Edit: Due to popular demand FatTony Search servers are down for the time being. but has gone open source just in time (Yes that’s how it works 😡) . You may now get responses from other users. Servers will be back up some time later.
Do a barrel roll
🙂 🙃 🙂
FatTony Search engine is it down or just me
It’s loading.
Walmart near me
Still more accurate than bing maps
I gotta say, Google Maps has been getting squirrelly on me lately tho.
Most recently, I was out fishing and wanted to get directions to the other side of the lake and a parking area over there.
The road directions had me driving a little ways up the shore, then down a fucking footpath to the water, then swimming across the fucking lake, then getting on another road and driving to the parking area.
Oh my god, there’s always a relevant xkcd.
Great job!
There’s also always an ExplainXKCD: https://explainxkcd.com/461/
Go back to MapQuest, let us know how it goes.
Put a grid in the middle, then this is accurate for 80% of American cities.
I’m traveling to their homeland this weekend, I believe there’s a Walmart museum and everything. To be clear I’m not going there for Walmart
They have an amazing art museum and lots of good restaurants.
Pretty decent mountain bike trails, as well, if anybody is into that sort of thing.
Hot MILFs in my area (Yukon)
Mark Zuckerberg now a backstreet boy
I don’t know who the backstreet boys are but here you go:
You fucking what
Oh god
Oh fuck I’m so old
So this is what it feels like.
Edit: I’m going to take this moment to let those of you who are not aware know how how many hits Max Martin wrote in the '90s and beyond.
You are, my fire
My one, desiiiiire
My one, desire
Same, I can feel the wrinkles crack on the corners of my eye.
My bones creak when I move.
Mmmmm bop
I am firmly within the demographic that should have heard that song (37) and I have yet to hear it in its entirety. I have only ever heard that refrain, ever.
I’m actively familiar with it, but managed to avoid it.
Lucky. My older sister put it on repeat. I still hear the radio announcer cut in at the end because she taped it off a Top 10 show or something.
Ha, I’m so sorry.
My sister was into classic rock, same as my parents, so it was easy to live with in that regard. Nobody knows what to do when you don’t care about music, though, so I tried to fit in and was actually the black sheep for it cuz if I heard it and didn’t actively dislike it, it was stuck there in my brain forever and people thought I liked it? (I have no ear for music, but I’m a natural born mimic/linguist, so it’s all very sticky to me even if I don’t speak the same language - Utada Hikaru, I’m mostly lookin at you girl! But also Ricky Martin, dmetri Malikov, ramstein, etc.)
Spice girls, incubus, Backstreet Boys, Manson, train, linkin park, and stone temple pilots, among tons more? Why not.
My music tastes are still super questionable for any given person because I have no music taste… it’s all just noise to me and I don’t have the ability to tune it out, so I know a lot of stuff, to an apparently impressive degree? People frequently say “I’ve never heard this” as I belt it out.
I only had an older brother and I know I know a good amount of Backstreet Boys songs haha
Ain’t nothing but a heartache
Ah, yeah heart issues can be a problem with age.
deleted by creator
Just hit me with the truth, babe
Now this is content
Looks more like N’Sync to be honest.
how to exit vim?!
Unplug the virtual cable.
The Rustacean’s way
Reimplement vim in Rust
It cannot be done - enjoy it, this is your life now.
Hard reboot.
but idk why you would
Where did the duckduck go?
To the other sideside.
you better go catch it
Do kids still say music slaps 2024
Only the groovy kids!
There’s a neat trick I learned. As soon as you hear the word and figure out it’s usage, the kids will move on to a different word/phrase.
On God. No cap. This shit bussin’ and shut up before I yeet you off the roof.
That’s so skibbity dude, you have like level 100 Rizz, your slang is so Aura fr fr. At least I’m so fanom taxxed my looksmaxxing is so much more Ohio. (Help me I am held in a basement against my will)
This has actually confused me. I get a couple references then I get lost.
Now you’re in an Ohio basement against your will? Maybe I should end all my statements referencing random states and kidnapping. I’m just saying what the culture feels.
I am out of the loop, what happened to duckduckgo?
DuckDuckGo has changed its policy to DuckDuckStop. So now no one can use it anymore.
(I dunno DuckDuckGo is not working anymore. I think it has something to do with Microsofts servers)
DuckDuckGo has changed its policy to DuckDuckStop.
I laughed at that more than I should have.
It’s back up now. They apparently use Bing as the backend search and Microsoft fsck’d it for a few hours: https://www.theverge.com/2024/5/23/24163094/microsoft-bing-search-outage-copilot-duckduckgo-chatgpt
How to remove micro plastics from testicles?
This is not possible :(
How we removed testicles from micro plastics?
Sure, she got some work done but plastics is a bit far. However, I don’t think any sane person would call your mom “micro”. Anyway, she’s definitely down for some dogs in a bathtub and prefers to keep them that way.
Remove testicles
I’m telling my kids this is ChatGPT
The T stands for Tony.
Im sorry as a small thunker human person i cannot accept this prompt As my current condition is “Smooth brain”
I’m sorry, as a random human I don’t have anything I can answer with, since this isn’t really a question.
How is babby form???
u can get pregante
Prangent? Wat dat
Bob Regnant
Missed my perd. Am pregart?
They need to do way instain mother, who kill their babbys.
they need to do way instain mother who kill their babbys. Because these babby cant frigth back?
Help! I kissed a boy, I think I’m prognort?!
Travel to supermarket, go to sauce aisle and eat a jar of prego. Congrats you’re now preggo
edit: seriously my dudes wtf is corn I have a job interview at a farm in five minutes
It’s a pale zucchini with a six pack
It’s not called a “six pack” on corn, dude. They’re butter gutters.
I regret knowing the reference here because it makes it a bit more ick, but that’s fucking funny.
ty I’m sure I impressed them with my knowledge of corn vines
corn.com 🌽 is for sale and I tried putting in an inquiry a while back but stupid GoDaddy never reached back out to me so I guess we’ll never know 😞
Also my dreams of being [email protected] have been dashed.
I remember back in junior high we had to make a fake company and product and advertise it in print form for some class.
This was the height of iMac and iPod so my group basically made Apple but for corn instead and it was awesome how many corn related product names and references we were able to work in . Even had a cool minimalist ear of corn logo and our iCorn computer even had an ear of corn shaped tower lol
Nu-metal band.
Corn is a word for the predominant food crop, even before the creation of maize which is what americans call corn today.
I need to order some
This is hilarious. Thank you Lemmy!!
Sydney Sweeney