Some stupid meme will appear in my head while I’m in public and a stupid grin will force itself into my face and obviously I don’t want people to look at me and think I’m crazy, or worse ask what I’m laughing about and the only thing that was on my mind was “born to shit, forced to wipe”.

  • 𝚝𝚛𝚔
    631 month ago

    Dunno man, but if you find out let me know cause every time I see this bad boy I’m giggling like a schoolgirl no matter the situation

      • Punkie
        141 month ago

        These are two types of cartoon sounds when a character snores.

        The “Inside you there are two wolves” is the name of a proverb which began being parodied towards the end of 2018 and through the beginning of 2019. In the original proverb, a grandfather says there are two wolves fighting inside him, an evil one and a good one. His grandson asks, “who will win?” The grandfather replies, “The one you feed.” In parodies, the story is often simplified to “There are two wolves inside you. One is X. The other is X. You are X.” The proverb’s actual origins are murky. It has been attributed to Christian pastor Billy Graham in 1978, as well as the Cherokee Native American tribe.

          61 month ago

          If a televangelist said something approaching smart it means they swiped it from someone else. The only thing they care about separating dumb people from money, they’re just as dumb but more evil.

    • Yup. OP, allow yourself to smile or chuckle. You might find that it was nervousness that made you so anxious to laugh in what you perceive as an inappropriate situation. Relax.

    • Lemminary
      1 month ago

      Ok but Robin was downright mad! And I loved that for him. RIP

  • breakfastmtn
    301 month ago

    “Hey guys can you help me disconnect from the fire hose of human joy to appease all the grumps around me?”

    We can’t and we won’t.

  • Stamets
    161 month ago


    Honestly I have no fucking clue. I do the same thing. Especially bad if I think about something that can cause a laughing fit and then I have to explain a voice clip a friend sent to me.

    Most people generally won’t care though. They’ll look over and maybe go “Huh” before they carry on.

    You’d be amazed just how little people actually think about anyone other than themselves.

      1 month ago


      When you realize how self absorbed people are…

      I like to say Cray shit on purpose in lieu of truthful small talk, people usually dead eye respond in normal NPC responses like “Good, you?” or “Have a good one”.

      My inner child/voice does use absurdism as a coping mechanism.

      • Stamets
        1 month ago

        Oh for real. I’ve been on the bus and people ask questions like what time it is. I just respond with something wildly unhinged like “Quarter past where the past, present and future all have a collective existential crisis. But if you need a more convential and temporally linear answer, tis probably too late for this nonsense”. I’ve yet to have anyone say anything other than the most generic ass “Cool” response. Some even say thanks which is… hysterical.

  • Rhynoplaz
    131 month ago

    I have a secret for you.

    Whenever you let out one of those little laughs in public, EVERYONE in earshot is wondering if you were laughing at them and is subtly checking if it was them or someone else worth laughing at.

    In those moments, your the last thing on people’s minds.

    121 month ago

    Don’t. No matter how stupid you look, remember that it’s what makes you happy and that is a hundred more times important that people judging you. Don’t stop being a beacon of light surrounded by darkness.

  • deadcatbounce
    1 month ago

    Farts are funny. Will always be funny. It’s the follow-through that catches one unawares and dampens the mood.

    Don’t stop laughing at stupid shit. The world gets very serious very quickly all on its own when you’re looking and when you’re not. If you can retain some ability to laugh, you’ll be much better off.

    Am old fart: early Gen X.

    However, it is better to say nothing and be thought a fool than speak and remove all doubt.

    • XiELEdOP
      1 month ago

      I can relate as someone who realized they’re actually more interested in the Humanities after choosing a STEM preparatory course. Then I remembered that the reason why I chose STEM is because my country doesn’t give a shit about professions other than being a lawyer, doctor, or engineer.

        222 days ago

        I did the same but music was my original thought. But then I wasn’t sure what I’d do with a music degree.

        Overall, I’m not disappointed with my education. But I’d stop at a MSc if I had to redo it.

    71 month ago

    Doesn’t sound like there is anything wrong mate. Keep grinning at the world. Smiling is infectious and we damn well need it!

    71 month ago

    Here’s what you do.

    Just think about the fact that you don’t control your destiny. You’re a wage slave. Doing whatever is told to you. You’re going to die alone, and the only friends you have are only your friends because they are afraid of not having friends. The world is a dark and miserable place, and during the cold war America straight up lost 53 atomic bombs. Presumed to be in the oceans. Nobody knows their condition. Nobody knows if they are a threat to explode at any time.

    On top of that, the soviet union lost an unknown number of nukes during that same time. Whereas the united states says they’re pretty sure they lost them in the ocean, the soviet union makes no such claims. That means it’s possible they dropped it from a plane, and it didn’t explode. Maybe they were stolen from storage, and sold to whomever. No regulation needed.

    So now, instead of laughing at some meme, you can have a look of dread and uncertainty on your face. Like you’re holding back tears. And THEN you’ll fit right in with todays soul crushing society.

      11 month ago

      Haha now I’m just fury-laughing so I look way crazier snort what do I do lmfao I’m so fucking pissed rn

  • 0xb
    61 month ago

    Pleade dont. I mean it. Some time ago i was remembering back to a time when I was funny and it fucking shocked me. I used to make people laugh and laughed much more myself. Then over time life happened. Years of work, illness, family, relationships, the world. It was such a shitty feeling to see how the cynicism and demoralizing environment consumes us.

    I don’t want to go to an absolute like ‘ignore what everyone thinks’ because realistically it doesn’t work that way, but you should not strive to change your perception or internal wiring, but to be situationally aware when required. That’s what I think.

    Also let me tell you that I still get a little joy when seeing someone laughing or smiling in public, which I think is a good sign. Only the more deeply jaded will see that as a negative thing and give it importance. Five minutes later nobody will be thinking about it but you will still be a joyful person.

  • Owl
    61 month ago

    This has happend to me my entire life

    People hate me because of it

    They are sad and edgy

    I’m happy and laughing

    Take the win OP

    Take the laughpill, be happy