So I felt clerks was like the movie that captured the Xer feel and I was seeing a discussion of superbad and I sorta wonder if that might be the millenial one and american graffiti seems to be talked about in terms of boomers and maybe rebel without a cause for silent and maybe grapes of wrath for the greatest generation. Im grasping here. with the lost generation you have the dawn of movies but I was thinking the jazz singer. Im really not sure with Z and my guess for millenials seems a bit early but they have started making generational ranges under the 20 year standard in span I think under the auspices that things just change faster now. Theoretically Z would be coming out about now or in the last few years. What are folks opinions. Yes and I realize generations are artificial buckets so I would appreciate comments being kept to what you think the movies might be if your game to go through the hypethetical.

    • HubertManneOP
      31 month ago

      I guess I was thinking more movies that had characters who were part of the particular generation in a way and sorta gave a slice of life for the generation.

  • @[email protected]
    91 month ago

    Millennial here, Superbad was the movie my friends and I felt best captured the way we spoke to one another

    • HubertManneOP
      31 month ago

      Thanks. This is what I was going for as I felt that way about clerks for Xers which I am.

  • @[email protected]
    41 month ago

    Xer here. Not sure about clerks tbh. It came out rather late plus I fell asleep watching it lol. Would suggest repo man instead (until I think of something more suitable ).

      • HubertManneOP
        11 month ago

        I feel like snl stuff is just to mass market and the characters are to much of caricatures.

        • @[email protected]
          21 month ago

          Wayne’s world is almost too on the nose honestly. Myers & co captured the 80s rocker character well. They/we were everywhere then. But it’s a silly movie so doesn’t quite fit with your theme.

          My original thought was Fast Times. Just searched quintessential gen x movies and it came up on top of the list along with all the others mentioned here. Oddly I haven’t seen half of them lol

    • HubertManneOP
      31 month ago

      If your whole generation did then man that would be one good movie.

  • @[email protected]
    1 month ago

    I just watched Didi and it seems to do a great job with the millennial coming of age story. They’re a bit younger than me, but I related a lot to the characters and setting.

    Dunno if it’s THE definitive movie, just thought I’d recommend because it’s recently on my mind.

    • HubertManneOP
      11 month ago

      I get that. I mean posts like this from me are because something struck me. In the long run its at least turning out to be an interesting list of movies.

    • HubertManneOP
      11 month ago

      I think I did not quite write it well as I got like waynes world and some others. I sorta meant where the characters would fit as decent representatives of the generation. Typical or idealized experiences or something.

  • @[email protected]
    11 month ago

    I’m either really late genX or really early millennial depending how you define it, but Pump Up The Volume was the one that did it for me.

    • HubertManneOP
      11 month ago

      My older brother is like that for boomers. He is a really young boomer. Its actually pretty telling how different his life is from the older boomers and how different it is for me as an Xer and how different I see it for younger folks. Basically the farther you go the better but you want to be born after the great depression. Even earlier aint bad. It sucked as a kid but as long as the postwar boom happens by like 16 its all better and better going forward. Except for the whole draft thing. In some ways it would be great where the draft was officially called off when you turned 17 so you lost the stress of the draft. You would have lost a lot of the largess but you could just squeeze into the point in time where a college degree was a bit optional for leading a decent life.

  • @[email protected]
    11 month ago

    Art School Confidential and Napoleon Dynamite are pretty good snapshots of the Xennial generation

  • lemmy689
    11 month ago

    Kind of genre specific, but The Warriors/Outsiders combo is early GenX. The soundtracks are amazing.