• @[email protected]
    8 months ago

    He can do whatever the fuck he wants. He can summarily execute members of the Supreme Court with impunity.

    • @[email protected]
      428 months ago

      Just as long as he declares it “an official act”. I think he just has to say that. It doesn’t have to be written down or anything. And it doesn’t matter if anybody actually hears him say it, as long as he does.

      • @[email protected]
        8 months ago

        It could be a cheesey quip, like the shit the good guys say in actio films when they kill the bad guys.

        “'Consider this an official act… of kickin your ass!”

        Movie is called

        Mount Killmore

      • @[email protected]
        68 months ago

        It’s like that scene from The Office where Michael declared bankrupcy by exclaiming it loudly and clearly in the office space.

        Except in this case, it’s exactly how it works.

      • @[email protected]
        88 months ago

        No, that’s what police use to blast away with impunity. The Supremes ruled the President has “absolute immunity”

        • @[email protected]
          18 months ago

          I mean he could walk in and do it himself and say he was scared. They’ve already stated they can’t prosecute him until after the election.

  • @[email protected]
    848 months ago

    Yes. It can be made decriminalized by executive order, since it’s based on the list of schedule 1 narcotics. He could have done it on day 1. One has to infer he thinks it should remain illegal. Bernie said during his primary runs that he would have done it on day 1 if he’d been elected.

    • @[email protected]
      378 months ago

      The upshot is that although recreational marijuana use is allowed in only 24 states and Washington, D.C., people anywhere in the U.S. can get intoxicated on hemp-derived THC without breaking federal law. These hemp-based highs are every bit as potent as those derived from the marijuana available in legalization states. I know this because I’ve tried recreational pot in California and Colorado, as well as 11 different hemp-derived intoxicants legally available here in North Carolina. I am not exaggerating when I say that they are indistinguishable in effect. In other words, six years ago, Congress inadvertently legalized weed across the entire United States.

      I have to try it now to actually compare.

        • @[email protected]
          278 months ago

          That’s because Delta-9 THC, the compound we have always known as plain ol’ THC, begins as THC-A.
          There are two forms of what is called ‘hemp’: industrial hemp, which has been bred for things like fibre, and the “legal classification that is hemp”.

          The legal classification varies depending on region, however it requires the plant to have a very low amount of THC (usually something around 0.2%).

          The farm bill added various loopholes, which allowed for high THC-A and low THC samples to pass legally as hemp. Though it is still cannabis and always has been, the plant has just been tested long before the harvest and before the THC-A has had time to convert to THC.
          Once the weed packs arrive at the shop, I guarantee to you that enough THC-A has converted to THC that it no longer would be classed as hemp. I love the hilarity of it all.

        • @[email protected]
          38 months ago

          Thca is almost the same as normal weed. It has a slightly different flavor but it is weed, and a lot of the time good weed.

      • Chozo
        78 months ago

        These hemp-based highs are every bit as potent as those derived from the marijuana available in legalization states.

        How I know the author hasn’t tried either product.

        • Rhynoplaz
          138 months ago

          To be fair, if they don’t smoke often, it probably hit them pretty hard. I agree that they aren’t as potent, but it’ll do the job in a pinch.

          • @[email protected]
            8 months ago

            It’s an isolate, not a synthetic.

            JHW 018 was probably the safest synthetic cannibinoid and the person who invented said people were crazy to actually ingest it.

            • @[email protected]
              18 months ago

              but why bother with an isolate or a synthetic when THE REAL THING is easily available? it grows like weeds ffs… but we’re doing nobel prize science over here to tip-toe through regulatory bullshit.

              Come on Joe, on your way out just legalize the shit nationwide.

      • @[email protected]
        58 months ago

        I use eight horses hemp, flow gardens, hoku seed company, holy city hemp, and there are plenty more. I’m in Texas. I have a subscription from hoku that send an ounce to my mailbox every month.

        • @[email protected]
          08 months ago

          I wonder how much a cut they’re sending abbot and the rest of the conservatives to keep that loophole from closing.

      • @[email protected]
        18 months ago

        I would recommend THCA over any other legal high because it’s just converts to THC when cooked or burned and is literally just normal weed

        • @[email protected]
          18 months ago

          I’m Canadian and live in a city so I have plenty of legal real Cannabis (as well as a variety of grey market). I still would like to try these loophole highs out of curiosity, but it’s probably hard to find given legality.

  • @[email protected]
    358 months ago

    My understanding is the president cannot fully legalize cannabis on their own. Best thing they can do is stop enforcement at the federal level, but the president can’t stop states from continuing to enforce it at the state level.

    • @[email protected]
      38 months ago

      You’re telling me a president can’t sign an executive order to deschedule marijuana? I think you’re mistaken.

      • @[email protected]
        38 months ago

        The president can do that, but states are still allowed to have their own drug laws. States can’t make something illegal if there is a federal law saying it’s legal. States can make something illegal if there is no federal law regarding it. It’s why states can make abortion laws since there’s no federal abortion law.

        Descheduling cannabis is essentially the same thing as having no federal law and letting the states decide. It’s not the same as legalization.

