While I don’t hate the standard lineup of holiday music, I always appreciate variety. All I know of is “Punk Goes Christmas” and maybe a handful of singles from over the years. Anyone have anything they know of to suggest? Would prefer originals and not just covers of the classics, but that’s not a hard rule or anything.
Also, if possible, bandcamp links would be appreciated. With the upcoming bandcamp friday, it’d be nice to have some good bands to support.
Trans-Siberian Orchestra is always good.
A classic for the season. And the classic video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pWBjl-jPcVM
Charlie Brown Christmas soundtrack
merry christmas by wesley willis
also ive always liked blink-182’s christmas songs
there’s also NOEL by psychostick, a parody of BYOB by system of a down
Great post. Happy Holidays You Bastard by blink-182 is a classic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-KYOAw47O-I
Solid recs. That BYOB parody was pretty great XD
Adam and the metal hawks do a few fun songs. Some covers and some original. “Love is on my wishlist” is good
I just learned about AMH at a show they opened for. They were great! That’s awesome that they have holiday music. I’ll have to check them out. Thanks!
Cookin Soul’s DOOM XMAS https://cookinsoul.bandcamp.com/album/doom-xmas
Oooh. That is interesting. Thanks!
Not sure how this came to be but my family has had this record as our Christmas music for many years:
Misa Criolla - Misa Flamenca (youtube playlist)
And here it is on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/5GTrSPIMJkzqRrAhljPUGq?si=qXWUlixhRPuOljEZ7ooT3Q
We’re a Swedish family, atheists, with no connection to anything about this music. I think my mom heard it from a friend of the family several decades ago and it somehow stuck with us as our Christmas music.
Sharon Jones and the Dap-Kings, Holiday Soul Party. Always the first to mind for baller Christmas music.
This group formed in 2002?! That’s amazing, hah. Great sound. Thanks for the rec!
Funky Little Drummer boy is a classic. Enjoy!
still I gotta go with “Joel the lump of coal” by The Killers
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tLr-jVwp0Mw&t=2 My favorite Christmas album of all time
The Vandals have the Christmas album “Oi to the world”, it has some good stuff. No doubt also covers the song that shares its name with the album title. It’s fun.
I’ll look into that. Thanks!
Nice. I don’t really like Christmas music. But that album is good. Especially the title track (og and cover). It’s a bit of a relic from it’s time (2020) but COVID 4 Xmas by Vern and the bastards is good.
Edit: damn autocorrect. Bern, not Vern.
I’m surprised nobody’s posted Fairytale of New York by The Pogues yet.
Also, Christmas Wrapping by The Waitresses.
Wish You a Merry Christmas by Jacob Miller.
And A Very Chilly Christmas album by Chilly Gonzales.
I’m surprised you left out Christmas card for a hooker in Minneapolis.
Billy Idol did a Christmas album. I love him so I might be biased, but I really like it, you should check it out.
I will. Thanks for the rec!
Not truly original but plenty of variety… Bootie Mashup has some Christmas albums. The idea is to make “new” songs by using one song’s instrumental with another’s vocals. Then all the best mixes get mixed into a set.
Huh, that is intriguing. I’ll have to check that out!
August Burns Red has some great holiday albums
I dig it. Thanks!
Christmas Carol by Tom Lehrer
Mostly a lampooning of holiday consumerism
I don’t listen to enough Tom Lehrer. That man’s music is so clever.
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