication shortage combined with some personal issues last Fall made me fall apart. My poor SO was worried sick because I was losing my damn mind, turns out I do not mask well. I didn’t realize that being properly medicated is as much of a public service as a personal one. May your meds always be available and well balanced.

      • GreenPlasticSushiGrass
        81 year ago

        I’m the SO of someone with ADD who was similarly affected. It messed her up for months. Things are just getting back to normal now. On the bright side, she has less insomnia on the new meds.

        • @[email protected]
          61 year ago

          Good on you for sticking by her while she was working it out. Changing medication is so hard and takes a while especially if you’re taking more than one kind. I am really happy you both got through it and that she found something better!

      • @[email protected]
        71 year ago

        Yeah …after about day 3 or 4 without meds, my short fuse is back and I’m just a ball of nervous, irritable energy. And can’t focus. Or motivate myself. I’m sure I am a pain in the ass normally let alone when off meds. Definitely a service to others to take it. Then there’s the anti depressants.

      • @[email protected]
        51 year ago

        Put my cart on the side when shopping instead of leaving it in the middle of the aisle.

        I would kill for you.

  • @[email protected]
    1 year ago

    I let people merge.

    When I see someone doing something selfish, I assume they are having a bad day and give them grace rather than assume they are an asshole and try to teach them a lesson.

    Live and let live.

    • finalarbiter
      161 year ago

      I will make room for someone to merge if the person is using their signal, as long as it’s safe to do so. I’m not going out of my way to help folks who can’t be assed to do the bare minimum.

      • @[email protected]
        21 year ago

        Why not? So many people put in extra energy specifically to block people who try to merge late, without a blinker, or for any other asinine reason. Just let them in and go on with your day. We all make mistakes when driving or forget to use our blinker occasionally.

        Give them the benefit of the doubt and just be kind.

        • @[email protected]
          61 year ago

          For me it’s usually the one you can see bobbing and weaving in and out of traffic just to get 1 more spot ahead in heavy traffic. That person will cause a wreck at some point driving like that. I’ll actively prevent them from getting ahead of me until there is adequate room for them to gain some separation once they go by. If they’re doing crazy shit right in front of me and wreck, I might not have any way to avoid that. If they’re doing that a mile down the road, it’s on me of I can’t avoid that wreck.

          • @[email protected]
            61 year ago

            I’m not going to fight them and if they are weaving in and out and could be dangerous I’m just getting out of the way and staying away from them so they don’t hit me.

  • Admiral Patrick
    1 year ago

    When I go to the grocery store, I grab my shopping cart from the outside corrals instead of from inside. That way it’s one less the employee has to take back in.

    Bonus: I’ll also always put the cart in the stack of the same kind when I put it back - a lot of places have various-sized carts and most people just shove them in there haphazardly.

    I’ve found most people who have worked retail tend to do little helpful things like that without even thinking about it.

  • @[email protected]
    231 year ago

    I have a very small car so I make sure to park toward the end of the parking spot so people don’t pull half way in before realizing it is occupied. Your welcome.

  • @[email protected]
    221 year ago

    I’m really only good at one thing, that is designing and developing software. So I try to make all my personal stuff open source, so others can benefit from it too.

  • @[email protected]
    201 year ago

    I take out my neighbors’ garbage cans. It’s a collective home with a unique living situation and nobody really seems in charge of the house itself, including taking the trash to the curb. Since I gotta take mine anyway and they’re all in a shared alley, might as well do something nice for people who might need a hand.

    That, and I’m trying to keep bugs and rodents at bay. So it’s not entirely selfless…

  • @[email protected]
    191 year ago

    Leave facilities as I found them and clean up after myself. It’s a slightly OCD thing in that it bothers me not to, but more from a sense of social obligation rather than preserving order.

    • Jackie's Fridge
      61 year ago

      100% all of this. I don’t want to leave a trace behind. If a place is a certain way, I assume it’s the way it should be. Leaving it in another state is not acceptable. In fact, if I can repair part of it that needs service, I will.

  • @[email protected]
    1 year ago

    I volunteer my time to tutor high school and college students in chemistry, biology, math and physics. Thousands of students tutored for free.

    I am currently working on creating more tutoring videos and a tutoring blog as well as other science resources. i.e discussing current events in science

    • technomad
      41 year ago

      Good continuing practice for you, and good learning for them. Wholesome.

  • @[email protected]
    191 year ago

    We have a pool of vehicles at work and I always reverse them into a bay when I put them back so the next guy can just drive out forwards.