• @[email protected]
    2224 months ago

    “We call her Carrie, because of the carriage return.”

    You can also try to give the child NULL as middle name for additional fun.

  • @[email protected]
    1754 months ago

    I have an apostrophe and it’s super annoying as some companies see it as a SQL injection hack and sanitize it.

    So I’ve received ID with Mc%20dole or they add a space in it. Or I’ll get a work email with an apostrophe but I cant use it anywhere because sites have it disabled. And I’ve missed my flight because I changed my ticket once to add the apostrophe and the system just broke at the gate.

    Worse yet many flight companies have “you will not be able to board if your ID doesn’t exactly reflect your details” but their form doesn’t allow it. Even most forms for card payments don’t allow it even though it’s the name on my card.

    • agilob
      4 months ago

      I have an apostrophe and it’s super annoying as some companies see it as a SQL injection hack and sanitize it.

      My surname contains a character that’s only present in the Polish alphabet. Writing my full name as is broke lots of systems, encoding, printed paperwork and even British naturalisation application on Home Office website. My surname was part of my username back at uni, and everytime I tried to login on Windows, it would crash underlying LDAP server, logging everyone in the classroom out and forcing ICT to restart the server.

      • @[email protected]
        74 months ago

        everytime I tried to login on Windows, it would crash underlying LDAP server, logging everyone in the classroom out and forcing ICT to restart the server.

        Now that’s the way to do it! Make it everybody’s problem, not just yours.

    • BarqsHasBite
      4 months ago

      you will not be able to board if your ID doesn’t exactly reflect your details"

      Do they care about an apostrophe though? I can see any punctuation being a problem for systems.

      • @[email protected]
        574 months ago

        I had to convince people to let me on board a plane because my name contain a swedish letter (å). Their computer system translated it into “aa”, which then didn’t match my passport.

        • BarqsHasBite
          4 months ago

          That one I can actually see, having an extra letter that doesn’t match. Dropped punctuation or symbols (whatever the flair is called) though personally I wouldn’t care.

          • @[email protected]
            204 months ago

            That’s the wrong way of looking at an å.

            It’s not just an a with decoration. It actually has different pronunciation and is typically replaced with aa if no å is available. (I’m neither Swedish nor Norwegian, so not 100% sure, but it’s what happened to Erling Haaland).

            Similarly, you would replace a German ä with ae. So if my name was Bäcker, it would be wrong to spell it Backer on a ticket. Baecker would be the way.

            • BarqsHasBite
              4 months ago

              Yes I’m aware it’s not an a with decoration jfc. I’m saying for computer entries that garble things, I wouldn’t care about matching it up so perfectly (with dropped whatever those things are called) as to not allow someone to board a plane.

              • @[email protected]
                24 months ago

                “Diacritics” is the word you are looking for.

                And unfortunately the kind of people who decide whether people get to board a plane do care about that stuff.

          • @[email protected]
            134 months ago

            No, my passport has my real name of course, with “å”. In the airport system and on the boarding pass my name was spelled with “aa”.

            • @[email protected]
              -14 months ago

              I’m amazed that none of your family members have run into the same problem. If I were you I would compare passports with my family.

    • @[email protected]
      94 months ago

      I have an apostrophe


      some companies see it as a SQL injection hack and sanitize it.

      Which kind of apostrophe?

      A straight apostrophe, fine - that can and does get used in valid SQL injection attacks. I would be disgusted at any input form that didn’t sanitize that.

      But a curly apostrophe? Nothing should be filtering a curly apostrophe, as it has no function or use within SQL. So if you learn how to bring that up in alt codes (Windows, specifically), Key combos (Mac) or dead keys (Linux), as well as direct Unicode codes for most any Win/Mac/*Nix platform, you should be golden.

      Unless the developer of that input form was a complete moron and made extra-tight validation.

      Plus, knowing the inputs for a lot of extended UTF-8 characters not found on a normal keyboard is also a wee bit of a typing superpower.

    • @[email protected]
      54 months ago

      Same shit with American custom forms. On the one hand, they threaten you with Armageddon if you fill out the form incorrectly, on the other hand, they only allow plain letters, numbers, and a handful of special characters. Nobody there has the capacity of the mind that maybe a name cannot be correctly represented with that tiny subset of characters. So it is simply impossible to fill out that form without breaking the law. And it is a customs form, so they should know that people filling it out are most likely foreigners.

    • @[email protected]
      34 months ago

      Spent lots of effort to get names for my kids that avoid this. Swedish/French. It’s harder than it sounds.

    • The Octonaut
      -274 months ago

      … why are you putting an apostrophe in McDole? The O-apostrophe in Irish names is an anglicisation of Ó, eg. Ó Briain becomes O’Brien. Mac Dól would become MacDole/McDole.

