A European Parliament member claimed that the U.S. gave Europe three weeks to agree on Ukraine’s “surrender” terms or risk an American withdrawal from Europe.
Mika Aaltola made the claim on X, but provided no evidence. NBC News reported that Defense Secretary Pete Hegseth suggested a U.S. troop reduction in Europe.
Trump reportedly plans to cut 20,000 troops and demand greater NATO contributions. He has pushed for higher NATO defense spending.
Trump may meet with Putin soon, believing Russia holds the upper hand in negotiations.
In a post on X, formerly Twitter, Finland’s Mika Aaltola of the European People’s Party claimed that the U.S. “has given us three weeks to agree on terms for Ukraine’s surrender,” referring to a proposed peace deal aimed at ending the war.
“If we don’t, the United States will withdraw from Europe,” Aaltola added.
Trump is demanding that Europe hand Ukraine to Russia, or he will hand Europe to Russia. This man is not working for the good of the USA or its traditional allies. He is working against them, destroying Europe, NATO and the USA for the sake of himself, Vladimir Putin and a few Nazi billionaires.
And clearly when he threatens Europe like that they should not for a minute believe that he will not hand them over to Russia if they do what he says. Given that, Europe should tell him to get lost.
He is also lying he will hand over Europe the second Ukraine falls or daddy Putin commands him to.
To be fair, Mika Aaltola is known in Finland as a noted populist and doomsayer that has a flair for the dramatic. His foreign policy predictions have also been pretty much all wrong since before the start of war in Ukraine.
I’d take anything he says or leaks with a big spoon of salt.
Russia is losing in Ukraine but some how in the Orange Turds mind Russia is wining. Russia has the upper hand with their Puppet in the USA.
No no, he doesn’t think that Russia is winning, he wants Russia to win.
He needs Russia to win…
Because Putin demands it of him to force it that way.
I wonder what Putin has on Trump. Pee tape or P-Tape?
Shady loans from his businessman days?
It’s either footage from Epstein’s plane of sex acts with obvious minors, or it’s just that Putin tells him he’s a great leader and everyone knows he’s cleverer and better than Obama, Clinton and Biden. Trump is a complete sucker for absurd praise.
Putin helped him to get in the position he’s in. It’s a long-term mutually beneficial relationship. No need for P-tapes - who cares about those nowadays? His base?
It would set a good precedent for his plans with Canada and Greenland.
Russia has the upper hand in Trump’s ass.
Russia is losing in Ukraine
I’d like to also take a hit from your pipe, bro. That shit must be very good
Id say having to revert to donkeys and 30+ year old civilian shitboxes is losing for the “2nd greatest army”.
Tell me why and how russia is winning? Im truely interested
Go to, observe and click on few icons to verify a deep pro-Ukrainian bias. Click on the calendar icon, select a random date from the past year. Click play button. Observe constant and relentless advancement from the red areas and the simultaneous shrinking of the blue.
Sanctions have largely failed. From personal experience in Russia, I can tell you, the people don’t feel like their country is at war. Business is as usual, the goods are still moving, the oil is flowing. The prices do rise quite quick, but it’s not like they don’t any other time. If anything, it only put a roadblock to opposing views for the people who can’t be too arsed to buy a VPN subscription.
I’ve been saying this all the time, but without troops from other countries, Ukraine cannot possibly hold the lines, nevermind fighting back. Russia has 3.5x more population and 9x bigger economy before the war broke out. No amount of aid is going to turn one Ukrainian into four. It’s a simple math, and the two above points show exactly that. Anyone who tells that Russia is somehow losing is straight up lying to feed people what they want to hear.
Yes but a well placed himars strike can turn 100 russians into 0. The problem is that Ukraine has to ration their ammunition. The reason Russia is taking ground at all is because they just have more meat than Ukraine has bullets.
Yes but a well placed himars strike can turn 100 russians into 0
A well placed nuke can turn 3 mil Ukrainians into 0. What’s the point?
The reason Russia is taking ground at all is because they just have more meat than Ukraine has bullets.
Well that’s kind of the point. Even if you turn the question that way, as long as Russia has more troops than Ukrainians have bullets, it is still winning. It is set up to be a Pyrrhic victory from day 1, but a victory nonetheless.
You understand that if Ukraine didn’t have to ration their ammunition, they would be able to repel Russia without much problem. It’s not an issue with manpower in the slightest. Also Xi has told Putin not to use nuclear weapons, and Putin has to do what Xi wants (unless Xi gives him a sock).
