On the internet, it is common to call a guy a misogynist, but what is the exact meaning of misogynist? Is it 1. A guy who hates women? Or 2. a guy who thinks men are superior. Or 3. A guy who believes in women should follow traditional norms like cooking. 

  • southsamurai
    661 year ago

    All of the above.

    Words very often have multiple definitions, or usages.

    The word misogyny comes from Greek roots, miso (hatred), and gyne (woman). So misogynist literally means woman hater.

    However, the form that the hate can take may not be the kind of rabid, foaming hatred you think of as hate. It can include anything from dislike or mistrust, up to the extreme of hatred.

    It can also include prejudice against women, which isn’t necessarily hate in the usual sense, but has the same effect.

    More, when using it as a bigoted person that the bigotry is focused on women, it can definitely include stereotyping and the propagation of stereotyping.

    The term does get a little over used to include people that are just poorly informed rather than those that actively practice misogyny as a belief, but even that still applies in usage.

  • @[email protected]
    531 year ago

    Or how about, rather than your narrow, specific 3 definitions, a fourth thing, such as how it’s phrased in the wiki:

    Misogyny is hatred of, contempt for, or prejudice against women or girls. It is a form of sexism that can keep women at a lower social status than men.

    The emphasis there is why you’re being called names on the internet. If you’re advocating systems or societal norms of gender oppression, you’re being misogynist. This remains true even if you’re not doing it intentionally.

    The world we live in is deeply patriarchal, so it can be hard to see these problems, because the views and opinions you’ve got are just “normal”. Something being the norm doesn’t mean it isn’t oppressive, and having an opinion doesn’t mean you shouldn’t consider the impacts of that opinion.

    Generally, if someone calls you a misogynist, and you go “bUt I rEsPeCt wOmEn”, you might want to take a little time to figure out where it’s coming from. It can certainly be real without fitting in your 3 tidy little self-serving definitions.

    I’ll also point out that you can replace nearly every instance of misogyny in this thread with racism, and replace women with black, and it would be the same discussion. Or you could swap misogyny/women with misandry/men. Oppression is oppression, no matter who holds the power.

  • @[email protected]
    381 year ago

    If anyone is wondering why this person thinks it common to call a guy a misogynist, look at this guy’s post history.

      • @[email protected]
        111 year ago

        In your posts you make a lot of sweeping generalizations about all women being this or that without seeming to recognize that half of all the humans on earth are women. It’s not like we’re some subset or subclass or minority. There is basically no statement you could make that could actually apply to ALL women. So perhaps why you are running into people using this term with you is that you are ignoring a women’s personhood.

        If some guy with blond hair was a jerk to you, would you go online and complain about how all blond people are jerks and they don’t like you and you don’t understand why they’re all so hostile? You would probably recognize that that one person was just a jerk. Then if you were a jerk to every blond person you met from then on, based on that experience, they would probably all respond to you poorly back and just feed a loop of nastiness and resentment.

        If you don’t want to be a misogynist, then you must learn and remember that every woman is a person of their own, with their own personalities and histories and just as many idiosyncrasies, faculties, and basic rights as any man.

      • @[email protected]
        61 year ago

        No woman is going to want to date you, and it’s not because you are short and ugly, it’s because you hate yourself, you paint all women with an impossibly shallow brush, you have a shit personality, and you have an unwillingness to do even a modicum of work to learn, grow, and improve yourself, choosing instead to wallow in self-pity. Quit whining and become a better person.

        There, just saved you $10,000 in therapy bills.

          • purplexed
            41 year ago

            Real talk here bro, stop worrying about making yourself “perfect” for someone, or rather anyone, else. Stop trying to make yourself what you idolize, or what you perceive to be idolized.

            You are you, you are a person. Take care of yourself first. You need to change your mentality and realize that you do have redeeming qualities. You need to focus on those.

            Learn to love yourself first, trust me on this one.

      • @[email protected]
        21 year ago

        It’s not about how you look. You’re just a bad person with a shit personality. That’s why no one likes you. You need to be a better person and get off the Internet, because it seems like it’s a big part of your problem, or you need to give up.

      • @[email protected]
        161 year ago

        It’s only common if you are expressing misogynistic viewpoints and cruising around places where those viewpoints are welcome. I spent years on reddit and only saw it where it was appropriately calling out the behavior.

      • Jojo
        21 year ago

        I never saw that on Reddit, but then I never did filter by controversial.

  • @[email protected]
    321 year ago

    These aren’t different things. If you “hate” women, you think little of them. You think you’re better than them. You think they’re dumb baby machines that belong in the kitchen.

