Best Valentine’s surprise ever!
Right? She couldn’t wait to tell me she loves me
look at his little moustache
Charlie Catlin
More like Adolf Kitler.
Her mustache is precious, right?
Respect to Bitty!
Hell yeah!
Wouldn’t mind waking up to Bitty asking for scritches!
It’s a great way to wake up! She was originally making biscuits, but the whole process of me waking up and my partner taking her picture startled her
Oh no! Better not startle the biscuiteer!
Those orders never got filled at the bakery 😔
Quick, pretend to go back to sleep so you don’t ruin her valentine biscuit surprise
She was glad I woke up. She got snuggles!
Not your cat?
No, she is. Just not always on my lap when I wake up
favorite way to wake up, even if mine only stays there for like 30 seconds.
I can snuggle Bitty up to me and most of the time, she stays there for hours!