Indeed. I really didn’t expect to see this. At least not this soon. Hopefully this will lead to further integration with Asia, but I still have my doubts. These spineless ghouls are likely one Trump threat away from completely backing down.
Indeed. I really didn’t expect to see this. At least not this soon. Hopefully this will lead to further integration with Asia, but I still have my doubts. These spineless ghouls are likely one Trump threat away from completely backing down.
I’m all for deepening trade ties with China and the global south, but this piece seems to be advocating for abusing the declaration of a national emergency in order to steamroll any opposition to building pipelines that have the potential to cause environmental harm. I’m not even against pipelines. I recognize that we’re not getting completely off oil any time soon and that pipelines on average cause less harm than other methods of transport. I do wonder if the Indiginous communities might be less opposed to pipeline construction if some form of profit sharing was offered to them. Perhaps in addition to helping them to build up their communities. The fact that many of them don’t even have running water is inexcusable. You know who knows a thing or two about poverty alleviation and might be able to help with this? 🤔
I love that when asked for specifics, your response is just some vague, orientalist drivel. It’s clear you’ve either never been to any of these places or if you have, didn’t actually bother leaving the airport. You say that I’m doing immature romanticizing, but then you try and paint all of these places with a black brush. Anyone who’s traveled outside of their home country will be able to tell that this is just storytelling. The world is of course, far from perfect, but it’s also not the bleak dystopia you describe it as.
the vast Russian Empire.
What year do you think it is?
This is some real 🤡 shit. You’re either a fed or just really depressed. If it’s the latter, I hope that you can get some help. Otherwise, Minecraft is waiting. I see now why everyone else here ignored you and from here on, I will be doing the same. Bye 👋
However, I live in a world of comparatives, not absolutes, and compared to those in the cities and especially countrysides of Russia and China, I’m incredibly free.
So presumably you’ve been to these places, seen their living conditions for yourself, and spoken to locals about their experience. Would you mind sharing the specifics with us all?
Under capitalism, your “freedom” has a price. That price being the every looming threat of poverty, homelessness, and ultimately resulting in death. In China, housing is a constitutional right granted to every citizen.
Call it whatever the fuck you want. It’s working 100 million times better than this shit we’re doing. It’s lead to the most rapid increase of quality of life in human history for it’s people. Do you really think they care what you think about their government not being socialist enough?
Poverty is not socialism. To uphold socialism, a socialism that is to be superior to capitalism, it is imperative first and foremost to eliminate poverty.
“I’m a big boy. I bought Stelco knowing that Stelco is in Canada. And you know what? America first.”
South Park character irl
When the source map breaks 😭
Please explain to us what you think communism is.
They won’t necessarily stop someone from sleeping on them entirely. It will certainly limit how they can be slept on. I imagine the point is to make it just uncomfortable enough for homeless people to look to sleep elsewhere. I also imagine that they would completely block these off if there was a quick and reasonably aesthetically pleasing way to do so without much cost. This is simply the compromise they’ve come to.
History ended in 1991 and started up again 30 years later. Everything in between doesn’t count.
The war only started in 2021 if you ignore the fact that fascist Nazi militias were shelling civilians and civilian infrastructure in eastern Ukraine for 7 years before Russia launched its SMO. There were two ceasefire agreements signed (Minsk 1 & Minsk 2) that these militias consistently violated. If you don’t believe me, you’re welcome to see for yourself. A French journalist documented this and spoke to residents about the ongoing conflict. CW: death and devastation.
From what I know, AI is used heavily in China’s supply chain management and logistics. This sector being so critical, you can imagine the amount of testing that occurred before being integrated to a level where it began to produce a positive return on investment. Capitalists don’t care to invest in this testing themselves and pass that duty onto the consumer. This is why in the west, instead of AI solving real problems, we get the automated slop producing factories that pump massive amounts of CO2 into the atmosphere.
What’s it like in that drone control center? I imagine tense, being surrounded by reactionaries completely detached from the savage reality they inflict on the people of the global south.
“This type of thing — local authorities levying extra fines and taxes on companies — is happening every day and it’s hurting morale,” said an economics professor in Beijing who wished to remain anonymous.
Lmfao! Cry harder plz. Muh freedums!
The way they’re trying to frame these companies cheating on their taxes, as if the government is the bad one for not letting them get away with it. My brain is melting 🫠
Based weather app! Death to Fahrenheit!
If you’re into this sort of thing
I am to a degree. I’m particularly drawn to essays critical of bourgeois class collaborators who larp in the mainstream media as leftists such as Zizek.
Most unbiased pro-west journalist.
Ukraine lost its sovereignty long before Russia launched its SMO. Security guarantees were made with Minsk, Minsk II, and could have been made again through negotiations early on. It wasn’t Russia who violated these agreements or refused to negotiate.
Liberal cope.
He’s right. I can’t believe I’m agreeing with Hegseth, but it goes to show how incredibly hawkish the Biden admin was.
Who is Marc Fogel? Is he a strictly political prisoner?
Not that I agree with drug criminalization or the decision to sentence him to hard labour, but an ounce is not a small amount of cannabis. This is really a case of fuck around and find out. The hypocrisy of the land of the “war on drugs” calling him “wrongfully accused” would be hilarious if this whole situation wasn’t sad.
Their unjustified invasion, our bringing freedom and democracy.
Just like the Hegseth take above, she’s correct. Liberals will continue to eat shit over admitting they’re wrong.
Remember when Ukraine’s democratically elected government was overthrown in a fascist coup backed by the CIA and US state department? I think it’s fair to say that Ukraine(ians) haven’t been an equal member in any of the decisions that have been made since.
Overall, this was a fun read. I love that these crypto-facists can’t help but out themselves when it comes to the bringing about of a peaceful resolution to a war that they whole heartedly support. I hope that you choke to death on your tears Jonathan Lemire.