• @[email protected]
      321 year ago

      I blame the fact they built all these institutions with no clause to expel members, or which require total unanimity to do so. They really bought in to the whole “end of history” thing, I guess.

      • Troy
        221 year ago

        Yeah, this is an interesting element. Historically, allowing all members a veto, while also having no way to expel a member, means that any such institution is liable to outside meddling. The classic example is the https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liberum_veto – in the Polish Lithuanian Commonwealth, any noble could veto anything. So all it took was buying a few nobles and it shattered.

        • @[email protected]
          1 year ago

          Apparently, based on that Wikipedia article, they ended up making a new version with less strict veto rules, called the confederated sejm, which is also where I expect all these Western institutions to go eventually. TIL.

    • @[email protected]
      1 year ago

      We (the western world) really needs to deal with Orban eventually.

      Incredible display of chauvinism. Cause it’s worked out so well every other time you westoids have stepped in to decide another countries leadership for them. Stfu and stay home before you collapse yet another nation and start the slave trade there.

      • @[email protected]
        111 year ago

        That is an L take. Having a term limit helps increase the difficulty of making political dynasties. It doesn’t make it impossible, but it sure is gonna make it harder for a certain person or group to solidify their power base.

      • @[email protected]
        -81 year ago

        Not really, the difference between two people of the same ideology to fulfill your democratic needs whom one can find in a population of a few million can be very small.

          • @[email protected]
            51 year ago

            Doesn’t change the fact that banning people from running for election is inherently undemocratic.

            Something being democratic is not the only criterion, because you wouldn’t want your neighbors to vote in favor of collectively owning you as a slave, even if your vote against gets counted.

            It’s just one safety measure - if a politician still would win an election after 8 years (life changes entirely in only 1 year), for example, that’s likely for wrong reasons. Like using administrative resource, pro-government mass media, crooked elites etc.

        • @[email protected]
          -31 year ago

          Brother, you are literally falling for misinformation.

          First of all, there are not nearly that many NATO bases. The image is completely false.

          Secondly, the second image is misleading. In the wake of the formation of East Germany, 10% of its population were former Nazi party members. A third of its public administration were members of the NSDAP. The public officials didn’t just disappear overnight.

          Tankies (then and now) like to perpetuate this myth that East Germany was a successful Nazi-free society while West Germany was a Nazi stronghold despite the overwhelming evidence against it.

          • Kuori [she/her]
            311 year ago

            i’m not a man you relentless jackass, my pronouns are right in my username

            now fuck off, nazi

            • Enoril
              -11 year ago

              Why do you expect to be treated like a Human by someone you’ve just insulted in the worse way (in a very uneducated way)?

              If someone called me nazi (knowing my direct family figthed against and some family members die doing it), i would certainly not bother to look at its profile and try to be nice by using the rigth pronoums. You can’t expect being treated nice while shitting dog shit on people face.

              If you act like a garbage bin, assume it.

        • @[email protected]
          1 year ago

          You don’t have to agree with the post to see that they hold themselves to a higher standard than most of the federation.

          • BarqsHasBite
            1 year ago

            People are leaving the starTrek website communities and instance because of uh certain issues. See you at ten forward.

            • @[email protected]
              1 year ago

              Oh that sounds like fun with a capital FU. EDIT: Cursory look didn’t bring up anything all that interesting. EDIT2: Evidence has been provided to me via DM, and i’m not impressed by it. Maybe Startrek is as good as it is because they get rid of people like that? Just a thought.

    • BombOmOm
      61 year ago

      Reignited the West’s arms industry as well! We had gotten complacent until Putin started the largest war in Europe since WWII.

  • @[email protected]
    361 year ago

    It was a de facto member as long as NATO existed. Now it also is a de jure member too, a big nothing-burger.

    • magic_lobster_party
      191 year ago

      NATO membership comes with guarantees and responsibilities.

      The guarantee is that if Sweden would be attacked, other members will support with their troops. The responsibility is that Sweden must expand their military.

      • @[email protected]
        111 year ago

        The former won’t happen. Sweden is sorrounded by friendly countries. The second is a downside for Sweden.