      • hypnotoad
        864 months ago

        Yeah fuck this guy for spelling his name the way it was given to him what an asshole

        • @[email protected]
          304 months ago

          Probably some bureaucrat decades ago making an incorrect assumption that passed down through generations. Happened to my family. No Irish roots whatsoever, yet somehow we ended up with the annoying form-breaking apostrophe in our ‘legal’ name just because it begins with the letter ‘o’.

          “Oscar??? Surely, you’re mistaken. I hereby decree your name to be O’Scar!” ~Arsehole circa 1937

          • @[email protected]
            144 months ago

            Yep also happened to my family. There is a y in my family name, but that’s very uncommon in the Netherlands, my last name is of French origin. So some bureaucrat changed it to a Dutch y which is an ij and there was no time to correct it since my grandparents had to catch the boat to flee the former Dutch colony. Now my last name is constantly pronounced wrong. I’m probably going to change it in the future but in the Netherlands you are not allowed to change your name except for a few exceptions. And applying for a name change cost a lot of money and you won’t get it back if they reject it. So I probably have to get a lawyer to do it.

            • @[email protected]
              4 months ago

              Yeah, I’ve considered a name change myself. Decided not to bother as it would mean every time I need to prove my identity to a government organisation I’d need to provide additional change of name documentation.

              Government is hard enough to deal with as it is without adding an extra thing that needs to be assessed.

        • The Octonaut
          -104 months ago

          Hey Militant Left, just because every question directed at you assumes you are an asshole, doesn’t mean the same applies to questions to other people

  • lime!
    4 months ago

    asking questions like this is how i found out that one of the allowed characters in names in my country is ÿ, which is fine in Latin-1 but in 7-bit ASCII is DEL.

      • pelya
        724 months ago

        Nah, it will end up simply as “John” in the database. You need “John%sDoe” to crash C software with unsafe printf() calls, and even then it’s better to use several “%s”

  • There are a frightening number of systems that don’t allow “-”, which isn’t even an edge case. A lot of people - mostly women - hyphenate their last names on marriage, rather than throw their old name away. My wife did. She legally changed her name when she came of age, and when we met and married years later she said, “I paid for money for my name; I’m not letting it go.” (Note: I wasn’t pressuring her to take my name.) So she hyphenated it, and has come to regret the decision. She says she should have switched, or not, but the hyphen causes problems everywhere. It’s not a legal character in a lot of systems, including some government systems.

    • @[email protected]
      634 months ago

      It boggles my mind how so many websites and platforms incorrectly say my e-mail address is ‘invalid’ because it has an apostrophe in it.

      No. It is NOT invalid. I have been receiving e-mails for years. You just have a shitty developer.

      • @[email protected]
        264 months ago

        worst thing is, the regex to check email has been available for decades and it’s fine with apostrophies

        • Ephera
          194 months ago

          Well, and remember: If in doubt, send them an e-mail. You probably want to do that anyways to ensure they have access to that mailbox.

          You can try to use a regex as a basic sanity check, so they’ve not accidentally typed a completely different info into there, but the e-mail standard allows so many wild mail addresses, that your basic sanity check might as well be whether they’ve typed an @ into there.

            • Ephera
              104 months ago

              Yeah, I’m just saying that the benefit of using such a regex isn’t massive (unless you’re building a service which can’t send a mail).

              a@b is a syntactically correct e-mail address. Most combinations of letters, an @-symbol and more letters will be syntactically correct, which is what most typos will look like. The regex will only catch fringe cases, such as a user accidentally hitting the spacebar.

              And then, personally, I don’t feel like it’s worth pulling in one of those massive regexes (+ possibly a regex library) for most use-cases.

        • lad
          44 months ago

          There are many regexes that validate email, and they usually aren’t compliant with the RFC, there are some details in the very old answer on SO. So, better not validate and just send a confirmation, than restrict and lock people out, imo

          • @[email protected]
            14 months ago

            The article you just mentioned in the comments includes both a completely reasonable and viable regex and binary and library alternatives that are in most languages.

            • lad
              44 months ago

              Reasonable and viable ≠ RFC compliant

              This quote summarises my views:

              There is some danger that common usage and widespread sloppy coding will establish a de facto standard for e-mail addresses that is more restrictive than the recorded formal standard.

    • troybot [he/him]
      4 months ago

      And you’d think a simple solution is just leave out the hyphen when you put you name in, but that can also lead to problems when the system is looking for a 100% perfect match.

      And good luck if they need to scan the barcode on your ID.

