The kind of game you daydream about while at school or work because you can’t wait to come home and play some more.
Baldur’s Gate 3, four playthroughs back to back, two of em multiplayer. I still play it every now and then when I want to continue my honor run.
Besides that, Rimworld. Nearly 4k hours.
Ah Rimworld. What are other games except brief distractions from more Rimworld?
It’s honestly a neverending stream of new stories. There’s new, quality mods nearly every day.
Have you yet done the “all gnomes” playthrough?
Not yet! Waiting on a friend, we’re doing an all-barbarians playthrough, so we were thinking halflings. It’ll probably get very messy.
All-Barbarians is a classic! Maxing out strength and putting zero effort on mental traits was my favorite playthrough on Fallout games.
Not sure of if that’s what it means though, but playing as a group of massive angry toddlers sounds like a grand time.
I am utterly shellshocked by how much I’m enjoying Helldivers 2. It’s been a very long time since I’ve daydreamed about going home to play but I just can’t wait to blast some bugs with friends most days. It’s like I’m 10 again
I just want to let people with lower spec hardware know about “Earth defense force 5”. It’s better than hell divers in my opinion. Bigger scale, more aliens, more destruction but lower graphics to compensate.
There’s 6 days left on the EDF Humble Bundle.
I keep seeing so much about it, I really need to give it a shot.
You won’t be disappointed especially if you play with friends or people who communicate
Yeah it’s a 4 player multiplayer game. You can drop in with randoms but it’s just not the ideal experience in my mind
I will definitely revisit it as soon as I’ve made three communicative friends!
I just played a quick game before i do some chores now with random people, all American won’t hold it against them but they were good blokes.
Knocked out 2 missions at level 4 cause i just wanted the cruisy experience
I play coop PVE games with random matchmaking, Helldivers 2 is still a lot of fun with random people.
I have had great luck with random people. There is in-game voice chat and you don’t run into the really serious try hard types until the very upper difficulties
Yeah it’s this dog me too except im forcefully teaching democracy to the robots.
Not to mention i really try to help with all the major orders as i want to see where the story goes
Ive been playing a lot of read dead redemption lately.
Came here to say this (specifically RDR2). I found the story really slow in the beginning but it got me addicted.
This is me right now with RDR2, almost feverish with it for the last two weeks.
Currently on my second full playthrough. This time I’m changing it up by playing with a controller, and doing a low honour run - role-playing as the disillusioned dickhead that hates the world, antagonises almost everyone and gets bounties left and right. I have been avoiding story missions for the last 5-10 hours just because the world is so engrossing, so rich with experiences and possibilities that the thought of returning to the story starts to feel restrictive. But I’ve added a good 20+ mods to enhance the experience in a lore-friendly way, too.
But man is it fun. God, what a pleasure it is to experience that world, and to know just how much of it I still have left to discover. I love it so much.
I’m still playing Starfield. I’m 120% the targeted audience. It helped me go through depression.
I’m a 45 years old dude, and I started creating a comic with my character in Starfield, by taking screenshots and adding speech bubbles with Figma. I didn’t know I had it in me.
As far as I’m concerned, Starfield is self-care.
That’s deep rock Galactic and star trek for me, whenever I’m bringing those 2 then times are tough.
I really enjoyed that game, despite its faults, and despite the loud folks yelling about how it was the worst game ever. I put around 150 hours into it.
Awesome. I’m way past 500. Not sure, I don’t check much.
Deep Rock Galactic
Just gotta finish one last assignment…
I’ve gotten to the point I just browse the servers list. Help
I’ve spent a ridiculous amount of time with Balatro, the Steam Deck is Dangerous…
Was just telling my friends, had one of those instances where I lost a run, so I closed the game with the intent of going to go so something else, then found myself opening it again 2 minutes later… so addictive
I get angry at the game and instead of turning it off, I switch decks…
I’ll have to try balatro after I finish minishoot.
I really enjoyed the game, until it came to beating it on the harder difficulties. I lost steam when I had all the decks unlocked except for the ones that require bearing the higher difficulties. I did normal, and the next harder one.