    If you do #2 or #3, you also do #1 even if you don’t think you do.

      • Jojo
        1 year ago

        my father respects women he just thinks his wife should do all of the house work. [Paraphrased]

        I would venture to say that if your father thinks his wife should do all the house work because she is a woman, then that is, in fact, misogyny (he is not actually respecting her in this case).

        If he thinks she should do all the housework because they’ve talked and she really is happier in the role of homemaker and has chosen that as her life path while he has chosen to work a job that pays well enough to enable that, well then in that case it isn’t necessarily misogyny. But that is just about the only case in which it isn’t, including if she accepted being the homemaker but didn’t or wouldn’t have chosen it over a career if that seemed more feasible.

          • Jojo
            1 year ago

            Can you explain how to expect a wife to do housework is hate for women. I know both are wrong but still those are two different things

            Because the only thing that makes a wife different from a husband is the fact that she’s a woman. There is nothing inherently “womanly” or “wifely” about housework, and expecting her to do it all must involve thinking there is: an unjustified prejudice exclusively reserved for women. I.e. misogyny.

              • Jojo
                1 year ago

                I think you are confusing gender roles with misogyny

                When gender roles put an undue and unwanted burden on women, when they become a rule, that is misogyny. If they were putting an extra, unwanted burden on men it would be misandry, but that is a much less used term simply because it’s so much less prevalent.

      • Ada
        71 year ago

        he thinks wife should do all the house work

        my father always respects women

        No he doesn’t…

      • @[email protected]
        31 year ago

        All wives in all relationships ever? So does that mean your dad thinks all men live in filth? Do gay men all unanimously hire house cleaners? Are gay women the only people he thinks deserve equitable labor division in the home?

        That’s a funny kind of “respect”. I think most people share a different definition of it.

  • ℕ𝕖𝕞𝕠
    301 year ago

    Someone who hates or oppresses women. It’s an aggressive form of sexism.

    Women can have internalized misogyny, as well, it’s not just men.

  • @[email protected]
    231 year ago

    Your #1 is the etymological meaning of the word. For precise usage, there should be at least some element of #2, lest you inadvertently misclassify a misanthrope who hates everybody. That’s assuming you’re using a gender-inclusive sense of the word ‘guy’; anyone can be a misogynist.

  • @[email protected]
    181 year ago

    I think any of those three could be called misogynist. It’s a pretty flexible term. It just means someone who is prejudiced against women.

  • @[email protected]
    1 year ago

    I think it can boil down to not recognizing the personhood of women. That the infinite complexity that can come from a rich tapestry woven of culture, personality, ability, interests and experiences can be shoved into a narrow and limited role. A misogynist will only see a sex doll, or a maid, or a baby making machine etc, and then judge a woman’s worth based on how well they fit in that role. If a woman doesn’t perform the roles that person expects or desires then they get angry and hateful that this other human being didn’t meet those unreasonable expectations of them.

    Misogynists might not think they hate women, just that a woman doesn’t “belong” working in a machine shop. They might not consciously think men are superior, but they see certain tasks associated with women (cleaning, care work, teaching) as low value, undesirable or less worthy of respect. They might not actively choose how to divide domestic tasks, but will say that women are “naturally” better at them. And just to be clear, plenty of women are misogynists too.

    Not being a misogynist involves seeing women as equally valid and worthy humans on the same bases you would judge any other person (IE, a man).

  • @[email protected]
    111 year ago

    Points two and three are forms of point one… if you think you’re superior to a class of humans then you hate those humans. If you think some people should do something because of the color of their skin or gender then you hate them… you’re denying them the same freedom to act that you enjoy.

    • Lowlee Kun
      1 year ago

      Look i don’t think hate is required for misogony but this point you are making would mean that nearly every human being hates all animals. Just ask people, they LOVE animals. And also to eat them because we believe us to be superior.

    • @[email protected]
      01 year ago

      not to justify bad behavior, but your points are rather off base. Thinking you’re superior to something doesn’t mean you hate it…One might consider themselves superior to plants and not hate them. One might consider Ford superior to Chevy and not hate Chevy. A woman can be misogynistic and consider males superior without hating females. Just because the 2 other points often come along for the ride doesn’t mean they are part of the definition and shouldn’t be asked.

      • Jojo
        21 year ago

        I think hate, as a word, can mean what the parent comment used it for, though I wouldn’t say that’s the sense I get when I hear it. It’s the meaning in the phrase “hate group” though, which seems pretty relevant.