Mine is people using are instead of our. I hear this all the time from social media, news reporters, and I see in in writing. Instead of our, they use are as if they forgot the word our exists.
people thinking vaccines are bad rather than the main reason lifespan rose so much in the modern age.
Censoring cuss words or “inappropriate” words either in memes by blanking it out or in text by spelling it differently just to get around an algorithm. Ex: dies vs unalive
Unfortunately that’s due to rules and bots. One uses that language to get around bots that seek “violent language” because enough people have had to deal with arguing themselves out of a ban.
News articles that use slam and other internet clickbait title terminology.
“Kim Kardashian slams neighbor’s gate sparking an unhinged reaction. Tune in at 11 for more coverage of Gate-gate.”
Lmao, how am I the first to invite this?
Would also like to stop hearing the word Unhinged. I don’t think it carries any value anymore.
I kinda want to start describing sensible people as “hinged” now
I actually still crack up whenever I see unhinged.
For me that is much more than a pet peeve.
It’s really got my goat, I’ll say that.
Here’s a pet peeve: people who “both sides” the entire American political spectrum because they are SO uninformed that everything looks the same to them.
Here’s another: people who “both sides” the entire American political spectrum because taking a position is more difficult than saying “bah I’m above the whole shit show.”
That every store wants you to sign up and have you give them your details.
When I bought a shirt in a department store a couple of years ago and the guy wanted me to give him my email address “to save paper” (yeah right), rather than give me a receipt. It was like we were having a stand off for a while there. I just want to buy a shirt not sign up for ongoing spam!My favorite thing to do is I have a secondary domain name that is setup with a catch all email address mailbox. So when they ask for a email i just give them [email protected] and when they say i need a real email address I say it’s real. The look on their face when my phone buzzes with the recept is priceless. Then promptly back hole that address
I don’t even bother going that far. I just have a [words]receipts@[domain].com and use it for all of those e-receipts, accounts that make you sign up at checkout, known spam generators.
If I need to search for a receipt for any reason, I have it there. But none of it clogs up my real email
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I use the domain for other things it’s not just for this purpose just an added perk.
AI being pumped into everything. It drives me absolutely nuts that every fucking thing has to have AI. Now you can buy a laptop that uses AI to write an email, just so the receiver can use AI to summarise it. We’re going to start using computers to develop enormous amounts of crap before we finally realise that putting the effort into writing, reading, drawing, designing etc. is actually worthwhile. Don’t get me wrong, I see several use cases for AI where it’s very good, and studied genetic algorithms at uni (i.e. software that can rewrite itself given feedback on its output), but what is being pushed on us now will just encourage laziness and ultimately be a detriment to humans in general.
Autocorrect always seems to choose the wrong spelling for its and it’s. If you’re trying to use the possessive, it changes it to “it’s.” If you’re trying to use the contraction of “it is,” it changes it to “its.” 😬
I never had these dumbass incorrect context changes when autocorrect was new. It only seems to get worse over time, instead of better. It shouldn’t even be correcting words that are already spelled correctly, even if the context is wrong.
Autocorrect has gotten significantly worse for me recently. I used to be pretty well adjusted to my phone and know which words I did not need to capitalize/spell correctly because autocorrect would do it for me. Now, it feels like it is all over the place. It also does not seem to acknowledge commonly used proper nouns anymore. I type my brother’s name all the time, yet it will autocorrect to the same name witn different spelling.
Autocorrect is devolving.
Mine tried to correct ‘about’ to ‘Scott’ if I even swiped a bit wrong, and now it’s locked in and doesn’t even work if I do it carefully.
You can usually remove predicted words if this starts happening. On mine, it’s done by pressing and holding the prediction, then confirming. If you use the name Scott regularly anyway, it’ll re-learn it without the incorrect association
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Last week I texted my wife “I desire chicken” and Autocorrect tried to change it to "I desire children. I don’t, Autocorrect. In either sense! What sick game are you playing…?
The past tense of the verb “to lead” is “led.”
“Lead” is a heavy metal.
I wish we could be as certain about ‘read’.
People on their phones while driving. Aside from the danger it poses, I have been stuck at a light behind someone who is obviously scrolling on their phone and then doesn’t realize the light has turned green. Sometime this lasts for 10-20 seconds, which is a lifetime when trying to efficiently move through a series of stop lights. I’m not an aggressive horn honker, and I feel like an asshole if I have to use it. But if you are fucking with the flow of traffic you deserve it.
I’m not an aggressive horn honker, and I feel like an asshole if I have to use it.
Come to the dark side. If someone has done something unrepentantly stupid, I will lay on the horn until that thing is undone.
I am joining the dark side on this one. It’s justified when they are slowing down everyones commute.
When I email someone a quick question that could be answered in like 6 words and, 90 seconds later, they’re calling my phone.
Text from my direct report at 7am Saturday morning: “Please call me as soon as possible!!!”
I call immediately. Him: “I can’t talk right now, when is a good time to call you back?” Me:
“Just call me when you can, omg.”Him: Calls me three hours later to take 20 minutes explaining why he needs an afternoon off two months from now.
Me: “This could have been a text, Pablo.”
Internet search has gotten stupider
Used to be I could always find exactly what I wanted with a quick google
Now I usually have to go into the second page or change my terms a lot before getting there.
Google is so bad now and has been for a while, it’s tough to believe its name is still synonymous with search.
I’ve been toying with the idea of using Kagi, but paying for a search engine is still such a foreign concept for me. I think if you can find a good SearXNG instance you’ll have a much better time.
I am very happy with Kagi. Can recommend. In the end someone has to pay for the service. With Kagi I know I don’t pay with my data but with money.
When you search google for answers and the search results end up being forum replies of someone saying “just google it bro”
Edit: sarcasm, not actual search result… yet
That specifically has actually not happened to me. Though I’ve seen people comment on it.
… But.
One scenario I run into a lot is finding a result that would be useful…
… But it depends on external links. And those links are dead. The internet is a perpetually on fire Library of Alexandria
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I’d highly recommend Kagi! You can customise your search results as well, so you can make sure some websites show up more often than others (or even not at all), or higher up/lower down on the list.
It’s infuriating are schools aren’t doing a better job.
Is our children learning?
People at work wants me to do something and using phrasing, like “can we check this?” , “we must do xy quickly”. What do you mean WE? If you want me to do something personally just fucking say it MF! It makes my blood boil.
Nurse we
My dad used to do this shit all the time. He would be like “let’s clean the house” but what he really meant was “You clean the house.”
People answering a question like “Would you like to do X, or Y?” with “yes.”
I didn’t fucking ask “Would you like to do X or Y?”, so put down whatever solvent you are chugging, then give me your choice.
Edit: damnit. I should’ve gone with the car guy answer: “Miata is always the answer” but I’ll leave it up.
Banana also isn’t a valid answer, but if you have the chance, you always go Banana.
People putting out buckets of candy for Halloween instead of handing it out at the door. No more social interaction or tradition. Just grab free candy and go.
I don’t mind this when it’s families that are out trick-or-treating with their own kids. If you’re home and you do it, that’s weird