Use the checkered deck lol it’s like cheat mode for the higher stakes.
Helldivers 2, currently. I’m hooked on the progression and acquisition of all of the unlockables, but it’s the moment to moment gameplay that keeps me wanting to hunt all the loadout options I probably won’t use anyway.
Be sure to subscribe to [email protected] if you aren’t already!
Good looking out, I hadn’t gone there yet, subbed!
Cheers subbed
I’ve never loved a game with so many technical issues so damn much
Got hooked on Factorio back in 2016. Still am.
Friend gifted me this game just a few weeks ago. It gained more prominence in my dreams than i am willing to admit
Can’t dream if you don’t sleep. Can’t sleep, the factory must grow.
What are you in bed dreaming for? Don’t you have some iron throughput to upgrade?
Currently on my 2nd attempt at a Space Exploration run. Part of me wishes I’d just started heroin, it would have been less addictive.
I finished SE not long ago. I like the added complexity of logistics, but I found that SE was a bit too repetitive for my taste, as every new resource requires pretty much the same setup but on a new planet.
I’m more of an angelbob kind of guy.
Factorio is one of the few games that cause the Tetris Effect for me.
Baldur’s Gate 3. I just can’t get enough. When I’m too tired to play myself I’m watching streams of other people playing. Sometimes I get fed up for a few days but so far it has always pulled me back in.
The “worst” for me was in 2006 with the release of Gothic 3. I had saved up for a powerful new PC and taken two or three weeks off work to play. I played deep into the night. Then deep into the morning. Then deep into the day. Then deep into the evening. Until my sleep schedule was aligned with my regular schedule again at the end of my holidays.
I remember being like that with Morrowind.
Completely hooked on would be Dark Souls 3. Right now I’m playing The Witcher 3, and while it’s good, it makes me want to boot up DS3 - less talking more fighting
Come back to DS3! Plenty of people invading and praising the sun on PC…
DS3 is my favorite. I have to fight the urge to play it again fairly regularly. It’s an oddly soothing game to play.
You’ll laugh.
Bus simulator: Ultimate
Android game that will toast your phone, but it’s pretty nice. It has a multiplayer too and a 2nd hand market where people bid on used buses. Naturally this means it’s best to attempt to put a bus for auction in specific hours, and bid in others.Some of the longer routes take well over an hour in real world.
One effect on me, which is also true for trains and busses in real life, is that it makes me sleepy pretty quickly.
Low frequency sound of the engine, trees moving past, road lanes quickly zipping past, you’re just staring in front while doing minor adjustments and falling asleep.
I should not drive in real life.As an avid ETS2/ATS player, I totally get you.
If by “were” you mean “are”, then Balatro.
I just got it. Beat my first red deck run, but it has yet to really sink its hooks into me. I’d be curious to hear what makes it work for you.
Have you not seen how big number can be? Number can just get so big. I don’t even care that I’m ADHD and I’m playing into all the worst stereotypes about us:
Big number good
Indeed. Also, dink dink dink bring bring bring bring bring
I couldn’t say why it got me so hooked. I like roguelikes/rogue-lites as well as deckbuilders, and I think it hits a really good balance of the things that make them fun - challenge, randomness, a variety of strategies that can make different runs feel very different. Also good achievements and unlockables.
Currently hooked on Factorio.
Before that, Baldur’s Gate 3.
Before that, Factorio.
factorio is one of the best automation games ever, and also has just about any quality of life feature you could think to add to a game.
i’m in my first ever modded playthrough with space exploration and i’m blown away by the increase in complexity. the vanilla game is great but the mods are definitely worth trying if you want an exponential jump in complexity.
My latest game is with Krastorio, and I’ve been loving the added complexity, though I’ve heard it’s lighter than some other mods. Definitely doing a Space Exploration run next I think.
deleted by creator
The Factory Must Grow
Factorio is eternal.
Can’t wait to play the new extension.
Haven’t touched Factorio in ages. Really looking forward to diving back in with the Space Age expansion!
Outer Wilds
A wonderful game, still need to go back and do the dlc at some point.
I loved the game, and actually loved the DLC even more