Not always bedtime but the stopwatch to start 60 Minutes was a weekly reminder that the party is over and school is imminent.
Damn, I felt that. 😩
That ominous stopwatch ticking every morning meant that it was time to get on the school bus and that the party was over.
Wait what? You watched 60 Minutes everyday? It was always Sunday evenings from my memories, during winter usually right after a Football game, don’t remember the exact timing tho.
That reply almost sounds like AI…
My bed was in view of the living room TV, as long as I kept my head under the covers and pretended to be asleep I could watch MASH.
For me that meant that dinner was half an hour away. That tune always makes me hungry now.
The closing credits for ALF.
Hey Willie!
Context: A German show which plays after all other shows, and the song is about the children falling asleep.
Also, if you then heard Bernd, you obviously stayed up too long (but that was kinda the point, I love Bernd)
When Cartoon Network went off and changed to Adult Swim, and this theme song started playing, you knew that it was time to go get some rest. Especially if it was on a weekend. On Sunday, it meant the fun was up, it was time to sleep and get ready for school the next day. And it was always the first show to air on the block every single night.
The post-credit logos of the Simpsons were a synonym of bedtime.
Didn’t the Simpsons ends like at 6?
The Simpsons
“Come and knock on our door…”
George Lopez
Holy crap, I forgot this was even a thing … I was awash with memories and feelings as soon as I read the title.
It was M.A.S.H. for me … parents watching reruns, I think, as I’m not that old.
i love lucy.
we would all drop what we were doing; get together on the couch and watch it every weeknight when my parents starting enforcing a bedtime to help get them more sleep out of their working schedules.
The end of The Waltons.
“Goodnight John Boy.”
“Dammit! Can’t a guy masturbate in this house?!”
When I was really young (6 or 7) on weekdays it was the credits music for Dexters Laboratory, which I think ended at 8? On weekends it was The Soprano’s theme. My parents would check out the season VHSs and later DVDs from the library.
My mum recorded this and would play it when she wanted me to goto bed early.
Not really a show, but Im familiar with the old CBC (canada) sign-off. Wasn’t really my bed time either, I have insomnia disorder, I would just read books after the tv went off-air for the night. I’m also familiar with the CBC sign-on, and the first program on in the morning was 100 Huntley Street, followed by the PTL Club, before Jim and Tammy Faye went to jail.