I’ll go first. After your turn the water off in the shower but before you get out, use your hands to wipe off any standing water on your body. Maybe even give your legs a bit of a shake. This way, you won’t drip nearly as much when you get out, keeping the floor and your towel drier.

  • @[email protected]
    5 months ago

    The ability to admit fault and learn from your mistakes is the most important quality that separates a grown person from an actual adult.

    • Uranium 🟩
      585 months ago

      Also the opposite side to it don’t keep hammering into somebody once they’ve admitted fault and are trying to rectify their mistakes (within reason).

      People will be a lot more likely to be confident in admitting a mistake and being honest about it if it isn’t blown out of proportion.

    • 🇨🇦 tunetardis
      135 months ago

      Totally agree. Some people seem to think it shows moral fortitude to stick to your guns and never admit fault, but these are really the weak-willed people in society.

      Another lesson of adulthood it has taken me an embarrassingly long time to learn is that when you are enjoying something and see someone—particularly a younger person—looking interested, bring them in on it. If it’s something you bought for yourself, let them have a go. This may entail a small amount of sacrifice if you let them borrow it for a time, but the joy it brings will make it worth it, and the world needs more of that today. I think about people who have done this for me in the past, and I have mad respect for all of them.

    • SamOP
      135 months ago

      Oh, this is a great one. I agree

    • @[email protected]
      5 months ago

      This is what puts a stop to most legal disputes as well. These company managers are always worked up about the LIABILITY! Of course attourneys are going to tell you to never admit fault, they want to bill for as many hours as possible. Just sitting down and apologizing goes a long way.

  • @[email protected]
    845 months ago

    If anything out of the ordinary lasts more than 24 hours, get to a doctor!

    Three days after Thanksgiving, 2018, I developed a really bad case of heartburn. “No big deal,” I thought, “It WAS Thanksgiving and I DID have the extra plate of sweet potatoes…”

    Super hard to sleep, couldn’t get positioned right.

    Monday, pepto did nothing.

    Tuesday, same.

    Wednesday, super nauseated, throwing up, called out sick from work.

    Thursday, the heartburn moved into my upper arms, which I didn’t know was a thing. Nausea was gone, but it was replaced by the feeling that there was a giant rock in the center of my chest, heavy, pulling down on all my insides.

    Advice line sends me to the hospital, hospital runs a blood test and finds I’ve been having a heart attack.

    Every time my heart beats, it only pumps out 30% of what it should, that heavy feeling was my heart getting heavier and heavier every heartbeat.

    Doc says 30% is the line between walking around, talking to people… and not.

    Thursday - Sunday, Cardiac Ward.

    Monday - Open heart surgery, ICU.

    Tuesday-Thursday - Cardiac Ward. You’d think they’d let a dude rest after cracking you open like a lobster, fuck no! Get up and walk!

    Friday - back home.

    • Aviandelight
      285 months ago

      Yea getting up and about after surgery sucks but it’s the best way to prevent blood clots. Very glad to hear you made it to the hospital in time!

    • 🇨🇦 tunetardis
      145 months ago

      Holy shit that was one intense week! I really feel for you. Glad you got it looked at in time and hope for calm seas ahead.

      • @[email protected]
        45 months ago

        2019 was one complication after another, almost died a couple of times.

        2nd heart attack in January, my heart did stop that time for 8 seconds.

        8 seconds is not a lot of time… unless you’re on the back of a bull or your heart stops.

    • LeadersAtWork
      85 months ago

      I can back this, though not for a heart attack. I was foolish and never went in, twice.

      My body typically runs a degree below what most of us know as the average human body temperature, though this is disputed. Some time ago I got sick. Not like sniffles and some aches, what I got brought my body into fill siege mode for a week. My temps were fluctuating from 102 into mid-104 if I made the mistake of staying covered up for too long, or sometimes just cause. I struggled to eat due to almost no appetite, though I did eat what little I could put down, and slept on-off constantly, mostly dozed. When I was awake it was constant discomfort. Just me being a human torch and downing as much fluids as I could, with a careful mixture of otc drugs. I lost 17lbs that week. Many of you are aware of how dumb I was to not bring myself to a hospital. For those of you who do not understand: My body was in a state of absolute war. Me creeping into 104° was dangerous on a level that’s difficult to grasp, especially if it stays there, god forbid if it goes up another degree. Plainly put: I got lucky. I have no idea what I had caught.