No amount of aid is going to turn one Ukrainian into four.
A mine field can cancel out numerical advantage. A robotic weapons station can turn one machine gunner into four (or more). Likewise, a swarming algorithm can allow one pilot to direct a flight of several drones.
So, to put it shortly - on the battlefield, technology can cancel out numerical advantages of 3.5 to 4 quite realistically.
Economically - Ukraine alone would not sustain production against Russia, but Ukraine happens to have EU in its back yard. The Russian economy is actually quite small compared to EU’s economy. So the economic unbalance can also be canceled out.
But yes, you are correct to note that village by village, the map is turning red - Ukraine is running a thinly manned front and when pushed hard, yields territory to Russia gradually. During the past year, I would not be surprised if Russia had taken 1 additional percentage point of Ukraine, moving from 20% to 21% for example.
As for attrition on Russia - if you observe the footage and news, you will notice that they are low on cars, low on armor (and using a large percent of antiquated armor), and low on artillery barrels. Out of the USSR stockpile of ~13 000 tanks, estimated losses were recently standing at 9859 machines [1].
At a rate of 10 tanks per day, Russia will have to rely on freshly produced tanks after 300 days. Given how logistics behaves, they are using up all their production already currently, and supplementing it with renovation of increasingly old hardware.
Sadly, they are not anywhere near low on air-dropped bombs. Which I would characterize at their foremost advantage currently. As long as Ukraine cannot deter the bombing runs. (It can stretch and slow them by regularly visiting forward air bases with flights of drones.)
I will not tell you that “Russia is losing”. I will only say that just like Ukraine cannot sustain the current situation, Russia cannot sustain the current intensity of attacking. Even a small technical development (e.g. arrival of a modern long-range air defense missile comparable to quite ancient Soviet S-200 missiles, or arrival of a fighter that can fire Meteor instead of AIM-120) could drive Russian aircraft beyond bombing range of the front, and halt the advance.
Those are, in fact, good points, I just didn’t want to yap about them in the previous comment.
The battlefield has, indeed, got quite stale with rare opportunistic gains or those that were gained through massive bloodshed. Trench warfare is once again the reality of modern war. Still, even with all the aid Ukraine has received the tide isn’t going in their favor.
So, to put it shortly - on the battlefield, technology can cancel out numerical advantages of 3.5 to 4 quite realistically.
I stand ground on my conviction that there is no 4x force multiplier, solely by the fact that whatever Ukraine deploys could be also deployed by Russia. Most definitely a somewhat shittier version, but which gets the job done, maybe giving the Ukraine’s side at most 2X advantage, but most importantly, magnitudes cheaper.
Economically - Ukraine alone would not sustain production against Russia, but Ukraine happens to have EU in its back yard. The Russian economy is actually quite small compared to EU’s economy. So the economic unbalance can also be canceled out.
Considering the point above, I wouldn’t be so sure about that given that we are… well, were for the past year in that position with the only difference of it being the US who’s providing most of the (military) aid rather than EU… and the front line is moving westwards nonetheless
As for attrition on Russia - if you observe the footage and news, you will notice that they are low on cars, low on armor (and using a large percent of antiquated armor), and low on artillery barrels. Out of the USSR stockpile of ~13 000 tanks, estimated losses were recently standing at 9859 machines [1].
Cars are def not a problem, the streets in Russia are absolutely flooded by Chinese imports. Tanks, artillery, and warships, from what I gather from some military analysts, and this will most likely sound controversial and so we’ll probably have to agree to disagree, is that those are basically entirely antiquated already by the advent of drone warfare. Armor shortages sounds surprising to me and I haven’t heard about that… I don’t see how it could problem for Russia, and yet it is… Corruption is the only possible answer I could see for that. But overall, even given that those are in fact necessary, as I’ve said, Russia still has a ton of economy not turned towards the war machine, and there’s a lot of factories to tap into to ramp the military production if necessary.
And please don’t take it as me praising Russia. Putin is definitely in wrong here and Zelensky has all the moral high ground there could possibly be. I just see that many news sources blow out any small Ukrainian achievements out of proportion into some kind of twisted Good vs Evil, David vs Goliath stories. And it makes my blood boil as it leaves an impression of “Why help Ukrainians even more when they’re doing quite well already”, while hundreds of innocent people are killed and displaced every day and it isn’t stopping, and won’t stop, unless a drastic measure is taken.
