I have cancer. I’m open about it. This medicaid funding shit could literally kill me.
I am so sick of people suggesting I should “pull a Luigi” or “go out like a hero” because they still have things to lose so they don’t want to stand up and lose them. So because I’m gonna die, I should say fuck it and risk it all for a bunch of jerks who wouldn’t and haven’t done the same for me?
Do you have any idea how disrespectful that is to people who are already suffering? When nobody is standing up to sacrifice themselves to save the weak, broken, sick, and disabled? Why’s it our job to save the able bodied? Why can’t these people see that even though they think their heart is in the right place, they’re still basically telling us “your life sucks anyway and will end soon, you should throw it away for the rest of us who never did anything for you” or more simply “kys.”
I’m officially tired of this inconsiderate and frankly ableist bullshit.
Honestly, I wish some mods or admins would make some rules about it since it’s ableist.
Who is saying this to you
Without naming names, some folks right here on lemmy… I caught OP’s first post that prompted this
Yeah I’d really rather not call people out directly. I don’t think they’re trying to be rude. Just thoughtless. But yes, mostly here on Lemmy. If people want to, they can dig through my history to see. It’s happened a few times since Luigi allegedly did his thing. One of them was very recent, within the last two hours, which prompted this post.
There are a lot of people, especially on lemmy, who see everything through the lens of their personal ideology and utterly lack the ability to empathize or understand different views or life situations. You only matter to them insofar as to how it can advance or support their ideology. It’s pathological, and their views should be ignored.
What is it that makes Lemmy users uniquely selfish or unempathetic?
That’s a fair question. It’s mostly just my observation, but if I were obligated to guess, it is partially filtering based on the types of people who are active and readily express their opinions on various topics, but also because of the reasons people moved to lemmy in the first place, many of whom were evicted from reddit because they were too extreme.
@RedditRefugee69 @OccamsRazer Wild guess: normal people. Or utter squares, the debate about the difference still rages on.
Normal and unique are antonyms in this context. Your assertion makes no sense.
But no one’s opinion or thoughts here are with anything,…
I fully believe someone said this to OP. But it says something about the people OP hangs around with.
Nearly every reddit and Twitter comment feed is full of lazy, limp-wrist morons, egging mentally ill people to commit violence for them.
Keep a lookout whenever you are reading comments anywhere for “someone should (…)” or something like that.
There it is again!
Someone insisted to me that “limp wrist” is a homophobic slur. It reads very much like you’re using it to refer to inactive keyboard warriors, but I am interested in your thoughts.
I believe it started like that because it “looks weak” and/or “effete”, e.g. wrist Who knows if another meaning has taken over it since like the early 2000s.
I say it to refer to weak impotent losers who complain on the internet all day, and seeing that people use it as a homophobic slur concerns me and I’ll stop saying it. Apologies.
It definitely had more of a homophobic connotation in the 90’s. I’m pretty sure at least one Kids in the Hall sketch with Scott Thompson references the idea, just because I recall him making a hand gesture with him holding his arms up but hands hanging limp from the wrist.
While I agree with the sentiment, why are you posting this on a shitpost community?
Fair enough, I guess.
My thought exactly.
My more immediate thought is that most people couldn’t even get within 100 miles, and this says nothing of training/planning etc. “why doesn’t somebody do something” is probably just wish fulfillment by others who feel powerless to do anything about it.
Only realistic thing most of us can do is get armed and train, keep a pistol on the nightstand and a rifle by the desk. Even that’s not easy if one is a complete noob, takes money and time.
This is the exact ableist attitude the OP is talking about. Getting armed and defending yourself isn’t a useful option when they don’t need to storm your house to kill you and even if they did, you might not be able to physically use the gun.
Self-defense is an ablest concept, get out there and defend one another!
This is the exact thing the OP is talking about. Telling people they need to go out and fight, putting their lives on the line when you don’t know their situation.
Self defense is not an ablest concept, it’s one of the natural response to being threatened, and it’s not limited to getting and using weapons. Ever heard of fight or flight? Fighting in a threatening situation is self defense and implying disabled people are helpless and can’t fight is insulting.
Eh, I’ve been in your position.
If I still lived there and was still in death trajectory, I’d do it. Not for all the dumdums who should also be doing it (or the idiots who dont deserve it), but to make the world a better place (or at least try) instead of leaving it in the same shit it’s in, including for anyone you love, if there’s any.
I think that, maybe if you were even closer to death (as in actually terminal), you might (because not everyone has the same mindset) see the point, because people who are going to die anyway have something everyone else doesn’t - freedom from consequences. Freedom of choice with societal constraints, because what can any society impose on someone already destined to meet an end soon? They can try, but what is the ultimate deterrent for most humans is non existent for people who are/were in our place.
Sure, you could call it abelist. I call it opportunist. Glass half full kinda thing. Other people, doing what we could do, have the potential to face something much worse than death in a fascist regime. Torture comes to mind.
Someone like me who had kidney failure and did dialysis though? Assuming they want to capture me to torture me, I just gotta take some potassium supplements right after pulling off what I want to and my heart goes weh.
Don’t pat yourself in the back too much either - even if me or you did go through with such an act, we wouldn’t really be a hero or brave or anything either. We’d be just as much of a coward, in a way, as the “abelists”, in that something was only done once we basically had little to lose. If deciding that, it’s only because there’s already an exit anyway.
You can of course just do nothing like everyone else. Or go do more dangerous things like skydiving or giving a monkey a shower and have some fun. Certain death assured expeditiously gives freedom like no other. You have the right to be selfish with that choice just as those more likely to live longer do everyday.
