The body tends to do that when you beat the shit out of it over the course of days.
Blood clots at the damage point, more beatings break up the clot, platelets gonna platelet and boom, thrombosis.
If that would have been the case, the moment the body was given to the mother we would have seen photos of his “beaten up” cadaver on every newpaper in a matter of minutes. Instead we only got minor articles saying “the body was given to the mother” and that’s it. I know this goes against the current “everything that goes against Putin is true” way of thinking, but creating conspiracy theories based on wishful thinking only helps Putin make his points against the “western propaganda”.
“you may not like it, but this is what peak reason looks like”.
Being unjustly confined in a prison is still a direct contributing cause to a stroke or pulmonary embolism. There’s a reason they still make folks in solitary in the US do “yard time.”
lol, I think you mean that there’s a reason they’re supposed to give them yard time
So is drinking water, and yet…
Putin is a Haemomancer
Avatar Blood Bending
My god I Just noticed. Water has bloodbending, earth has metalbending, fire has lightningbending. Air must have access to fartbending.
Ripping a fart, but out of someone else’s ass
Filling their belly with so much gas that they blow up and fly away with an eeeeeeeee like a filled balloon you just let go of
Naturally or with help from the outside?
Naturally. If you oppose putin, the natural result is death.
Can’t wait for western intelligence officials, who were always a 100% reliable source to libs and chuds when saying Russia bad, to suddenly be wrong about something in their minds
You’re tripping if you think that:
a. the media will cover this beyond an article or two b. libs would integrate this information, even if covered c. libs would ever question info from US intelligence officials
I still get libs citing the “Chinese spy balloon” even though the military put out a press release that the balloon transmitted no data. Media never boosted it, so they never saw it. Would be curious to see how they react if they did. I’d still bet on mental gymnastics like “only because cheap Chinese junk lololol”
Did they get his sperm in time?
CIA has the heart attack gun. Russia has the blood clot gun
A blood clot doesn’t mean there is no foul play. There are plenty of poisons that cause clotting: - including some that are snake venom components.
It could also be a consequence of prolonged confinement without much movement. It could also be an eventual consequence of the 2020 poisoning (there is no evidence that Novichok specifically or mild poisoning with other acetylcholinesterase inhibitors causes clots; however, severe poisoning causes respiratory paralysis which causes hypoxia, and that can cause platelet and vascular dysfunction/damage that increases the risk of thrombosis. Not many people ever have been poisoned with Novichok and survived, so the exact sequelae are uncertain).
Now, there is a question of whether the FSB would want to do a subtle execution or an ambiguous one. They did attempt an obvious one in 2020, given it involved an agent which is clearly associated with the Russian government (although perhaps if he hadn’t made it overseas, that would have never come out). Since then, perhaps Putin and the FSB have less incentive to be brazen. If they didn’t want to send a message, they could have just kept Navalny alive. But maybe ambiguous was a compromise they wanted - it keeps would-be dissidents fearful, but provides the cover of plausible deniability for those who would criticise the killing of a political opponent.
Clots can also be caused by injuries. I’m not saying he was beaten or anything but I would be surprised if he wasn’t at some point, probably repeatedly, and possibly recently.
Why is this news being given by Ukraine’s intelligence chief? I would assume we’d get it from another vector.
Because if anyone has incentive to say he was assassinated, it’s Ukraine, so we can be pretty sure they’re telling the truth.
That does make sense.
If a clot was formed due to a poison or something, is that detectable? Or is this one of those things that will always be shrouded in suspicion because we’ll never know if the clot was ‘natural’ or part of a more intentional plot?
I mean, you can always posit another hypothesis because it is very difficult to prove a negative, but if a coagulant or something was administered to him, it should turn up on an autopsy. Ultimately, given the position of Ukrainian intelligence here, the more reasonable conclusion is that people die eventually and that’s the extent of the meaning of what happened (or perhaps you could add that the stress of his situation hastened his demise, which is probably true).
A blood clot from earlier trauma is a possibility. These prisons are known for their brutal regimes, especially against political dissidents.
What is a blood clot if not red?! The commies got him!
What an absolutely believable conclusion announced by an absolutely credible organization that has no motivation except to publish the unvarnished truth.
Oh please do explain to us how Ukrainian military intelligence chief is shilling for Putin. This ought to be good.
That’s a weird way to spell ‘executed’.
You’re saying Ukraine’s intelligence chief is wrong? Smdh just what a Russian bot would say
LOL. I’m not a Russian bot. I didn’t really see the ‘Ukrainian spy chief’ part.
here I am feeling guilty sometimes making a comment halfway through a 200 comment thread before scrolling on to find someone else already made the same joke while this mf making smug comments when they’ve not even read half the headline.
Ah hey. The point is the guy should not have been killed. It’s criminal and a horrific act.
should not have been killed
I have good news for you
He was a hitlerite fascist who called Muslims cockroaches that must be exterminated. He absolutely should have been killed. The fact God caused his blood to clot proves this.
he’s fired
It’s wild how up in arms liberals always get for the human rights of fascists. Eight years of kids in Donbas getting shelled: I sleep. Leader of an ethnonationalist faction gets assassinated: criminal and horrific act.