To go a bit deeper on the role of armor - on the background of drone warfare - I would explain like this: armor reduces casualties when moving people and supplies forward.
In these days, armor no longer controls the battlefield, it more likely delivers people and ammo.
If one moves soldiers and equipment forward with armor, it can move under machine gun fire, protect its occupants from one antitank mine, and somewhat protect them against one FPV hit.
If one moves them forward in a 4 wheel drive minivan or lorry, there will be ugly casualties when a mine is found, FPV arrives or a machine gunner opens fire. These vehicles also tend to get stuck easier. So, lack of armor tends to result in higher personnel losses and lower arrival rates of supplies.
From what I gather, the paradigm is also shifting on that front. MRAP’s and such are big, slow, noisy, easily detectable, and most often get immobilized regardless of armor, and all it takes to take one out is just a more powerful charge (in a mine or strapped to a drone). So both sides are increasingly leaning towards more lightweight vehicles, like enduro bikes, ebikes, and even EUC’s. Yes, if one blows up on a mine or by drone, there’s absolutely zero hope for them, but it limits the casualties to just that one poor sob (and possibly his passenger) rather than a whole dozen in mrap, but the big the pro is that they’re a lot harder to detect and chase with drones, while being economically unreasonable to be fought with conventional military weaponry, and have much less footprint allowing them to weave through narrower paths and right through the minefields. The big downside is that it’s not feasible to supply tanks and artillery this way, which is why I mentioned that some consider them obsolete already. On the other hand, drones, bullets and food are perfectly deliver-able by other drones. Not humans yet, though, so some will have to make the runs for rotations still, which us where most casualties happen and will continue happening unless something entirely new pops up all of the sudden
“Russia is winning because media is pro ukraine on that map” and the quick advance? Yes they are advancing at a speed of 0.0003 km/day if i remember the math correctly. And for that suffer hundres of thousends of people and Equipment.
Yess the good old “it only took a million people but we finally took 5m²!” Approche from ww1 :3
The sanctions arent failing, the russian banks litterly cant give more money and the russian economy stands shortly before a collaps. And I can tell you the people to feel the weight of the war in their money, before there already was wide spread poverty but now its even worse. If a whole demographic of woman has come to the conclusion that marrying a soldier to have food when he is home and when he dies you get money is the strategie to survive, then your economy is failing. Why else is the rubble suddenly no longer able to be publicly traded? Oh what because its worthless and all your citicens exchanged it for other more stable currencys? Crazy. And with it no longer being public the government threw the banks can say what ever it wants the inflation rate and worth is, but the prices wont change for the better because of that.
And oooh what do my eyes see there? The good old “russia is big has many men, they can sustain any war!” Argument? The idiotic argument of someone who knows nothing about anything military and thinks russia = soviet union and they won ww2 all by themself with no outside help. Funny how i knew you were bringing this up lol
Russia with being on a litteral general draft where they are also in addition now taking still wounded soldiers, soldiers without arm and leg, from the hospitals, take them into a truck and send them off to the frontlines with the 60-70 year olds that get a few weeks training that already are sitting in their shit, rat infested, colera spreading trenches. For your info, ukraine still hasnt issued any draft of its people. Russias economie, which 2023 was 2,021 Billionen USD vs Ukraines which in 2023 was 102.03 Billion USD. GDP isnt a measure of how well a country is doing, if that were so everyone in the UK was a millonair and in the USA there was no poverty. That is simple economics ;)
But since you have already also proven that you dont know anything about economie or military here some tips: If your country in 2024 had to result to stolen civilain vehicles, golf carts and now also donkeys for its supplys then you’re not winning. If you have to rely on north korean soldiers, use them as bait by letting them stand in the open, you arent winning. If you lost your navy, to a country without a navy, you are losing. If you are using tech from 60 years ago, you arent winning. If you couldnt stop the enemy from gaining more land in a few weeks than you took in an entire year offensive, and the enemy only slowed down because you cut of the civilians electicity, water and other essential things, so the enemy had to organise food and water supplies for the civilians as well and because they restricted in how they can use their weapons, you arent winning.
Oil and gas may be flowing, though it is to china, 10% of what you originally sold it and is now reliant and might as well using the Yuan. Russia is at the complete mercy of Winnie Pohs Silk Empire :D Hurray celebrate comrad! What a success! /j
But yes. Russia is cleeeeaaaarly winning
My brother in christ, get a hold of yourself. Winning is winning. If I beat you up in a boxing match and shit my pants in the process, it doesn’t matter how shitty my pants were, you go down then you’re losing.