But you still carry hope because you still have a good chance, that’s why it makes you angry. You still have something holding you back. People who still have hope are not the same as the hopeless, nor even the same as people who lost all hope momentarily.
And that is something those in power forget too.
Fuck, I am so sorry people are saying that to you. I can see myself saying it to a close friend as a gallows humor joke, but not with a stranger.
Hugs to you, my friend. You still being around, you not giving up - that is heroic.
It’s a stupid argument, on top of being insensitive. Luigi isn’t even a great example-- sure he had a back problem but he also had cash and knowledge on how to even do something. Plus, it’s not like some armchair vigilante told him to go out and murder someone. And it’s hard to say it’s even made a difference.
You just worry about you, and best wishes. Cancers a bitch.
To be fair, hasn’t made much difference cause one, he got caught, and two, nobody else has done it.
I don’t blame any particular person for it, of course. Hell, I share the blame myself. I haven’t killed any CEOs or politicians either.
But it’s not gonna work unless more of us gather up the courage Luigi had and take action.
Don’t like being told how to fix something? Don’t bitch about it in a public forum
They’re telling you how to help yourself and other disabled people, not asking you to do something for able-bodied people, but go off on assumptions
Yeah Lemmy in general is too full of endless jokes about guillotines and Luigi, repeated over and over without a modicum of weight or respect until they become meaningless and slop. Meanwhile not a hint of actual action.
I’m sick of it. It’s another redditism that Lemmy can’t seem to move past.
There’s a lot of losers on Lemmy. They talk tough but they’re full of shit. Sorry to hear you have to put up with that
Interesting timing. I was considering my own sense of guilt associated with this. I watched and was dwelling on innuendo studios South Bank of the Rubicon video. I was thinking where mine was, when I would act, what that action looked like.
Part of me had the same reasoning, I am disabled and my qol is set on a ever increasingly downward slope. Physio is merely to slow the acceleration of the decent, as such why wouldn’t my South Bank be a little closer, action a little more drastic.
I do have a fiancee whom I love dearly, but no kids. My social circle is very close but quite small. My job is for hobby money, it’s not a career. All of which screams why wouldn’t my South Bank be a little closer, action a little more drastic.
I see JSO keeping corporate sponsored climate disasters in the news. I think who among them had better QOL prospects than I? Why was their bank so much closer, their actions more drastic?
I don’t have answers, or I do and I don’t like them which is functionally the same. Just a mild sense of guilt which peaks whenever I see someone doing something.
Good luck, hope it gets resolved soon and you don’t have any bad affects on your treatment, this sucks
Sir, this is a Wendy’s.
Do you have any idea how disrespectful that is to people who are already suffering?
Yes. Not at all.
Do it, don’t do it, whatever floats your boat. It’s not your job to save anyone, and nobody will think less of you for not.
I can’t speak for everyone, but I, personally, think less of you for whining about it.
Yeah, imagine whining about your access to healthcare being taken away. Imagine whining about people telling you to murder CEOs to get your healthcare back.
Clearly you’ve faced similar tribulations, otherwise you would look like an insensitive pathetic little troll writing cringey edgelord comments to strangers online to feel better about your own lack of accomplishments.
Oh, and how’s your relationship with your father? Because you definitely learned this behavior from someone, and I have a guess as to where.
Yeah, imagine whining about your access to healthcare being taken away.
About 30% of the people who have requested healthcare with UHC “insurance” fall in that category, and only a fraction have been provided any viable means of attaining care.
In their desperation, some have asked OP for the only “remedy” they can think of. OP could simply decline their request, but instead whines about the ask.
Your “insensitivity” comments are better directed at OP than either me or the people OP is disparaging.
Lame troll bait
So, you a cat? You do nothing for anyone else and pretend you don’t use any resources?
There are plenty of people who took care of your dirty ass, whoever you are. If you are still breathing, someone gave a shit enough about you at some point to stick a bottle in your mouth to keep you from starving.
Hence, no one is an island and when you pretend otherwise, you prove what a kept, babied, ignorant person you are.
That argument is incredibly disrespectful of OP. You should be ashamed.
OP does not have any sort of responsibility to the rest of society, at least not with respect to “pulling a Luigi”.
OP is not an “island”, but their dependency connections to the rest of society do not create this sort of obligation to society.
At the same time, OP should be encouraged to ask for help, ask for what they need to improve their life. And that goes for the rest of society as well.
Asking for help is not disrespectful of the person being asked. OP’s indignant response to having merely been asked is deeply offensive.
Its the exact same thing I tell every libertarian asshole. You are all chained dogs who think you are lone wolves, can’t survive without whatever master you serve and bark at the rest of us to “do better”.
You told OP you think less of them for the post but call me disrespectful. Get fucked.
You told OP you think less of them for the post but call me disrespectful.
Correct. Your “no man is an island” arguments imply OP has some obligation of performance. OP has no such obligation. OP is not an undue burden on society. No quid pro quo is required or even expected. The benefits OP has received from society do not create the obligations you imply.
OP is free to say no to this and any request they do not wish to fulfill. Your “island” arguments imply otherwise. Your arguments suggest OP owes something that they certainly do not. Yes, you are being unduly disrespectful of OP.
Your suggestion that they haven’t given back enough is galling. The problematic part of OP’s narration begins when OP takes personal offense at having been asked for help, not the fact that they have been helped themselves, nor that they can’t or won’t “help” now.