• TheTechnician27OP
    4 months ago

    Edit: Oh my god, it’s actually a real thing, and it costs $575. I promise I don’t play Star Citizen and have never seen this before. I genuinely just wanted to make up some stupid bullshit (I literally just ripped the class name off of one of the ranks from the game Ratchet: Deadlocked and gave a type of ship that sounded expensive), but Chris beat me to the punch. Bravo.

    • @[email protected]
      144 months ago

      Want to get disappointed in them even more? Google “concierge” status. Tldr is if you spend $1000 you get access to a second “store” that has more expensive packages, some going for $40000 or more. Some of the more expensive packages are only available if you spend $10000 or more already and get the “wing commander” level.

      It’s literally a “I’m a whale” sticker that unlocks shit to buy for ridiculous amounts of money. Gaming journalists don’t know about it because you need to spend a ridiculous amount of money on it already, so nobody covers that bullshit.

    • Nightwatch Admin
      124 months ago

      Over 640€even, I am sure that’s not proper conversion but ok, it’s flying fucking expensive in any case. Jesus. Who the heck buys these overpriced dead pixels?

      • macniel
        -64 months ago

        I mean moving (perhaps even stranded) ships to ports or repair facilities could get pretty lucrative.

        Why not ask why someone would by a luxury super duper yacht (the origin 890j) when its just for Roleplaying purposes?

        Or a base/starbase/ship building ship shy of thousand bucks?

        Anyway what’s your expensive hobby?

        • Nightwatch Admin
          84 months ago

          Look, I get it, up to a certain point. Long ago, I played Eve Online, and I spent iirc about 50-60$ (next to the subscription) once on a very nice combat ship, not a hangar queen mind you, and took it out. Undock, jump, woops gate camp! And gone ship, gone money. It’s not just the money, it’s also the volatility of that money.

          Also, is that game out of alpha state by now? Or would just you be feeding the forever bottomless stomach of Mammon’s Space Industry development?

          • @[email protected]
            24 months ago

            There is a bit of a difference between how EVE handles RMT (legit) and how Star Citizen is meant to handle purchased ships going forward.

            You really aren’t ever meant to permanently lose a ship you pledged for in Star Citizen.

            Also SC is still in development hell which is very unfortunate. They’re reworking the flight model yet again and their plans for capital ship combat are a complete mess.

            While Im not confident in Star Citizen ever releasing it has sparked a lot of interest in the space sim genre which was absolutely dead prior to the SC kickstarter.

            Disclaimer: I have multiple 100mil+ SP characters in EVE and have spent a couple thousand on Star Citizen, which is still much less than Ive spent on EVE.

  • @[email protected]
    234 months ago

    Dude is living the greedy capitalist dream almost to a T. Never have to deliver a final product, players buy up digital ships more expensive than six years worth of games, and thats it thats the business model.

  • macniel
    -44 months ago

    Are you talking about the RSI Polaris or the ship carrier Anvil Liberator? Because neither are as long as 400 metres.

    Also why the hate?

    • TheTechnician27OP
      4 months ago

      I made up a class name and assigned it to an expensive-sounding ship because I’ve never played Star Citizen and have never even been on the website; in trying to make up some dumb bullshit, I accidentally came up with something that approximates the Anvil Liberator.

      And, you know, gestures wildly at the $48,000 ship pack; the fact this in-game asset I basically just made up by accident is real and sold officially for $575; the lack of any release timeline and the way it’s been in early access for over a decade despite raising over $1 billion, amounting to a never-ending whalefishing expedition…

      • macniel
        -74 months ago

        Yeah when you look from the outside without actually following the development, it sure looks like a whale fishing expedition. But I can assure you that it’s not.

        • @[email protected]
          94 months ago

          “If you actually lived on Father Daniel’s compound, you would see that it isn’t a cult!”

        • @[email protected]
          44 months ago

          Can you actually give evidence? Or even a semi-convincing argument to back that up? Because from everything I’ve seen it’s a whale fishing company with bros playing around with random disjointed tech demos. The closest I’ve seen them do to interesting is their distributed server model for cells in a single environment, but even that isn’t worth a billion dollars in funding.

          Otherwise I’ve got a bridge to sell you.

          • @[email protected]
            24 months ago

            What exists right now is full of jank, but if you played it or even followed the patch to patch development you could see they’re consistently building foundations for a game that is simultaneously:

            • FPS
            • MMO
            • Fully physicalized
            • Physics based
            • Open world
            • High fidelity
            • Fully persistent

            Considering how no game like what SC is supposed to be has come out in the time SC has been in development, it must not be that easy of a game to make.

            I got into SC in December of last year and have seen their progress and have been to play and participate in all of it while only spending 45 USD on the base package. Nothing else is needed to join since all ships eventually come out in game as buyable for in game money and I bought nearly every ship like that.

            CIG certainly sells ships to whales, but to them it’s necessary for their commitment to no publishers or large investors.

          • macniel
            -14 months ago

            Youve got to see the whole picture. With that money they aren’t just developing two games right now but also built up an entire company with several studios, paying Devs and staff. The actual breakdown of Finance they are regularly publishing.

            So tell me, do you know any other game that, when removing all that overhead, was produced by an already established game studio that has the same scope not just content but technical as Star Citizen?

            And yeah their Server Meshing which should hit live end of this year is pretty impressive, a dynamic version coming later so that the Game can spool up and retire new Servers when needed will be the holy grail of MMOs.

        • @[email protected]
          34 months ago

          I look from the inside, I backed them on kickstarter. Two words are needed to disprove your claims - concierge status.

        • @[email protected]
          34 months ago

          Really? I backed it what feels like over 10 years ago and still don’t have a finished game.

          Chris Roberts is the Elon Musk of game dev.

          • @[email protected]
            34 months ago

            It’s been 12 years and no game like what it’s supposed to be has come out so I guess it’s not that easy of a game to make