This implies Windows isn’t already enshittified, which is very much not the case.
Start menu ruined. All the UI is garbage. Fucking OneDrive.
I’m over it. Shopping distros as we speak.
Edit - Making this edit from a fresh Linux Mint install. Cheers.
I don’t even use Windows, and just reading about what’s happened to the Start menu pisses me off.
I started with DOS. Upgraded that to DOS3. Then Win95. Then 98. And since then I’ve been trying to get back to that simplicity. Best or not is wholly subjective. But that’s what I want.
You seem to think like I do. An OS is merely a tool. It should never get in your way, or be obtrusive.
One of us!
Welcome :-)
I know i didn’t mind putting up with a lot of Window’s bullshit, but I’ll never understand why they removed the single button click to create a folder in the files viewer. They moved it to a drop down. Idk if I’m the outlier but 90% of the time I used file viewer was to create folders because it was just one click of a button, but they just had to take that away lol
One of us! Gooble gobble! We accept them!
The final straw was when win10 started putting ads in the start menu. The start menu is so broken and bloated…
Is this an American thing? I have never seen ads in start menu in EU (Greece). Unless you mean some apps like Spotify which come with a fresh install, but I have uninstalled all of it.
I am Australian. Yes, “suggested apps” masquerading as installed apps. Most if them shitty micro transaction games and adobe software. This is not preloaded software, I used to fresh install Windows on all my systems to get rid of that crud.
It’s also an edition thing. The Home version is the worst, the Pro version is much the same, but the corporate Enterprise version cuts out a lot of the crap.
Bazzite is the best distro, especially if you game
I understand the rage with the start menu and, even though I am indifferent to the ui, I accept that mist people hate it. But what about onedrive? It seems to be one of the worst features for everyone, but I just have it disabled and only use it when I want to. Turn off all backup features, move it to another drive and disable auto start.
Maybe that’s where the loop starts.
everyone say goodbye to the wonderful decadess of lean, efficient, bloat-free Windows we have known and loved up until Windows 11!
it’s been smooth sailing until windows 11!
Windows 7 was the last good Windows. It was a nice polished OS that had the last decent search feature. 8 was a mess (it started without a start button) and then all the bloat/ads that came with 10 and above
Windows XP was the last good Windows. It had zero bloat, and heck, it encouraged you to use an admin account as your daily account. It didn’t have those pesky UAC notifications, and it would allow you to install each individual Windows KB Update. It didn’t have that high RAM usage that the Aero design had. There was no built in firewall until a later service pack, but you could just opt out of that update.
Windows XP was the last good Windows.
I think you’re really only remembering XP after SP3. XP in its original form was clunky, buggy and unreliable.
It had zero bloat
Wait are you trying to be funny?
it encouraged you to use an admin account as your daily account.
This is bad. You should not do this, especially not on anything connected to the internet. You should definitely not do this on an XP system connected to the internet.
There was no built in firewall until a later service pack, but you could just opt out of that update.
I’ve eaten the onion, haven’t I?
we used to call Windows XP as “Windows Xtra Problems” back in the day
Someday we will find Windows 9.
Afraid not, because 7 8 9.
8.1 can be considered 9
We said goodbye to that since Windows 8. Windows has been shit since Windows 8.
How young are you?
Younger than Vista, that’s for sure.
Or Windows ME. Ugh.
ME had that thing where you didn’t need to constantly fuss with autoexec.bat and config.sys to use different software. That was an insane amount of added value…
But the rest of the system was so bad that nobody liked the tradeoff. Even today I’m in awe about how MS could make this tradeoff negative. It takes a serious amount of dedication.
I stayed with NT/2000 and my gf had ME on a junker Compaq display model her rents picked up at Circuit City maybe.
I think I switched it back up 98SE so she could write papers without it crashing or lagging all the time. She’d play the Money Python Holy Grail game, but it always would crash at one specific point. I gotta ask her what it was and see if I can find a copy to run in a VM.
Windows ME was incredibly short lived though
Longer ago than the others though. And there hasn’t been a single version of Windows that didn’t make me bite my desk. Windows 95 jammed itself up so often that my friends and I kept a fresh install in a separate directory to at least skip installation when setting it up from scratch.
Vista doesn’t deserve the hate it gets. There was very little difference between it and 7 which everyone loves.
Vista was a giant upgrade from XP, it was like going from GemOS to win95
The issue with Vista was almost solely the lack of driver support for anything.
Vista caused a lot of vendors to slowly but surely start updating drivers for their products and enabled Windows 7 to have a much smoother launch.