      The other situation was a stomach issue caused, I’m convinced, by my body reacting very poorly to pineapple enzymes. Considering I am rather strongly physically adverse to going near pineapple now I’m sort of assuming my body knows what’s up. Anyway, I spent 4 days in and out of the bathroom, often nauseous, with commonly nothing to show for it. No matter what I did my body refused to process something. It’s like those moments where you forget how to breathe, except my stomach forgot how to process. Tums, Peptol, toast, time, heat, cold, showers, light exercise, nothing moved whatever lever some goblin pulled to cause my body to just say no regarding processing through whatever I was dealing with.

      Now neither of these situations are heart attacks. Point is, they don’t have to be. Our bodies are remarkably resilient and modern medicine understands this. We have developed advanced medical techniques that, with few exceptions, exist largely to give our bodies time to figure shit out. So just go. Even if it’s no more than a quick consultation and $100 for someone to say “You’re probably not going to die.” cause fuck me if it wouldn’t have helped me in both these situations.

  • @[email protected]
    825 months ago

    If a child gives you anything, anything at all, blade of grass, shell at the seaside, whatever - take it with real, heartfelt thanks. It is all they have to give.

    • Call me Lenny/Leni
      295 months ago

      My older sister gave my dad a dead bird she found when she was little. It ranks among the highest I’ve ever heard anyone shriek.

  • @[email protected]
    795 months ago

    You guys just walk out of the shower soaking wet? You don’t dry yourselves in the shower and then step out?

    • @[email protected]
      365 months ago

      I always do this. My gym has push-button showers, and I always do it there too. However, yesterday, my stupid brain thought “but what if you elbowed the button while towelling off?” Never done that before, but somehow did it almost immediately after I thought that, soaked my towel. Cheers brain.

    • @[email protected]
      55 months ago

      I will never understand people who leave puddles or wet bath mats instead of drying themselves in the already wet shower.

        • @[email protected]
          15 months ago

          But why create the problem in the first place? Why not step onto the bath mat with dry feet?

          • @[email protected]
            15 months ago

            I hang it up to keep it out of the way and to keep feet that haven’t just been washed off of it, so it’s more of an added bonus. Plus, I’d bang the shit out of my elbows trying to dry my hair in my shower stall and if I don’t dry that first, it’s pointless.

    • @[email protected]
      5 months ago

      Of course not! We’re supposed to feel ourselves up after every shower like a psycho (taking longer and removing less water), step out to get the towel, slip, and ultimately get some time off from work!

    • @[email protected]
      15 months ago

      Yup. Towel is around the corner from shower door. Now way to get it without stepping out. I feel like I dry quicker outside of the humidity trapped in the shower. And you can buy a bathmat or use diatomaceous earth (recommended) to step on for this purpose. It’s quite common.

      • ddh
        15 months ago

        I get my towel and hang it over the shower wall beforehand, because ain’t no cold air getting me before I’m mostly dry.

  • @[email protected]
    615 months ago

    Find a place where you live to have a “sit spot” every day. Ideally outside, but if weather doesn’t cooperate, where you can see outside. You don’t have to do or think anything, just sit (or stand) and enjoy the view. It doesn’t need to be epic, just something you like looking at. (In one of my places, it was the way a particular building interrupted the horizon that I found interesting.) No phone, no computer, no book - just breathe and observe.

    It doesn’t need to be for long. Start with two to five minutes. I usually do longer when I can.

    Yes, it’s a type of meditation. But a type that works better for this neurospicy gal than sitting in utter stillness or listening to music.

    Currently, it’s the picnic table near my bird feeders first thing after waking for my spot. In the morning and evening they are most active, so I sit with a cuppa and enjoy watching them negotiate who eats first while I wake up and caffeinate. It soothes my nervous system in a way notifications and doomscrolling can’t, and makes me better able to handle my day.

    • @[email protected]
      145 months ago

      This is an excellent one, and one that works great for my level of neuroflavor too.

      In my case, in have a big sturdy chair in my back yard next to a pond I built. Having external stimuli to focus on really helps calm the mind and be aware in the moment.

      • @[email protected]
        75 months ago

        Must be satisfying, having the pond you built part of the experience too. I’m just stumbling into the realization that I’m probably going to be in one place for a long time, for the first time, and if my luck continues the WFH will too. In other words I’m realizing I need to widen my scope for how to enjoy my home, to a longer term and to things like that.

        • @[email protected]
          45 months ago

          Definitely. And even doing the maintenance chores for pond upkeep is a meditative exercise most of the time. Things like cleaning filters. Obviously feeding the fish is an everyday positive. I keep the food container under my big chair out there.

          I’m also in a similar situation where I have been in the same place for a long time, and I expect it to stay that way. It’s ideally located and we’ve made it our nice place to be, pond included.

    • SamOP
      75 months ago

      This is one of the best I’ve seen. Thanks!