        So globally it is a nothing burger and locally it is a negative development for Sweden.

        • magic_lobster_party
          1 year ago

          Russia has access to Sweden through the Baltic Sea via Kaliningrad and St. Petersburg.

          There has been a concern that Russia wants to get Gotland. If they get Gotland, which is a good strategic island in the Baltic Sea. Now that island is under NATO.

                • magic_lobster_party
                  -21 year ago

                  Based on Russian presence in the Baltic Sea the past few years. There has even been reports of Russian exercises training to use nuclear warheads against Sweden. Lots of military exercises in Sweden has been stationed in Gotland due to its strategic importance. I’ve heard it be jokingly called “Sweden’s largest aircraft carrier”.

                  I’m a Swede, and it has been quite frequent with news about Russian presence the past decade or so. The sentiment has for a long time been that Sweden should remain neutral despite all these threats. This sentiment changed by the invasion of Ukraine when it became clear Russia is ready to attack non-NATO members in Europe.

      • @[email protected]
        31 year ago

        The guarantee is that if Sweden would be attacked, other members will support with their troops.

        Allied guarantees are not something to rely on really. The de-facto participation was something more honest for expectations IMHO.

        The responsibility is that Sweden must expand their military.

        I don’t think that’s a problem for them, they never turned it into some bureaucratized rudimentary institution in the first place and they had a nice military during the Cold War.

  • @[email protected]
    181 year ago

    I don’t like the expansion of NATO, but due to Russia’s recent imperialism, Sweden’s and Finland’s reactions are completely reasonable. A much healthier alternative would have been actually advancing towards an integrated European defense system involving EU members, with a door open to certain neighbours such as Norway, but it’s pretty hard to do that when the political groups that could actually promote that alternative are schizophrenically tolerating positions such as “I’m a pacifist, so I’m advocating for my own country’s disarmament despite my neighbours starting wars very recently” and “if Ukraine didn’t want to get invaded, they shouldn’t have sought guarantees against Russian aggression from third countries”.

    • @[email protected]
      61 year ago

      I think Europeans in general psychologically still feel themselves weak without NATO, unable to fill the needs of their own defense.

      I’ve been reading about 1st Indochina war yesterday, so - emotionally biased.

      • @[email protected]
        1 year ago

        EU’s population: 448 million

        EU GDP: 19 trillion dollars

        Russia’s population: 143 million

        Russia’s GDP: 1,78 trillion dollars

        Simplifying a bit here (I’m obviously taking Morocco and Belarus for granted, assuming that Turkey wouldn’t attack Greece, and so on), but it’s pretty much a “gotta get our shit together” situation, because there’s no reason why we should depend on the US for defense, or anything else.

        • @[email protected]
          111 year ago

          I assume you meant trillion and not million for those gdp figures? Even then, they’re low.

        • @[email protected]
          71 year ago

          That’s about architecture more than resources. “Gotta get our shit together” doesn’t negate the fact that shit isn’t together yet.

          It’s good to have resources, but such a situation is still weakness. Only I think NATO in some sense is a contributing factor, and EU frankly too, both not in the least because of all those veto and consensus rules.

    • asterroid
      -161 year ago

      but due to Russia’s recent imperialism, Sweden’s and Finland’s reactions are completely reasonable.

      that is, it was not NATO that staged two coups in Ukraine, put its puppet government there and began to push the country into NATO, build bases and create threats to Russia’s security, but this Russia, for no reason, attacked poor Ukraine, which did not exist at all not so long ago, and it was part of Russia

      • @[email protected]
        1 year ago

        Kaliningrad’s fairly strategically useless to them now that every surrounding country’s NATO though. The Suwałki Gap between Kaliningrad and Belarus used to be pivotal in potentially re-taking control of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. It would have been very difficult for NATO defend them if Russia took the gap. But now those countries are protected by NATO countries all around so Kaliningrad’s a lot less useful strategically. Not to mention that there’s a strong Kaliningrad independence movement so they’re struggling to control it internally as well.

        More here.

    • Xavienth
      111 year ago

      The Balkan wars were tough on Sweden, being so geographically close to the conflict.