You should be able to turn the pawn 180° and attack from behind
Promoting to another king should be allowed too
Promote to Paratrooper. A pawn reaching the back rank can be airdropped as a pawn to any open space on the board.
Suddenly a pawn with a sickle an a hammer.
Chess sites should just include this feature no matter what fide says.
Wont matter in 99.5% of games because you can just pretend its a minor piece. But its gonna be hilarious in the cases where it might actually matter.
Prob wont take long till a custom rule can be set to disable pawn promotions.
I agree, though it should become an uncapturable square/piece that just sits there trolling others.
Would you be able to select the specific promotion at a later time? That would be a significant advantage.
Granted, if every turn in which you don’t promote the pawn the opponent gets to roll a die to convert it into his piece
Ooh, I like it. But let’s not just give it to the opponent. You don’t get to know the outcome of the roll. They cover the die each time. If the opponent’s roll is successful, the piece becomes a double agent. You can still promote and move the piece, attack with the piece, but at any time, your opponent can uncover the die, use the piece to make one attack, and then remove it from the board.
If your piece is compromised and checks your own king, you lose.
High, i always wondered what the D20 was for in chess.
wow both positions are critical 😮
So it’s better not to overpromote to a queen since queens often cause stalemate situations. Better choose horsey and play it save.
If you can get two pawns to the back rank, they combine into a QKnight.
Psychological warfare
Ok, Steinitz