For your info, ukraine still hasnt issued any draft of its people.
Are you NUTS?
How did the Russians do in Afghanistan?
How did the Russians do in Afghanistan?
Way worse than the US. Even though Russia was next door and the US was in another hemisphere.
I’ll do you one better: Why did the war in Afghanistan broke out?
Because the coups the Soviets organised turned out to be unpopular.
And what was the role of Osama bin Laden in this war?
I’m starting to get real curious what your views are and how on earth the facts fit together in it.
So your proofs are,
- one “source” is pro ukrainian
- the economy is ok in russia. We are talking about the batlefield bro
- your opinion
Booo, get better material
I mean, we’ve all already assumed US capitulation and cessation of any alliance tbh. It only took about two weeks.
Jog on.
Best of luck with China and that supply chain. They’re looking at how you’re throwing Ukraine under the bus and thinking “Oh hell yes”.
I’m confused by what you mean. Yes, if you disconnect from Europe you would absolutely need China’s supply chain. And Russia proved it’s a very powerful supply chain. Hate it all you want, but without even sending weapons, Russia was able to sustain the war under massive sanctions.
I mean, if Trump actually secures China’s supply chain and actually decided war is the best way to resolve Greenland and Panama, well, the world would be completely fucked. There’s nothing the rest of the world could do to stop any of this. The horrifying combination of US military, tech and China’s production capacity, Jesus fuck that’s terrifying.
The worst thing is, this is now a likely scenario. Considering Trump and Putin are both on board, the entirety of humanity is now dependant on Xi not being as power hungry and insane. God this is nightmare fuel.
I kinda doubt China wants to share things with the US. That and I doubt Putin wants the China to be stronger either. I think China would be cool not stepping in the way of the US and Russia so long as they see some opportunities for themselves.
Yeah, but we have to hope as a species that’s what China decides. Looking at their history, that’s actually likely. But we’re basically gambling on a sane decision from the CCP. That’s not a place I want to be. Though in fairness, I think most people here would agree with me.
When I stated china is look for opportunities for themselves, I don’t imagine it’s anything good for us. Regardless of what Xi’s china decides, it won’t be good for democracy nor us.
I’m just talking about very bad and less very bad. But yes, regardless now the outcome is negative.
China sees themselves as top dog in the world. The name for China in mandarin Chinese translates to “the central kingdom”. They want to exert economic control over the world rather than military. They want to be the country that all the other countries go to for help. Essentially they want the USA’s old job.
It’s about whether US will do the same throw under the bus routine with Taiwan I think. China would love to know that the US won’t seriously contest an attempt to invade their neighbor across the strait
I’m not sure what Taiwan has to do with a supply chain, but yeah, Taiwan falling to China would absolutely be part of the agreement. And as insane as what I’m about to say, especially since I’m Taiwanese, Taiwan would be a tiny footnote if this all goes through. It’s nuts that the entirety of the democracy’s survival is completely dependent on the will of 3 people and 2 of them have already proven to be completely insane and the third one no one is happy with.
Taiwan is important culturally to China for history reasons. But it’s much important financially and technoly wise due to tsmc. That was the true point of the chips act so us technology wouldn’t be so reliant of Taiwan but I doubt Trump understands that.
It’s far more than historical reasons, Taiwan is complicated at best. I’m not going to claim I know who’s right or wrong or literally anything on the topic. All I can say is my personal opinion and on that I hope Taiwan will find a way to keep it’s independence regardless of their official standing in the world.
On the chip act. Yes, I agree, very much so…
Looking into history to determine which territory should belong to which country is such a bullshit.
Sure. So we go by votes? What about Hawaii, Barcelona, Ireland, I could go on. Those are all nations that have been swallowed to history where western nations are OK with the oppression of people. What makes the difference, what is the deciding factor? I dunno, but any way you judge it, every nation is doing this today.
Why do you think Trump is asking for Greenland? They’re been trying to be independent for some time now the the Dutch won’t let them. Obviously they don’t want to be swallowed by USA, but they’re so small they might not have a choice. So no maps here, what are we basing it on? How does it work?
Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck. Your prediction is coming true.