      • Then the first part is interpreted (in the US, anyway) as a middle name, not as part of the last name. I did run into a recently married woman who did that: dropped her middle name, moved her last to the middle, and used her spouse’s last name.

        More commonly, places that don’t take hyphens tend to just run the two names together: Axel-Smith becomes AxelSmith.

        Programmers can be really dumb.

        • @[email protected]
          74 months ago

          As someone who’s mexican I encounter that more than one would think since I have 2 last names and it gets weird sometimes since I also have a middle name.

            • @[email protected]
              54 months ago

              Something that could happen in Mexico for a name is Juan Maria as a first, Guillermo David as a middle and Gonzales De Mercado as a last name. Technically 7 words and totally a thing but not common at all, anymore at least.

        • Malgas
          64 months ago

          My mom didn’t hyphenate, but she does include her maiden name when writing her full name, after her middle name. It never even occurred to me that that’s uncommon.

        • Fonzie!
          14 months ago

          This kind of makes me want to name my kid Pascal-Case

    • @[email protected]
      84 months ago

      I have come across a shockingly large amount of people who not only have a hyphenated last name but also have a hypenated first name! Dealing with every new computer system is like a new adventure

      • @[email protected]
        64 months ago

        You’d think by now Jean-Luc Picard would be a well known example and systems are able to deal with it.

    • ditty
      34 months ago

      There are also fringe externalities from this too. I have my mom’s last name for my middle name and my dad’s for my last name. But back in the 90s, my state would erroneously handle that scenario as having no middle name and both names hyphenated for a last name. I didn’t find this out until I turned 18 and tried to get a retail job and they wouldn’t hire me until it got fixed.

      First I had to go to the Dept of Health and get a new birth certificate, then I had to do the same at the social security administration for a new social security card. Hours and hours over multiple days just so I could earn minimum wage folding and selling used clothing. Ironically, the name mixup never was a problem when I did taxes previously.

  • AnyOldName3
    4 months ago

    Once I was tasked with doing QA testing for an app which was planned to initially go live in the states of Georgia and Tenessee. One of the required fields was the user’s legal name. I therefore looked up the laws on baby names in those two states.

    Georgia has simple rules where a child’s forename must be a sequence of the 26 regular Latin letters.

    Tenessee seemed to only require that a child’s name was writable under some writing system, which would imply any unicode code point is permissible.

    At the time, I logged a bug that a hypothetical user born in Tenessee with a name consisting of a single emoji couldn’t enter their legal name. I reckon it would also be legal to call a Tenessee baby 'John '.

      • AnyOldName3
        134 months ago

        By the time the app was due to go live, we’d only reported bugs with the signup and login flows. This was misinterpreted as there only being issues with the signup and login flows, and the app launched on time. In reality, it was impossible to get past the login screen.

        • @[email protected]
          74 months ago

          And then let me guess… Of course the QA testers get the blame, when in reality it’s either management or marketing that wanted to pushe the app out.

          • AnyOldName3
            64 months ago

            Blaming us would be too close to root-cause analysis for them even to consider. We weren’t normally QA testers, but they’d left it until too late to hire internal QA, so roped in the developers (us) from a SaaS vendor their app replied on as emergency QA.

  • @[email protected]
    4 months ago

    Not legal in Canada. Your legal name must use Latin characters only. This is a sore point for indigenous people.

  • @[email protected]
    4 months ago

    No, cause “John\nDoe” messes up my regex. Sorry, out of the question. I’m not good with regex.

    • @[email protected]
      74 months ago

      Is it missing an apostrophe and a dash? Or they registered the wrong name?

      Anyway, the use of quotes seem to have backfired. I blame Excel.

      • @[email protected]
        94 months ago

        Apparently they didn’t include the single quote at the beginning because they wanted to hint at the exploit without actually triggering it.

        (and Lemmy seems to combine two dashes into one)

  • @[email protected]
    524 months ago

    Not legal in Sweden. Our “IRS” must also accept the name and deem it legal.

    I for one like this. As it stops some very stupid people to name their children some very stupid names. Such as “Adolf Hitler”.

    And yes. Someone did try to name their child this and they were appropriately stoped from doing it.

    • Lemminary
      94 months ago

      If only Sweden invaded the rest of the world instead of Russia… *le sigh*

      • @[email protected]
        94 months ago

        Eh, if they went imperial they would be subject to imperial needs leading to all the usual imperial problems.

        • @[email protected]
          4 months ago

          Funny enough. Sweden already went through that problem. We call it “Age of Greatness”. (Stormaktstiden)

          Basically. Sweden got too big too fast, couldn’t maintain an army large enough to secure everything. If i remember correctly, we couldn’t produce enough food, and we lost a bunch of territory.