AMD with 3d v-cache
atmega328. It’s not the most powerful chip, but it’s what’s on most arduinos, which is what got me into electronics in the first place.
I came here to make this joke but with the 68000, but you beat me to it, so here’s to the atmega328.
I feel like the Atmega range asks an awful lot for what you get in 2024.
Of course, that could be because I designed a project around the Teensy++ which was always pricey and promptly disappeared from stock. I redesigned to use a CH32V305 breakout instead- 1/3 the price and probably way more performance which my terrible code is just busy-waiting into the ether.
I like WCH’s product line in general; it’s full of zany stuff.
I second this!
Definitely chippy chips with battered fish.
I enjoy opamps. Texas Instruments LME49723 is one of my favorites :P
Mmmmm. Gain.
what is this number mean ? 6502 ?
I noticed that Miss Vickie’s has a new sour cream something or other flavour in a bag that’s the same colour, or nearly so. Every time I go through the chip aisle I get very excited for a second, then I realize it’s not actually the Harvest Cheddar and my hopes are dashed. I’m developing an irrational hatred of those impostor chips.
The new ones are good, but I’ve never seen this harvest cheddar flavor
I haven’t actually tried the new ones, I probably should do that before I slander them. The Harvest Cheddar ones were so good though. I haven’t seen them in at least a few years, unfortunately.
Shocked to see 0 mention of Sun Chips here
So you’re all wrong
sun chips salsa flavor 🤤👌
They taste like a nuclear bomb going off in your mouth, and are about as expensive (at least here in Germany).
They are definitely an acquired tastem I prefer them over flamin hot cheetos though.
They’re an aquired taste, which I can’t afford to acquire.
If you guys get flaming hot cheetos for cheaper, you could always just squeeze some lime on it and its essentially the same.
I mostly use AMD for Linux reasons. ARM for my Apple products. (I know I should use Android and I have an Android phone but I constantly break something tinkering and I’ve accepted that about myself. My daily driver phone should be locked down. Everything else, all bets are off.)
Or a 6502 if you’re talking about tinkering and playing with chips.
Aye, glad to see the sentiment. I also cannot resist the allure of tweaking. I am a Tweaker. For my phone to not be broken, and for my mental health, I’ve had to bind my own hands.
My Minnesota homes know what’s up
what is this number ?
Intel Chip!
Regular Lays.
Especially with a PB&J.
It’s the PB&J pairing that makes this the correct answer.
Goddamn right. Goes together like peas n’ carrots.
If you’re feeling extra frisky, slide a couple of those chips IN the PB&J!
All Dressed.
Or The Whole Shabang since they’re basically the same amazing flavor.
Ruffles All-Dressed or Lay’s Ketchup
Rosemary is probably my favorite herb
I’ve never had Rosemary chips but now I desperately want to try some