  • mechoman444
    605 months ago

    For the love of God. Get enough sleep. That shit will catch up to you when you’re older.

    • SamOP
      5 months ago

      I’m a runner and I can definitely tell that the largest determining factor for my physical performance isn’t diet, days off, etc; it’s sleep. Sleep is SO important.

      Edit: The others are still very important, but sleep is paramount.

    • ThoGot
      75 months ago

      That shit will catch up to you when you’re older.

      Especially as one of the risk factors for dementia is sleep deprivation

    • @[email protected]
      65 months ago

      After dealing with babies who didn’t want to sleep or sleep for long for a few years, I found nothing that can reverse or help with the effects. Fuuuuuuuck. Get it where you can.

    • @[email protected]
      45 months ago

      I used to not get enough sleep. Now I drive every day. Huge incentive to sleep 8 hours a night.

    • @[email protected]
      15 months ago

      I’ll compound this with also learning what sleep schedule works best for you. Some people require 10 hours, others 6. Some people do very well with polyphasic sleep, others just need one uninterrupted bout at night.

      I usually sleep about 5.5 hours at night and I take a midday 20 minute nap, and I always feel very strong, energetic, lively. If I sleep 7+ hours at night I’m super groggy and have inflammation the next day.

  • JackbyDev
    535 months ago

    If you’re ever randomly angry or sad for reasons that are out of your control and not the fault of anyone around you, make a small announcement. Something as simple as “I’m upset about X, sorry if it seems like I’m being short or snappy with anyone.”

    • @[email protected]
      195 months ago

      Identifying and vocalizing your feelings is superpower. Good step toward living in a sincere manner. Obviously there are limits (Kant look away), but it makes life much easier when you aren’t worried about being cool and cagey.

  • @[email protected]
    515 months ago

    Do super soft yoga in the morning.

    When i tell people i do yoga every day before work, they think its MUCH HARDER than it is. I get up, drink a whole glass of water, and sit on my mat. If its cold, i use a space heater. I put on an easy yoga video on YouTube (i love Yoga with Adrienne) and i only do the floor parts lol.

    I am in such better shape, i have more energy, I’ve lost weight, my posture & balance are better, and i can self-regulate my emotions a thousand times easier. I am so, so much happier with this simple lil 20mins starting my day.

  • @[email protected]
    385 months ago

    I’ll take your advice one step further: after you’ve hand-squiggied yourself, do a quick towel dry in the shower. Dry your feet as you step out and you won’t get any water on the floor

      • @[email protected]
        215 months ago

        Tbh I didn’t always, but one day teenage me was drying off over the floor, feet sliding around, using a second towel to soak the puddle I made, when I had the thought “Why don’t they put a drain in the bathroom floor?” Then I turned and looked at the shower that I just got out of and realized that I’m a fucking moron

        • ddh
          45 months ago

          A good example of giving a little thought to the everyday things.

    • @[email protected]
      55 months ago

      I was about to type the same. I dry in the shower and dry each feet before slipping them into my sandal when I step out.

    • @[email protected]
      5 months ago

      Then what’s even the point of feeling yourself up? But you’re right about the floor! I have a textured faux wood floor in my bathroom and I don’t even own a Batman bathmat. (Sadly, I also don’t own a batman. ☹️) It’s never slippery after I shower.

    • @[email protected]
      5 months ago

      And I’m going to add something that helps me talk to my therapist: “If it’s mentionable, it’s manageable.”

      After you’ve tried to deal with something yourself and haven’t succeeded, telling someone about what’s going on, no matter how unimportant or embarrassing or burdensome or shameful it feels, is the first step to living a life of contentment.

    • @[email protected]
      225 months ago

      I would modify that to say use microfiber for things you really need microfiber for (e.g. cleaning glass or waxing cars, where you really need it to be lint-free and non-scratching) and get bulk packs of cotton bar towels from a restaurant supply store or Costco business center for everything else. This minimizes the release of microplastics.

      • @[email protected]
        35 months ago

        Surgical cloths. They have to be disposed of if they were even in the operating room. They still sanitize them though. You can probably find them for free, but if you pay any money it will be incredibly cheap. They are very low-lint and have a coarse texture that makes them perfect for cleaning.

  • @[email protected]
    5 months ago

    Get a step counter and aim for 10,000 steps a day. First it makes you aware of how much (or little) you’re moving each day - you have a real number you can see and a target to aim for. Second it sets you a reasonable goal to achieve every day no matter how you’re feeling.

    It’s good for your mental health as well as physical health. There is good evidence that people who do the equivalent of 10,000 steps a day are generally healthier on many metrics, and the benefits plateau at around 10k. And on a bad day, going out for a walk to hit your 10k can make a huge difference to your mental health.