Really Win7 stands on the shoulders of Vista.
What also completely screwed Vista was all of the XP era PCs getting a Vista Ready sticker slapped on when they very much did not have the hardware to run it properly.
Vista was was just sold on underpowered PCs because Microsoft let them, and it was the first windows os to actually enforce user levels.
Vista was replaced piecewise through years until most things started working. By that time, W7 was already out with all those changes packed-up from the beginning.
Windows 8 has some great improvements under the hood. I especially like the task manager changes. But people couldn’t take the start menu looking different, broke their little heads. Shouldn’t have even mattered, the correct way to use the start menu is hit the windows key, type the first 4 letters of what you want to launch, and hit enter
The thing is - we shouldn’t have had to do that. Maybe alternatively, but not primarily.
Microsoft’s problem with Windows 8, was how they got a hair up their ass by being obsessed with mobile technology. Tablets and Phones specifically. That they decided in their ‘infinite wisdom’, to infect desktops with a theme and performance that honestly was more suited for mobile devices.
If I’m honest, I can take them doing that to desktops. I hate it and think it’s stupid, but I can also see that in not the target audience and don’t like computer touch screens.
What pisses me off the most is that they did it TO THE GODDAMNED SERVER VERSION TOO! There is no reason for 2012/r2 to have the tile interface other than both are built on the same architecture. Its so asinine to have a touchscreen interface on a server platform.
It was a stupid and unnecessary decision, yeah. That didn’t make it a bad OS though. It was a step up from windows 7 in almost every way other than a dumb aesthetic choice that people became hyper focused on.
I still miss the windows 7 glass look. That was peak desktop layout. Everything you need, nothing you don’t.
And then they threw all of that good design away for a relatively mid mobile showing.
That didn’t make it a bad OS though
Interface design is an incredibly important part of software development. The users weren’t wrong when they shunned windows 8, microsoft was wrong for shitting on 30 years of interface development.
People who care that much about how their OS looks are going to spend hours customizing it anyway
@the_crotch @Nyciferi do you want a bing search?
This is exactly how you get a bing search on windows 11!No, computer, I dont want to see a bing page with a copilot analysis of all the things “note” could be, I wanted to open Notepad.
Now we’re just swearing and scaring the other people in the office.
I’m staying on Windows 10 until Microsoft somehow pulls it’s head out of it’s ass with Windows 11. It’ll take things like Steam completely dropping support of Windows 10, which will honestly happen one day because Valve slapped all of the faces of those when they promised that they would keep Steam running for old Windows down to XP. It’ll take them dropping support entirely for me to consider Windows 11 and even by that point, I’ll just go Linux fully.
Built my wife her first gaming PC. Installed Ubuntu. I’m shocked at how easily everything runs.
I’ve been running mint full time for a couple months now and it’s been amazing how little i have actually had to do to get the games running.
say what you want about Ubuntu (and god knows people will) but it just works, and that is the main thing people switching want.
Yeah, since it’s exclusively for gaming, I tried Drauger which is allegedly some gamer-based distro. Took an hour to get WiFi working then it hard locked at the login screen after running updates.
Reminded me of my first time trying Linux in 2004.
I’ve been running Ubuntu for a year on my laptop. Might feel brave enough to branch out into something else soon.
Start dual booting now. get a 2nd drive and use your BIOS boot selector to keep everything seperated, windoze has a habit of nuking bootloaders and fucking up linux installs. make sure it has no idea whats going on.
But the real secret to switching is don’t inconvenience yourself. use the right tool for the job and you’ll quickly find how bad of a tool windows has become.
Not that you should have to, but web results can be disabled in start search.
Winkey+R will open the no-frills run menu. As long as you know the exact exe or component name, you’re good:
- notepad
- calc
- cmd
- control
- control userpasswords2
- mstsc
- ncpa.cpl
- diskmgmt.msc
- devmgmt.msc
- shutdown (with /s, /r or /h switches)
A few decent ones there.
What does windows 11 have to do with my statement about the dumb reasons people rejected windows 8?
Windows has been shit waaaaaaaaay longer than any of those. MS always “fixes” it afterwards just enough to become usable
To be fair, Windows has huge, maybe even unreasonable, demands placed on it for backward compatibility due to corps not wanting to dump their 30 year old legacy software. And to Microsoft’s credit, they actually manage to do that pretty well while maintaining a reasonably stable OS. Most of the time, anyway.
The increasing interest in using Windows as a conduit for ads and data collection is what they really chafes me and is the primary reason I’m slowly moving away from Windows.