So you didn’t read the first half of the headline, either!
He wasn’t killed, he died from a blood clot. Even Ukraine isn’t entertaining speculation that Russia killed him.
arrest his blood for clotting!
Ok there comrade. Posted right at the start of the Moscow work day. Typical bot.
I’m in Australia, thanks.
sure thing, ivan
KGB networks spread all the way to Australia?! Concerning.
ASIO has been infiltrated for a LOOOONG time
delete your account GRU agent
Sorry?!?! I totally support what the guy stood for. Putin is a shitstain.
I totally support what the guy stood for.
Navalny was a driving force in the annual anti-Muslim, antisemitic, anti-immigrant “Russian March” in Moscow. Its central themes are “Take Back Russia,” “Russia for Russians” and “Stop Feeding the Caucasus” — the latter a demand to end federal subsidies to poorer, less-developed, largely Muslim regions of Russia. He has a video ad calling Central Asian and Muslim peoples of the Caucasus in Russia “cockroaches that must be exterminated” while implying people should go out and shoot them.
Interesting. I guess I, and most other people in the West just assumed he was anti-Putin and therefore good.
Really says something about uou and most other people in the west
Huh that’s weird that’s exactly what we’ve been saying the entire time and we’ve been called every fucking name in the book by you smug dipshit liberals.
Now take this sudden realization that you had no idea about the person until the media told you about him 6 months ago and the media intentionally propped him up as a hero despite all that and apply it to the entire war.
This is the time when you should self-reflect about how the West propaganda you into this state. Governments, media lie all the time, why should you trust them when they report about their enemy’s countries?
This is it. The perfect post.
yeah it’s almost like you and most people in the west know nothing at all
You support nazism? Fucked up dude
And here you are undermining the ukraine war effort by spreading russian propaganda
I beg your pardon?!?!
How is that spreading Russian propaganda?!?!
How is that spreading Russian propaganda?!
Putin wants to undermine everything Ukraine does and everything their officials say. He wants us to think he killed Navalny in order to boost this message to opponents of Russia, and when a Ukrainian official breaks the truth here you are clinging to Putler’s fantasies. Don’t bother KGB bot, I have personally read every word Anne Applebaum has ever written and would never fall for your underhanded slavic tricks.
How is that spreading Russian propaganda?!?!
wow, you can tell it’s an election year… don’t even bother, i know you and your kremlin bot army are just here to convince me not to vote for hillary again. for the record, it won’t work. i’m voting for her twice this year.
I think it’s unfair to someone this credulous, so I will let you in on the fact that they are fucking with you when they call you a Russian bot or whatever. People are just really sick of dealing with ignorant neoliberals who treat Navalny like Tank Man. The other things they said, about him being a fascist, etc., were sincere and have even been covered in overly-sympathetic sources like Atlantic.
deleted by creator
I recently understood that he ‘flirted’ with the rightwing many years ago, but didn’t know he still was.
I know you’re getting roasted in the replies, but this is absolutely what most reasonable people would assume given the media atmosphere in the west right now.
It’s just that western media is generally an unquestioning megaphone for the desires of the US national security apparatus because they’ll lose access to information sources if they don’t.
It’s always worth exploring information from other sources, especially when it’s about foreign affairs.
A good strategy for this is:
- Pick one country opposed to the West on a given issue
- Pick one country that is neither allied or opposed
- Search " top news sites"
- Search the topic on a few of those sites. Translate pages if necessary.
I use an RSS feed reader, so when I find a source with English-language version of the site & an RSS feed, I add those to my geopolitics feed, tagging them by country and continent.
“I’m not a bot, my attention span maxes out at 5 words!”
14 words*
It was late. I was tired. The guy was executed. Slow or fast, he was killed for being a political opponent, and likely tortured in the process.
Okay good, you read the title, now try reading the article.
Yeah I did. It may have ultimately been a blood clot, but that was almost certainly the result of all the abuse he suffered.
Putin is personally responsible for his death.
Is genocide Joe responsible for every prison death in America as well?
Putin personally walked into his cell and shot him in the head with the blood clot gun.
What you’re doing here is interpreting any evidence as supportive of the conclusion you chose at the beginning. You’re making that conclusion unfalsifiable.
If Russia said he died of natural causes, you’d say they’re lying. Ukraine says the same thing, well this blood clot must be evidence of torture. Why Ukraine wouldn’t jump on that interpretation if it was at all plausible is left unanswered. If he was struck by lightning you’d say Putin used him to test a new superweapon.
This situation is interesting and IMO very revealing about Western media.
- Russia hates this guy because he’s a fascist and collaborates with the West against the ruling order.
- Ukraine hates this guy because he’s a Russian nationalist and supports the war and annexation of Russian-speaking Ukrainian territories.
So what does Western media do when those interests are at odds? Across the board, they put an enormous effort into supporting him.
What this reveals is that the interests of Ukraine are much less important to the US & its media apparatus than bludgeoning Russia. All the huffing and puffing about lives lost in Ukraine was not because they are mourning the loss of human life, but because it makes Russia look bad. This became a lot more obvious when they refuse to cover a far larger number of Gazan deaths with the same vigor.
Get a load of this slava ukraini
Why do you hate Ukraine?