• @[email protected]
    393 months ago

    When trying to get the public to vote against their own interests, like in the case of free and fair news media, first sabotage the media, then claim they’re not doing their jobs. Cripple a horse so we think we have to shoot it.

    People should ask themselves when they started hating the CBC and look into who owned it and what policies and interests were guiding their coverage.

    Like honestly, it’s such an obvious play but it keeps fucking working.

    • Pasta Dental
      63 months ago

      To be fair the CBC is really shit in terms of content especially compared to what radio-canada outputs. The CBC is much more clickbaity and sensionalist while radio-canada is more neutral and facts based

    • @[email protected]
      13 months ago

      The CBC is a sad catastrophe. The world and financial model in media is completely different but their mandate hasn’t changed. It’s not 2005 anymore. Harper did nothing to help, and Trudeau has been a complete failure here. Further, the Liberal policies on the media failed and in hindsight, we can see accelerated the collapse. Now half the country thinks it’s all Trudeau funded propaganda and they have a point, since his policies actually pay to keep the remnants of the old world mainstream press in business. In practice this is enriching shareholders in Postmedia as the last drops of value are extracted from its miserable corpse, and providing funds to Bell who repurposes the money as they desperately try to recover from 2 decades of mismanagement.

      I can only imagine what PP will do since we live in a world where policies and platforms are a sure fire way to lose an election, but not in my wildest fantasies do I foresee a reimagining of our public broadcaster by his government. What could possibly remain by 2030? To me, it’s a lost cause so I’ll focus my time and effort elsewhere.

  • @[email protected]
    3 months ago

    So many loud uneducated buffoons.

    I’ve always understood that you never refer to the Prime Minister by only their name, that’s just rude and lacks any class. It wasn’t “Justin” or “Trudeau”, it was Prime Minister Trudeau or Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

    The cons are really the party of the uneducated and no manners. They’ll get in for a term, fuck it up and get tossed out. How it always works.

    • Nik282000
      113 months ago

      Wouldn’t it be weird if at least one party didn’t fuck up and get tossed out every time.

      • @[email protected]
        63 months ago

        fuck up and get tossed out every time.

        It’d be great if the party that fucks up the hardest didn’t over-react to trivial stuff in the hopes of garnering enough hate for the wrong party that idiots will vote out the boneheads and elect the actual criminals.

        But here we are, and that’s what’s gonna happen.

      • @[email protected]
        13 months ago

        Wouldn’t it be great if there were no political parties at all? No jockeying for power, no backroom deals, no “donor dinners”?

        • Nik282000
          23 months ago

          The problem is setting up a system where leaders can not be influenced by business and can not stack the deck to have an advantage after they leave office. Both things that no politician would ever implement.

    • eightpix
      53 months ago

      Except Harper. He got in with a minority. Fucked around a little, prorogued parliament under threat of a coalition that would have shifted him into the minority, won that election with a majority, then fucked around even more for 5 years.

      Then, he got voted out.

      Pwah-lie-every was Harper’s protégé. Expect every shenanigan there is.

  • @[email protected]
    123 months ago

    The yellow threw me off a little—it made me think of the national Post—but this page is better. 😁🙂

  • Hemingways_Shotgun
    23 months ago

    Actually it’ll be like every other election. Even without the decay of media and foreign influence, we live in a country that elects one party. They stay in power long enough to get complacent and stupid, so we replace them with another and do it all over again.

    Trudeau, 10 years. Harper, 10 years, Chretien, 10 years. (Okay…Paul Martin was only three years, but he was appointed first), Brian Mulroney, 9 years (We pretend Kim Campbell never happened)

    Whether right of left, we give every party in power so much leeway that they stay in power forever before we finally can’t ignore their bullshit…and then we over-correct in the other direction and do it to the other side of the aisle.

    Literally since 1984 it’s essentially been Left-Right alternative every decade or so.

    The current conservative rise is neither surprising nor new if you’ve been awake for the last 40 years. It’s as Canadian as Maple Syrup.