Not really me. A friend of mine is moving out of state. His neighbor has been a total dick the entire time he’s lived there. Constantly commenting on how my friend’s yard isn’t as good as his. Mean to my friend’s wife and kids for no reason. Just an asshole of a person.

What are some ideas for fun pranks my friend can leave behind?

  • @[email protected]
    897 months ago

    Let Scientology and the Jehovah’s witnesses know he’s interested in knowing more. Do the same with military recruiters.

    Sign him up to receive junk mail from sex toy stores. Use his name and his neighbors’ addresses. Maybe try to get travel brochures sent to him for countries known for sex tourism.

        • @[email protected]
          77 months ago

          I keep to myself, so I have no idea what I could’ve done to piss them off. I also get periodic mail for the previous homeowner, despite me living here for almost 7 years.

    • Nicht BurningTurtle
      7 months ago

      If you are very evil, sign him up to recieve questional stuff, but use your other neighbor’s adresses. Ideally not something that will be repeatedly spammed at them.

      • @[email protected]
        77 months ago

        Nah, that only works in super close-knit, small town communities.

        I don’t know any of my neighbor’s last names and I’ve lived here for 12 years. I’m in a semi-small town. I know my direct neighbors first names, and that’s about it, because anything more is unnecessary.

        If I got something sent to a random name at my address, I’d treat it the same way as junk mail addressed to me; recycled without a second thought. I still get stuff for 3 other former residents, including pension stuff, despite being here over a decade so…

  • @[email protected]
    557 months ago

    In the middle of the night, take a bunch of nitrogen fertilizer and lay out a “Fuck You!” message on his lawn. Water it into the ground.

    The message won’t appear for months until after you move away.

  • Call me Lenny/LeniM
    347 months ago

    If his TV is close enough to the window to see what he’s watching, and you can find a remote with enough range to change the channel from your own house, well, you know the rest.

  • @[email protected]
    327 months ago

    Look up where the property line really is, and if the neighbor is encroaching get it surveyed and enforced the the new owner can reclaim part of the neighbor’s land

    • Flax
      17 months ago

      I read this as “poverty line” whuch seemed messed up

  • Lvxferre [he/him]
    307 months ago

    Plant catnip all across your future former garden. Preferably close to the neighbour’s terrain. Make sure that it’s really easy for stray cats to reach their newest drug den.

    Cat fights are bloody annoying to hear.

  • Buglefingers
    7 months ago

    If you wanna spend money, glitter mail. or if its a house, set up a flood light pointed at their house and set it up on a random timer for only at night and blast them with “security” lighting.

    Attract tons of wild life with the food you need to get rid of.

    Sign up for grindr and start sending people their way.

    Learn the noise ordinance laws and maximize that to the fullest for a short period

    Stand on the property line constantly and try looking through their windows, or watch them, if they approach, quickly leave (don’t enter their property)

    Sign them up for stuff. Especially if you can find their email through LinkedIn etc.

    Or, just move on since they will be out of your life regardless, don’t spend your energy on them,they aren’t worth it

    Edit: Actually rather than grindr, send scalpers, leave good people out of these shenanigans

  • @[email protected]
    287 months ago

    Plant a single piece of bamboo in a little used area near his lawn. By the time he notices it. He will never get rid of it

    • tiredofsametab
      117 months ago

      I live in Japan and I just go over any that pops up with the lawnmower like I would normal grass. Unless you let it get big, you won’t even notice it was there.

      • MaggiWuerze
        17 months ago

        Doesn’t that leave hard little bamboo blades sticking out at grass level, waiting to stab you into the feet when you walk barefoot?

        • tiredofsametab
          27 months ago

          I have murder hornets and a number of biting insects and venomous snakes and toads. I’m also allergic to grass. No barefoot walking for me.

          That said, I’ve never noticed any. There are multiple varieties of bamboo with a number of different strengths and properties.

          Edit: forgot venomous spiders.

            • tiredofsametab
              27 months ago

              It’s otherwise fantastic. More specifically, I wanted to farm and move somewhere cooler than Tokyo, particularly in light of global temperatures rising.

  • @[email protected]
    277 months ago

    If Canadian, chuck a bag of milk in his eavestroughing. The heat will rot the milk and the bag will degrade in the sun till one day it fails, releasing STANK.

  • @[email protected]
    257 months ago

    Sign up for a bunch of free magazine subscriptions, like Wisconsin cheese, harbor freight, etc and put his address on it. He’ll be inundated with junk mail.

  • Lenny
    247 months ago

    Throw wildflower seeds (non invasive) over onto his perfectly manicured yard.

    Another one is a long con: befriend crows, get them to come to your friend’s house to feed. The neighbor will likely sho them away which will aggravate them. Crows hold grudges for a REALLY long time and only shit where they don’t eat, aka his yard.

  • @[email protected]
    227 months ago

    Order some joke/fake lottery tickets. One of the ones where every ticket wins $30k. Drop one on his driveway before he heads to work in the AM for him to find. I’ve only done this to two people and they both fell hook, line, and sinker for it. One lady was calling her husband to come pick up the winning ticket to keep it safe.

  • @[email protected]
    197 months ago

    Don’t. We’re all stuck on this little ball of rock together, and making each other miserable just makes life worse for everyone.

  • @[email protected]
    187 months ago

    I don’t know what kind of neighborhood it is but sprinkling cat food or something like that everywhere would probably attract something. Your friend could even do it to his own yard. I’d be weirded out if my neighbor moved and suddenly his yard had 25 raccoons in it.