    It’s a simple, achievable but impactful lifestyle change that almosr anyone can make.

    Edit: while you can get a step counter on your phone (including privacy apps like Pedometer on F-droid), I’d go for a dedicated clip on simple counter. There is something about a physical object dedicated to the task that makes a difference to me sticking to it. Also if you walk around without your phone a clip on device will keep on counting.

    • SamOP
      125 months ago

      As a runner, I think this is some of the best advice you can give someone. My mental health has never been better since I’ve started taking care of my physical health.

    • @[email protected]
      35 months ago

      while you can get a step counter on your phone (including privacy apps like Pedometer on F-droid), I’d go for a dedicated clip on simple counter. There is something about a physical object dedicated to the task that makes a difference to me sticking to it.

      Honestly this advice is just as good as the first tip!

  • @[email protected]
    305 months ago

    Smalltalk starter pack:

    • (during the day) “So how’s your day going?”
    • (in the evening) “So how was your day?”
    • (before the weekend) “what you up to on Saturday?”
    • (before the week) “what’s your week looking like?”

    Easy small repeatable things that open people up. I use it on everyone, and I make sure that I care about the answer because I’m genuinely curuous

  • @[email protected]
    305 months ago

    Floss the teeth you want to keep.

    Use Voice Notify to read notifications if you drive a lot or work with your hands a lot. Also useful if you have notification addiction, by restricting what it can read.

    Change your car’s oil often.

    Sennheiser noise canceling over the ear headphones are comfortable enough to sleep in even if you’re a side sleeper. Combine with brown noise for a good night sleep if you have snoring people or animals.

    • @[email protected]
      235 months ago

      Sennheiser noise canceling over the ear headphones are comfortable enough to sleep in even if you’re a side sleeper

      Hard disagree. If you accidentally cover the mic in the right way, you’ll be greeted by a loud, high-pitch feedback noise that will violently wake you up.

      • @[email protected]
        25 months ago


        Yeah I’ve had that if I use a firm pillow. On a really soft one it rarely happens. Maybe once a month or less. Maybe I adapted my position somehow as well. Lying fully on it now while writing. Only affected the left side on mine.

        • @[email protected]
          25 months ago

          I’ve had both H450 and HD458, had the same issue on both of them, though as you note only on one side. Apart from that and them repeating “connection lost” forever, they are great headphones.

    • SamOP
      115 months ago

      To add to your first one, PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD BRUSH YOUR TONGUE, TOO. It makes a world’s difference and I’m actually astonished how many people I’ve interacted with that noticeably don’t do it.

      • @[email protected]
        25 months ago

        Even better, get a proper tongue scraper like this one. Scrape all that stupid, nasty bullshit of your tongue first. THEN brush your teeth & tongue. THEN an alcohol-free mouthwash.

        It’s a lot easier to brush the bad bacteria & waste away if most of it has been physically removed before the brushing.

          • @[email protected]
            15 months ago

            I know you’re being funny, and I appreciate the joke. 🙂 But I am so serious…alcohol-free. Not only is it less ‘sketchy’, but it’s better for you & will result in better breath.

            Ever smelled a chronic alcoholic’s breath, particularly after they haven’t had a drink for a while? Rancid.

            It’s the same with the alcohol in the mouthwash; it kills all the bacteria & flora in your mouth. Good & bad. It wipes the entire landscape clean, and unfortunately, the bad/stinky bacteria tends to be more resilient than the good bacteria. It multiplies & becomes a persistent, dominant presence. Which doesn’t help your breath, even with regular brushing & tongue scraping.

    • @[email protected]
      5 months ago

      Change your car’s oil often

      Yes this is definitely something to keep on top of but don’t feel the need to do it too too often ex. Once a month assuming you drive a normal amount. Check the manual in your glove box and stick the recommended service interval. It should list miles driven and a length of time. Change it at which ever of those come first.

      • @[email protected]
        15 months ago

        Some on YouTube claim these specs are only to ensure your car makes it to the end of the warranty period, so a more frequent change might be better.

        • @[email protected]
          15 months ago

          Yeah, I suspect that’s probably true. The prescribed maintenance routine on my VW suddenly got very, very lax after 250,000 miles.

    • @[email protected]
      15 months ago

      Data on flossing is actually quite limited. It’s not harmful, but many people can maintain healthy teeth without regular flossing. Depending on your saliva production and tooth spacing, some may benefit more than others from this.

      A lot of people change their car oil too often based on pre-synthetic era oil change recommendations and car shop and oil manufacturer recommendations.