And here I am with older games crashing all the time on newer windows.
Exactly that. 7 was fine. I got used to 10 with tweaks. 11 will never touch any device I own. Fuck everything they’ve done to Windows in recent years.
Windows was shitty after the superior WinXP. I’d argue 98 was all I needed but XP was when disk scanning/defragmenting was baked in.
Windows 10 will be the last version of windows
Introducing Windows 11
Winbloats was arguably the first one of this list to get enshitiffied. I remember being a 12 yo trying to find an alternative to winbugs because the microsoft account login was required. It’s got worse since then
Yeah its the original example of enshittification for sure
I’ve been here since Windows 3.0. I’m not sure when this mythical not-shit Windows was. There were a few I could live with, but none that were good.
I remember Windows 3.11 as pretty decent.
But Windows is unique in that it can fit a whole lot of shit in it. Way more than one could imagine.
Minecraft, Chrome etc are a 7 litre compost caddy of shit. Windows is a vast open country waiting to be turned into landfill of human waste.
if you can manage to get the IOT LTSC windows 11, it has a ton of that stuff removed by default. it makes it much faster and saves drive space.
The Win 10 IOT LTSC version does the same but better.
For those who don’t want 11 anyway.
And it was bad long before then.
When did Minecraft get Enshittified?
Bedrock is pretty full of microtransactions, upsells, and ads, and the Mojang to Microsoft account migration for Java made a lot of people lose their accounts entirely.
But the core gameplay of both editions is still fine, and Java is consistently getting more mod-friendly with each release. You also don’t actually have to buy anything in Bedrock; it’s mostly just annoying.
I don’t really agree that Minecraft is getting enshittified, but I can see why others might.
And the whole chat censoring thing, and Microsoft doubling down on banning players on all servers for chat content in their own private servers.
bedrock was shit version from start, any respectable Minecraft player uses Java version.
I would also prefer to play on Java, however cross-platform support with Bedrock works really well. And that is actually quite the benefit. That way I can actually for once play a game with friends that are on other consoles or even on mobile.
Holup, they still continuing java version support?
You can avoid the transactions, but they really lure the kids in. I have to constantly tell my kid I’m not paying for that crap it’s exhausting
and the Mojang to Microsoft account migration for Java made a lot of people lose their accounts entirely.
Hey, it’s me. I contacted support and got a list of info they needed to fix it. I responded with that info and got a reply from a different person with a list of info they needed to fix it. I responded with that info and got a reply from a different person with a list of info they needed to fix it.
Then I said said “fuck this shit” and gave up to never play again.
EDIT: You probably guessed, but I should clarify that it was the same list of info, verbatim, each time. Just copy/paste response without reading that I’d already supplied it.
Windows was enshittified decades before it was even a concept. Grandaddy of enshittification.
gotta maintain that backwards compatible enshitification
when bedrock edition was introduced, I’d say
the marketplace, character creator and partnered servers all have very predatory monetization
thankfully java resisted enshittification for the most part
When they forced you to have a Microsoft account, which inturn made me loose my Minecraft account.
The day Microsoft bought it.
Man I remembered some silly people who said “They aren’t going to make us have to use Microsoft accounts to still play!”.
Boy, did Microsoft did in fact do that.
Damn, didn’t know that. I think I only played locally, but it was years ago. Do you need to sign in to play offline?
unless you’re playing offline on a cracked version, AFAIK
That’s a pity. I had play stations. My fiancee has an Xbox. With games like that, if she is playing on her Xbox, can she use the same license in the Xbox app that Windows throws in everyone’s face? Or perhaps if I sat down at a computer, can we both play the same place. (Cross play I guess I mean)
with Xbox being owned by Microsoft I’m not sure how that works anymore haha
consoles, phones (mobile does require Microsoft sign in now for online), basically anything that isn’t downloaded from the PC launcher runs bedrock (which you can download on PC as well, originally called windows 10 edition but now I think it’s just in the all-in-one PC minecraft launcher) it’s been a while since i last played on PlayStation but I could play online multiplayer without a Microsoft account, it may or may not be the same on Xbox.