Fuck Trump, fuck America, fuck everything that is happening right now. Fuck
The reason for this happening now is that Russia is on the verge of collapse and Putin has turned the screws on trump. If things don’t go his way the pee tape will leak
Pretty sure its P for pedofile not pee.
They got loads of weapons and ammunition, even soldiers.
BRICS vs. The
Which one is the 1 here, cause 2 is america
risk an American withdrawal from Europe.
Why is this a threat? Is there a reason Europe would want a hostile country to remain there?
Because Europe can’t defend itself.
Any American willing to fight Europe is a piece of shit, especially if it’s your job.
Coming soon: “Fuck you for your service.”
Agreed. I have my piano wire at the ready just in case.
Fuck him. First, he’ll do what we wants regardless of whether you concede to his demands. If we wants to withdraw troops, he’ll withdraw them, no matter what concessions you make to him in hopes of preventing that. Look at his history. Look at how he has treated the other party in Every. Single. One. of the “deals” that he’s made. He fucks them over. NEVER believe he’ll hold up his side of whatever bargain you make. He won’t.
Don’t ever concede to this bully. The more you concede, the more demands he’ll make, like with a blackmailer. Call his bluff. Say, “Sorry, we don’t agree. If that means you’ll withdraw, then don’t let the screen door hit ya where the good lord split ya on the way out.” Bam! End of bullying and if he didn’t want to withdraw, he’ll find some excuse no to go through with it (or probably just lie and say you agreed to do something for him behind the scenes).
Ukraine can’t survive without US assistance.
Maybe not, even probably not, but with Europe’s help it can at least keep fighting for now, with the possibility that something could happen in US or Russia to change the equation in that time. That’s all very uncertain, but what is certain is that if Europe agrees to this Putin/Trump terms of surrender, it’s over for Ukraine immediately. And then other countries will be next.
We don’t know for certain whether other countries will be next or not.
Europe providing more support for Ukraine hoping for a miracle might lead to more suffering for Ukrainians and just more territory losses. That’s a risky bet. It also feels like a half hearted measure. Might be time Europe goes all in it really thinks Russia is an existential threat.
We do know for certain, we know Putin’s plans, he’s not exactly keeping them secret. In this new situation that is more positive for him, he has no reason to suddenly choose not to continue.
I insist that we don’t know for certain what Putin’s plans are. If you are so sure yourself, would you bet your most valuable possession on it?
Besides, if you are so sure of that, isn’t time for European countries to drastically ramp up support for Ukraine and join the war?
It is, but they probably won’t do it, because they’re not united enough. Some European countries have pro-Putin leaders, in some, the power is split.
He’s gonna withdraw anyways…he works for you Putin. They are ramping for WW3 with the world vs USA/Russia/China…fucked up to put us with Russia but here we are.
Yeah he’ll withdraw troops and NATO support no matter how things go in Europe …
He’ll need more armyboots at home defending his regime … also needs to recoup costs due to losing out on tax income and tariff lies. Then there is this thing where he wants to give Putin this favor of dismantling NATO.
So, his demand was 2% in 2017 … and countries are exceeding that, Poland is already spending more than even the US, and Germany is climbing, so he upped it to 5% to get the excuse of the US backing out.
Even if they meet 5%, in a few years he’ll up it further.
Ofcourse for now he’ll assume the NATO members still feel bound to keep supplying intelligence information and buy American weaponry, even if NATO falls apart.
The other four of the Five Eyes should be having a rethink. Maybe there are worse things than losing an eye.
Pretty sure Poland is already on course to exceed 5%.
Has China given an indication they’re allied with the US? This is an earnest question.
I think it’s more trump / Putin and Putin/ Winnie the Pooh so they are just all friends
it’s a lot like the tripartite pact. three fascist military governments are agreeing to non-compete terms. they are not allies. they are merely not enemies
This definitely helped answer my question, thanks yall!
Japan and Germany were strange bedfellows the last time this all happened, if you’ll recall.
“The enemy of my enemy is my friend” and all that.
They are ramping for WW3 with the world vs USA/Russia/China…
Holy fuck I feel so sorry for the world.
Less than half of the US support Trump though, so the US would either be on the side of the World or fighting its own civil war.
About 2/3 of the voting age no?
1/3 actively voted for him, and 1/3 was “fine with either option”
He didn’t win the >50% of the vote if you count third parties which is interesting enough.
A lot of people don’t vote as a protest. Most stupid shit I ever heard and I instantly lose respect for anyone that doesn’t at least go spoil their ballot.