        • @[email protected]
          18 months ago

          But there’s a federal law that says marijuana is illegal and states are deciding on its own legality anyway.

          • @[email protected]
            18 months ago

            Right! So what would descheduling cannabis do? Nothing! The federal government is already choosing to not enforce their own law. Changing the federal scheduling of cannabis doesn’t actually change anything if the federal government isn’t enforcing it to begin with. I mean, it’s not like it’s a bad thing, it’s just not the same as federal legalization.

  • @[email protected]
    8 months ago

    It’s a straightforward question with a not-so-straightforward answer. I’m not any sort of lawyer, but I will borrow the classic lawyer answer of: “It Depends”.

    To start, the question of legalizing cannabis – meaning its sale, distribution, and consumption is as easy as for any other good – is distinct from the question of decriminalizing cannabis, which means it’s not a criminal offense to grow, sell, or consume.

    Right off the bat, we can say that the US President cannot fully legalize cannabis nationwide with the stroke of a pen, because the several states can (and already do?) have their own laws and regulations on cannabis and other drugs, parallel to the federal laws. But decriminalization is feasible, since the federal statues that criminalize cannabis are based on the drug schedules, which are regulations issued by DEA pursuant to authority granted by Congress. And that matters because most drug defendants are prosecuted under federal law.

    Of course, the several states could start writing their own laws to criminalize cannabis, but that would be kinda weird since the majority of states already allow medical marijuana, and a fair number allow recreational marijuana. So re-criminalizing cannabis would repeal those rather popular laws.

    So we move to how the DEA can amend the drug schedules, or how the US President can instruct the DEA Administrator. Because Congress is the grantor of such authority to the DEA and other executive agencies, and seeking to prevent regulations from whimsically flip-flopping with the passing breeze, Congress introduced the Administrative Procedures Act (APA) in 1946.

    As the name suggests, the Act sets up the rules for how regulations issued by agencies shall be performed. Most of the rules mirror those of Congressional procedure, meaning that the agency must conduct hearings on proposed rule changes openly, with the opportunity for the public to submit comments. That is, regulations suddenly appearing from behind closed doors is not permitted.

    Part of the rules require fixed timelines, such as a number of days for sending in comments, plus a number of days for publishing the full text of the proposed rule into the Federal Register, before the rule can become active.

    Furthermore, the Act instructs the judiciary to review regulations if someone raises a challenge to the adopted regulation. Among the things the judiciary will look at is whether the regulation is improperly “arbitrary and capricious”, meaning the regulation was pretextual and is instead serving a goal outside of what Congress intended for the agency to be doing. That link describes some examples deemed to be impermissible.

    If the US President issued a brief, non-explanatory executive order to remove cannabis from the drug schedules, thus shortcutting the rulemaking procedure and the period for public comment, a court challenge could arise where someone claims the regulation is arbitrary and capricious, since Congress would have expected the DEA to do a full, extensive job of considering the implications of drug availability. If the executive order does not do a similarly extensive consideration of what the DEA staff would do, then the court challenge would stand a decent chance. To be clear, the regulation via executive order would be struck down on procedural grounds, per the APA.

    What if instead, the US President sternly instructs the DEA Administrator to immediately consider descheduling cannabis? This is more likely to withstand challenge, since the DEA staff would go through their normal evaluation procedure, even if it’s at an expedited rate. Thoroughness is one way to avoid being struck for arbitrary-and-capriciousness.

    But there’s still a wrinkle, due to the recent demise of Chevron Deference, a doctrine where federal courts generally defer to the subject-matter experts within an executive agency if the enabling law was silent, so long as the APA’s other requirements were met. This leads to the weird possibility that a federal judge – who is unlikely to be well-versed in drug and social implications – can substitute the learned opinion of doctors and scientists within DEA with their own judicial opinion. If this sounds similar to the very arbitrary-and-capricious issue from earlier, you’d be right: a single person – in the judiciary, no less – writing regulations for drug policy is hardly what Congress intended in authoring the Controlled Substance Act in the 70s.

    The overall answer is that the US President has significant sway over the DEA Administrator and can expedite the rulemaking process to deschedule cannabis, thus decriminalizing it at the federal level. But even an un-expedited rulemaking process would attract legal challenges like flies to flypaper, slowing down when the regulation comes into force. And if a federal judge decides to do so, they can outright cancel the descheduling regulation, choosing to not defer to the DEA, even if the DEA articulated their reasoning well. While it would make logical sense that such a judge must have jurisdiction over DEA, which is headquartered in Washington DC, the reality is that federal agencies can be challenged in any federal court, including ones with, uh, very outspoken opinions on federalism.

    A more permanent change would be to decriminalize/legalize through Congress, since at that point, no future administration could roll that back. We’ve seen how fragile some rules or rulings can be, namely in the case of Roe v Wade being undone, as the decision was never codified into law, which would have made it much safer from judicial challenges.

    It really depends.

  • @[email protected]
    108 months ago

    about the gif: i think a lot of the reason to legalize medical as a stepping stone is to show how stupid prohibition really is.