It’s horror movie season in the US and my favorite type is zombies. I also love campy B movies. Watching Dead Snow 2 right now and I think it ranks up there with Shawn of the Dead and Evil Dead 3: Army of Darkness.
What is your top pick for whatever genre?
Tucker and Dale vs Evil (2010) and The Cabin in the Woods (2012) (go in spoiler-free with this one) are both good comedy horror.
I was not prepared for how good Tucker and Dale vs. Evil is!
“Well uh, howdy do, Officer! We’ve had a doozy of a day!”
Alien is my favorite horror movie by far. I really dig Hellraiser too. I watched Pontypool recently and was surprised how good it was. And The Shining is fab.
*Doug Bradley Hellraiser movies.
I’ve watched Alien as much as any movie excepting Aliens, so I kinda lost appreciation. My wife had never seen it so we watched and I payed close attention for the first time in years. Absolute master class in the genre.
Pontypool Changes Everything by Tony Burgess was also a NUTS book. Definitely check it out. The scope is much wider than the flick and as a result it’s a lot more uneven. I still really dig it.
I tried really hard to do this book but it beat me. It’s a dnf on my list this year. The radio play is pretty good too.
Did not know there was a radio play. Ta!
Pontypool pairs well with 30 days of night (and Tusk pairs well with The Substance).
We watched Pontypool when we read Snow Crash. There’s a scene where Snow Crash is placed really obviously if your looking fot it and the themes mesh really nicely.
Forgot about hellraiser! Thanks!
The sound design for Pontypool is particularly excellent
The Thing (1982) has basically consistently been my favorite horror movie
To this day, in response to something awful / revolting I like to shout “Childs, get the flamethrower!!!”
Signs (2002) is my favorite horror movie to watch during spooky season. While it was mocked so perfectly in Scary Movie 3, I feel like the atmosphere it creates is still so unnerving. The humor in the movie adds an element of B movie campiness to an otherwise serious movie.
Cabin in the Woods (2011) disassembles the horror tropes in a hilarious way. Inspired by the Evil Dead movies.
After I saw Signs the first time, I started carrying a steel mop handle around my apartment and next to my bed at night.
Aliens really get to me from when I watched X-files as a kid, and this movie did it nicely.
Aliens fucked me up as a kid. I watched the first half of Independence Day with my parents when I was 7 and I couldn’t sleep for weeks lmao
Lmao, we have a small pet snake now, and when she curls around my neck sometimes I do a bit where I mime pressing against glass and hoarsely say “Releeeasse meee”
It gets a laugh.
Freaking love that movie lol
Cabin in the Woods is top tier. Everytime I watch it I see something new. It’s a blast to watch with people who have never seen it, and even more fun if they’re going in blind.
I really enjoy Event Horizon, especially with the 40K theory in mind.
The Witch (2015)
Since you asked the favorite, i will have to describe it, trying to avoid the spoilers.
It is a masterpiece on many aspects at the same time. It is a historical movie, focusing on an isolated devout settler family living on the frontiers in the beginnings of US history. It is a dramatic and heavy movie with believable people, showing their realistic hardships in everyday living, how they really live and think the world through their strict religion, and how they react realistically to the supernatural events that unfold. It is a Horror movie that gradually builds the mystery, tense and fear thorough the relatively long stretch of time it takes (months i guess), and the actual terror moments felt deserved (i.e. not a cheap scary gag).
For all that, it is considered one of the more ‘artful’ horror films out there, and i’m sure it will (or already is?) considered one of the Greats in the genre with Dracula 1932 and The Exorcist 1973. It however leans on being slow and heavy, not good if you seek a lighthearted film.
The language is brilliant. At first you have to pay very close attention to understand them, but as the movie progresses you quickly get in the groove. And Anya Taylor-Joy, my god.
Wasn’t she like 17 at the time
18 during filming.
One way I like to describe it is that They took one this witch trials account/documents, took it at face value and just recreated it as an historical movie.
That was a great movie. I also really liked “Get Out.”
I randomly get the Black Phillip song in my head and then feel that I need to watch the movie again.
Oh baby, time to proselytize the masses of Lemmy and introduce a whole new set of suckers to “Fido”. It’s zombies with big Fallout vibes and is unironically one of the best C to B tier movies I’ve ever seen. It’s the kind of movie where it looks like everyone involved was just having fun with it, ya know? Check it out and make sure to let me know what you think!