Nah. Lumping the people who didn’t vote in as supporting trump is stupid.
(I fully expect most of you to do it, though.)
Edit for the downvoters: Are you really delusional enough to believe that people who didn’t vote for trump are automatically going to die for him in a war? Lol.
Lumping the people who didn’t vote in as supporting trump is stupid.
In the context of electoral outcomes, it’s objectively true. Other than that, I think most of us would agree with you.
In the context of electoral outcomes, it’s objectively true.
Not really, but I expect you to be delusional enough to believe it.
It is true. By not opposing fascism, you’re tacitly supporting it.
They literally published a playbook of what they’d do if they won. The contents of it were known. The man straight up said he would be a dictator.
Knowing all of that, if you didn’t oppose him, you were complicit in him gaining power.
The delusion on these forums is palpable.
“If you don’t vote in an election, you automatically support one candidate over the other!”
Glad most of it is contained online, though.
Expecting them to defend the USA from Trump is also stupid. They couldn’t even be bothered to vote.
Not really, if it came down to a civil war.
Congressional approval is required for acts of war. I know the Republicans have Congress, but are they willing to go that far??
I don’t think they’ve actually approved a war since Korea. They ceded that power to the president. Congress never declared war on Vietnam, Iraq x2, or Afghanistan. And that’s just the big ones.
You are incorrect on each of those. Vietnam was approved by Congress with the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution (1964). Iraq was approved with the Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution (2002). Afghanistan was approved by the Congress Joint Resolution (2001).
If you don’t agree 100% with what Trump says you’re an traitor. They probably will, rightly fearing for their lives if they don’t
So a new call to the army for all european people and here we go again. Monkeys spinning the wheel because of a bunch of useless people.
If I was a Russian agent, and had managed to become the US President, he’s doing EXACTLY what I would to to gut and destroy the US. The Fanta Menace doesn’t even seem to be trying to hide the fact he works for Putin. So how has he not been charges with treason? Signed, Confused Non-US person.
Because the republicans have spent years gutting oversight, and decades making the populace dumber. This is their final putsch to fully gut the government so they can have complete power. And they’ve mostly succeeded already. The people are beyond disengaged from four years of this four years ago, plus Covid, plus struggling to survive in late stage American capitalism. It’s the perfect storm for a fascist takeover. And they’re taking full advantage.
Brilliant use of putsch!
Fanta Menace 🤣
Do it! I dare you! Fuck of from europe! Take all your companies with you! Dont sell us weapons anymore!
Democracie is none negotiatable and we dont negotiate with terrorist acomplices!
Call his bluff.
American soft power around the globe relies on having those bases on foreign soil.
Military bases and soldiers are the opposite of soft power
Eh, it’s at least hybrid. Classic hard power is the use of the military. That can include garrisoning but usually by force, not by permission.
If you think about it from position of China being the biggest threat, then only Asian bases and countries matter. That’s why we don’t hear much about Trump doing crazy things in that region.
While Europe is important, it should be able to fend for itself. Also Europe joining China is unlikely in short and mid term. So it make sense to spend less money on Europe and focus on Asia.
Also explains the Russia situation. Although culturally Russia is as European as Sweden and Germany, this war has pushed it closer to China than ever. If the conflict lasts longer, then their alignment would be immenent. Personally I’m surprised that they didn’t align more. China was being surprisingly passive about the whole thing.
Isn’t china already heavily invested/investing in Hungary?
Yes China makes big distinction between US and Europe in its rhetoric. And they are working on pulling Europe from USA, but it’s early days and it will take time. Lots of time.
I think Trump will manage to push Europe into China’s arms well within the next 4 years at the rate he’s going. If Europe can get China to back Ukraine I think that’s all it would take at this time.
I don’t think so. They are culturally too different. Europe will continue to suck American cock for at least couple decades going forward. That’s not to say that economic ties won’t increase in the meantime.
China has announced today it supports the peace talks started by the US and Russia.
china backs whoever is likely on the winning side that benefits them, right now trump is useful to china. also helps if russia weakening as a power as well, china and russia are frenemies at best.
Yes they have nothing to gain from not doing that at the moment.
If the conflict lasts longer, then their alignment would be immenent.
Indeed. I do think this is why the US is seeking to end the war quickly.
Personally I’m surprised that they didn’t align more. China was being surprisingly passive about the whole thing.