also I just have to share my opinion that if you’re capable of playing split screen with someone (with almost everything being online and long distance nowadays the opportunities keep getting rarer) it’s so much more fun. so my suggestion is to cozy up on the couch with your fiancee and a blanket and grab a couple Xbox controllers =p
Yeah that’s the only way I’ve played co-op for Minecraft, on the couch. We had a good run of playing ARK together like that for a bit as well. But the controls for co-op have a few issues. If you go to the inventory or upgrades, the buttons for the other player will start to get wonky in their inventory or upgrades. Usually you all together can’t press buttons at all and have to exit until the other player finishes. If you look through a scope, it zooms on the other person’s screen as well, strange flaws that you would think they would have fixed but never did after many updates. Almost forgot. You might get yanked across the map and drown or not be able to see underwater if the other player gets to far or isn’t in the water. Think they fixed the water thing now, haven’t tried it yet though
But if you have a PlayStation, a short game that I really liked was “A Way Out”. Its a couch co-op jailbreak game. It was made really well I think. The screen even resizes giving each player “priority” parts where it intentionally makes one player take the lead and the other support. Never played another game that did co op so well.
oh jeez, I knew minecraft really got enshittified but I didn’t think it was that bad, even on bugrock edition
I’ll make sure to check it out, thanks for the recommendation :)
Yes. You can still use Pojav Launcher on Android for free, but to join uncracked servers you need to sign into a Microsoft account
Can’t speak for OP, but I took a maybe ten-year hiatus from Minecraft and came back to find the were so baby more block types that it clogged my inventory and I felt overwhelmed and just stopped playing again.
Micro$oft made some controversies on Minecraft (Minecraft owned by M$)
Oh enshittification is coming for Windows. In the future. Like it hasn’t happened yet or wasn’t the first and worst of these companies for it to come for. But something that hasn’t happened yet, not in the past. Interesting.
Windows was good until Vista … then it seemed every second version was a pile of shit (7 good, 8 crap, 10 ok, 11 ugh).
I personally like 11 more than 10, mostly because its same as 10 but with better UI. 10 was very bland.
You missed YouTube
I’m going to pretend using an enshitified version of this meme template was an intentional choice
I would put Firefox on the very last door. Firefox has been a gradual process.
Windows on the first door.
Netflix happened before Reddit. Also, one could add Facebook and Amazon
And google (the search engine)
Tantacrul made an HBomb-length video about Facebook recently. Def worth a watch.
Wait, what happened to Minecraft? You’re just talking about the Bedrock edition, right?
I think it’s bedrock edition and the many cash grab spinoffs. Afaik og Minecraft is only better than it ever was.
Yeah that’s my experience so far. The only thing Microsoft has managed to ruin so far when it comes to Java edition is the launcher. Luckily there are many great FOSS launchers out there (Prism is my favorite). Everything else is working just fine, and the gameplay updates from the last couple of years have been good.
I can think of a couple more things, like forcing everyone to switch to a Microsoft account and the chat report system. Or the performance problems that were never truly addressed after 1.13. Even the combat update (1.9) I still don’t like.
But it’s certainly not ruined. As you mentioned, they still regularly update the game with cool features and new blocks, and many of the problems I mentioned can at least be fixed with mods. I would just like to see it fixed properly in the vanilla game.
+1 for Prism Launcher btw
I just bought a brand new thumb drive so I can install Linux.
Why didn’t you just build your own thumb drive out of parts? It just takes a bit of soldering and W steady hand.
I suggest unbuntu or mint for your first. To get acclimated. Arch and others are cool, but they are intense. I run mint and I can play 99 percent of my old games on it through steam.
I went with Mint. Cinnamon edition. Get my feet wet with this. Slip deeper into the pool later maybe.
I don’t see a need to for myself. I went dual boot to make sure I could acclimate with my usage. The only thing that didn’t play well was my HP printer. Which isn’t a loss IMO.
For those wondering about what specifically happened with each:
Minecraft - microtransactions on Bedrock edition
Reddit - API changes killing 3rd party apps and streamlining ad delivery
Netflix - Pricing and library changes making it less and less of a good deal
Chrome - Manifest V3 killing uBlock Origin and similar content blockers
Windows - Increasing numbers of ads baked into the system, poorly-made features like Recall, and lack of hardware compatibility with the TPM 2.0 requirement
Thanks. I was legitimately confused by Minecraft because I never saw anything negative added to Java edition but I’ve never played Bedrock. Minecraft keeps pumping out free content updates so they seem like a good example of what to do for a company.
bedrock isn’t real
Additional stuff:
Reddit - becoming more and more like a typical social media website with profile customizations and instant messaging.
Netflix - ads and now only limited to one household.
Chrome - might be the bloatiest of all chromium based browsers
Windows was the enshittification of DOS.
Windows was an improvement over DOS. NT was the enshittification of OS/2