Bonus points for Billy Connolly.
I just read the description on IMDB, and good lord what a fever dream. But the real selling point for me is the disembodied head of Billy Connolly being a loyal companion to a family. Consider me signed up.
The shining. I watch it every year at the first snow. I’m afraid I won’t get that chance this year.
Hope you’re okay buddy. I know nothing an internet stranger can say will help, but if you need someone to talk to, let me know.
Maybe he just moved to Florida?
Event Horizon
Hereditary is my favourite supernatural horror film
The thing is my favourite Sci fi horror film
Ufff Toni Colette was great in it! It is one of my favorite movies too.
It Follows
I like that it’s such a simple concept for a horror movie, but it’s still highly engaging for the audience.
Early on in the movie, it (quite literally) teaches you a set of rules that the monster operates by, and the rest of the film feels almost like an interactive game.
- the monster is a shapeshifter
- it has stack (as in the data structure) of targets
- it’s always walking straight towards the target at the top of the stack (peek())
- the target can have sex with someone else to make them the new target (push())
- if the target at the top of the stack dies, the previous target is the target again (pop())
Beyond that, the writing and cinematography just let the audience play along. The characters are deliberating their plans on how they would deal with the monster, letting you also think about what you would do in their situation. And the camera likes to slowly pan around the people talking so that all the while, the audience is scanning the background looking for the monster. It can look like anyone, and they constantly, and deliberately put extras in the background walking directly toward the camera just to make you go “oh shit! Is that it right there? Hey, pay attention, we need to move!”
It’s just such a fun, unique experience. I don’t know of another horror movie experience quite like it.
I also loved It Follows. I was already hearing the soundtrack, before i saw the Movie. It made the movie feel so familiar, while at the same time experiencing something completely new.
The score composer, Disasterpeace, otherwise makes game music. This may have added to the game feeling.
Cool, thanks I’ll have to spend more time with the soundtrack too.
John Dies at the End is a good b/c/campy movie. It is absolutely not 1:1 to the books (which are good) but its a weird fun movie.
‘This door can NOT be opened!’
One of my favourite books ever! So funny!
When I was reading that, a friend noticed and asked what it was about. Oh boy.
I had to pause for a moment before I could respond. I wish I could remember exactly what I said, but all I remember now is that it involved the phrase “monster jizz”. His reaction was priceless. Apparently he never expected to hear such a phrase from me.
Difficult to pick one, but Annihilation is up there.
The books are fantastic as well.
I’ve only read the first so far. I was so disappointed in the movie because I loved the book so much!
I find that’s books almost always tell a better story as well. I tend to watch shows first if both a show and a book are available for that reason.
Mileage may vary; I read the first one and found it to be an absolute slog and a snooze. No interest in reading on.
Completely different experience here, I was hooked immediately and chewed through the whole series right away.
As I said, mileage may vary 😄
lol indeed
True that. I loved how the sci-fi made it seem so fascinating to explore. The environment was so cool!
But also there was constant tension in anticipation of what they’d find next, and you’re asking yourself whether you’d just nope right out if you could.
There was a scene that had my jaw dropped for 5 minutes straight
The ending definitely made my jaw drop for an extended period of time.
It’s also just a beautiful movie
Braindead/Dead Alive is always in my top horror movies. Evil Dead II: Dead By Dawn is a really good movie too. Both have an amazing number of fantastic one liners.
28 Days and 28 Weeks Later are great zombie movies that are less camp and humor.
I’m a huge Bruce Campbell fan. The 28 pair is a good call, too. I’d take 28 days over 28 Weeks Later.
Originally i really disliked 28 Days, it was not until i begrudgingly saw 28 Weeks and really liked it that I went back and rawatched Days and thoroughly enjoyed it.
The opening sequence of 28 Weeks always makes my heart run, until he jumps on the boat.
I keep forgetting that the zombies are really fast.
Sinister - the home movies and music are so creepy.
Voted the scariest movie of all time! At least by one study.
Yeah, that one screwed me up for a week keeping the lights bright in the house LOL.
Sure I’m a rational adult but I sure do hate that gimmick where “If you know about / think about the thing, you’re on its radar now.” Eeesh! All I did was watch a movie!
super tiny synopsis detail
…just like the protagonist. 😨