China’s policies is for long term military and economic growth without the use of foreign alliance. The PRC doesn’t like to take risks when they don’t have to, and a rapid military alliance with Russia will come with plenty of risks that the Chinese might want to avoid.
risk an American withdrawal from Europe.
Do it, coward
Boy do I wish the EU and the UK would sign an agreement to cut all trade immediately with the U.S. and force the isolation this bafoon pretends they want. Prices will skyrocket everywhere, but the number of dumb Trump followers will fall off a cliff and he would be forced to step down by the oligarchs he surrounded himself with. The market would crash for certain.
Idk anymore. The maga handlers have complete control of the maga cult media machine. I could imagine this happening, and right media spinning up a lie that maga eats up. “Biden did this with the Democrats!” He encouraged a coup that was recorded, and people all but forgot about it.
They can lie all they want. No trade means inflation. Inflation means markets crashing. It can’t be stopped without spreading wealth oligarchs don’t want to share with those in need. When people starve, they will murder rampantly to stay alive.
Most of the rich are smart enough to know they only stay rich if the people stay peaceful and mildly satiated. You don’t want to lock yourself in with 250,000,000 starving people with guns.
I was just doing rough math for the almost 60%+ that live paycheck to paycheck. Figure those people will make it about a month with that kind of inflation before they can’t make rent/food/ whatever
these billionaires have bunkers in NZ, they arnt staying here incase shit like this happens.
Point is they wouldn’t let it happen. They’d stop it by throwing Trump and co under the bus and take their money and power to the next best thing. Which would likely be backing a stupid moderate Democrat and getting things “back to normal” as fast as possible
You’re talking about the negative results, but the important point is who is attributed as causing them or the reason behind them. If there’s record inflation, I can imagine a situation where MAGAs believe it’s for a good reason, or because woke caused it or something. Remember, people died with covid, in complete disbelief of it because of conservative spin.
I’m hoping people wake up, but who knows how far we must fall before they do. Jan 6 and COVID I thought were those points. But here we are at depths unimaginable, and accelerating.
In regards to oligarchs, look how bad things are in other countries. Russia is an example where people have less rights, freedoms and money than us yet they aren’t rebelling. We can still reach that point sadly. I hope you’re right that people wake up and become angry way before they point.
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I really do hope the eu doesn’t even negotiate with terrorists.
We’ll keep all the non-personel weaponry tyvm!
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Only to protect the interests of capital though. If you’re a popular black guy talking about economic distribution then you’re cooked, but increasing the wealth from the middle-class to the rich and killing the opposition is what the CIA is for.
You’re assuming they didn’t help bring this about in the first place.
Yeah, well we didn’t vote for him. He can keep his lunacy for his subjects.
Pretty sure they didn’t vote for him either.
I’m begging for Americans to do something against Trump. You can’t just let someone who’s so blatantly under Putin’s thumb destroy everything.
Agreed. But the window of opportunity to act is closing fast. I’d be shocked if musk doesn’t have a massive fleet of drones to patrol the streets.
Over 50% of the once that went voting voted for trump. If you didnt vote, that was your vote. The vote to not give a fuck but still life with the aftermath
Under 50%, he only got 49% of the vote.
Does that include the ballot images that musk created on his behalf?
We’re not even talking about massive voter suppression.
If any European country bows down to Donald, I’ll boycott it for the rest of my life
You can count on Hungary and maybe Slovakia to grovel…like good america/russia first Europeans.
Possibly Serbia too
Serbia is in Europe but not in EU, in this case their opinion (which probably aligns with the Kremlin) doesn’t count
“If any man dies with a clean sword, I’ll rape his fucking corpse!” - Winston Churchill, 1940.
Hungary and Slovakia for sure. Italy is heading in that direction after Meloni cried about the anti-trump meeting held in Paris.
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Being an American that feels like they no longer have a home, I would like Europe to unleash holy hell upon the US. Do not let this fascicle president dictate what you do for your continent. You were fine before we took over swaths of your countries for their bases, you can be the strong leaders that the West need to fight everything that’s going on in your vicinity with Russia, North Korea, and any other rogue nation. I hate to say it, but the US is a part of that sentence as well. The US will not protect you anymore, I have absolutely no faith that the US will step up when you need them the most. Protect yourselves.
Never seen this word before and in my head I just read “foshizzle”
Europe countries do not have the power to “unleash holy hell upon the US.”
France’s thermonuclear arsenal says hello.
Not really what we want to do though, surely.