Title essentially. Youtube’s algorithm is hot garbage, so I can’t search for anything anymore without a ton of AI slop and rage bait. So, who do you go to for actual good long form videos? Exposes, scandals, behind the scenes, documentaries, film, travel, transit, who do you recommend I follow?

    • ScrubblesOP
      722 days ago

      I love Jenny, so HBomberGuy would probably be good too

    • @[email protected]
      521 days ago

      These two were my first thought! I’ll add that both cover a range of topics, Jenny does do a lot of videos around Star Wars, but also covers obscure films, and theme parks, wherenl HBomber runs the gamut from flat earth to vaccines to video games to plagiarism. Both are incredibly well researched and, in my opinion, offer very fair takes on the subject matter.

    • @[email protected]
      20 days ago

      It might be worth adding that some people might find him (and similar long form content) verbose if they are not into the topics. I watch probably most of his episodes, but some people in my life don’t vibe with those. The same people did not appreciate the 7 color e-ink display I had been tinkering around with until I made it display a dog pic, so it’s also about how the topic relates to what you already like.

  • @[email protected]
    3322 days ago

    Angela Collier for commentary on physics. She has a lot of good commentary on the field itself (see her recent Feynman video), but also good science videos… that I usually lose track of about 3/4 of the way through, but I enjoy nonetheless.

  • @[email protected]
    2721 days ago

    Along with Technology Connections, Philosophy Tube, and Primitive Technology, here are my “must watch” subs

    Climate Town - Excellent videos about climate change and environmental impact that are insightful and funny

    Contrapoints - Well written and meticulous deconstructions of philosophical concepts in media, pop culture and society with a dry wit

    Every Frame a Painting - Amazing content on film-making. No longer active, but if you haven’t seen it yet, lucky you, enjoy.

    Pop Culture Detective - Interesting meta analyses of popular tropes in pop culture

    Because I’m into historical clothing and fashion, Bernadette Banner and Abby Cox both do great videos on costuming, history and creating cool stuff

    • @[email protected]
      721 days ago

      Love climate town. I hate that someone needs to waste their time disproving lies from the oil, gas, politicians and the like, but it does give me hope in the future that there are people like that out there.

      • @[email protected]
        421 days ago

        Yes! It was such a pleasant surprise on my feed. Unfortunately they said they won’t be continuing because of Youtube’s enforcement policies around copyrighted material so those videos were meant to be a limited series.

    • dual_sport_dork 🐧🗡️
      1222 days ago

      AvE (though I’m pretty sure he’s conservative)

      You’re right. AvE went completely off the deep end during the height of Covid, and revealed that his being a scumbag isn’t just doing a bit for the camera.

      • @[email protected]
        1622 days ago

        Do you have a link to his undoing?

        His knowledge of everything mechanical and electronic is pretty useful though. I’ve learned a TON from him but now I prefer Cutting Edge Engineering to scratch that kind of itch.

          • dooleypalooza
            621 days ago

            Was really disappointed when that one came out… His stuff was great up to that point but now it feels… It’s got an ick now.

    • @[email protected]
      221 days ago

      Good list, many hits with my list. Let me recommend “Tally Ho” and “Escape to Rural France” to you, although the latter might be too short for “long format” with 10 minutes per episode, give or take.

    • @[email protected]
      121 days ago

      Great list! I would just add The Majority Report if you’re looking to learn more about politics while also trying to understand what is happening today. They do a ~2.5-hour live show every weekday which includes a quick overview of the latest headlines for today, an interview of someone with knowledge about some politics-related topic, and then an hour of mostly right wing videos that they discuss, argue with, and vent about.

      I love it for how informative it is and for keeping me sane.

  • @[email protected]
    2421 days ago

    I actively avoid shorts so most of what I watch is long form.

    • Technology Connections - A guy needing out about household tech
    • Unlearning Economics - a trained economist turned public edutainer who kept learning after Econ 101, unlike others who shall remain nameless
    • Behind the Bastards - Chummy laughter about the worst people ever
    • RPG with DBJ - RPG talk with a focus on creativity and exploring the opportunities afforded by the space of ‘limited only by your imagination’
    • We’re in Hell - A guy looking at pieces of media and the ideology infused into them by culture
    • Gresham College - lectures on widely ranging topics, presented by professors but targetting the layperson
    • The Morbid Zoo - A cool gal doing analysis of movies, usually horror, but sometimes others, with an eye toward ideology and culture (Hellraiser, Smile, Twilight, PotC, etc.)
    • Folding Ideas - More film analysis, but with a tack toward various criticisms
    • Doctor Who - the old series are all on the tubes now. Not educational, but fun.
    • @[email protected]
      120 days ago

      Behind the Bastards is fucking great! If you like their stuff, you might also enjoy “Respect The Dead (A Podcast Where We Don’t).” It’s a kind of queer younger sibling to BTB and a whole lot of fun, but they only cover people who are for sure dead.

  • @[email protected]
    2122 days ago

    Red letter media

    I love Star Trek, but don’t want to watch the modern Alex kurtzman garbage, so they take the bullet for me.

    I’m also not a movie guy, so watching their reviews/analysis while playing Minecraft is more entertaining than the movies they talk about.

    Best of the worst is them watching B and direct to video movies that i wouldn’t otherwise know about.

    • @[email protected]
      321 days ago

      Watch strange new worlds, Mike is rightfully dead inside after disco, but I genuinely like a majority of Strange New worlds, and generally align with Mike and Rich on most other Star Trek. I do think they praised season 3 of picard too much.

    • @[email protected]
      20 days ago

      kurtzman is so trash for NUTREK, and there are so many people actually defending the current franchises on youtube videos, did they not noticed the material was most lifted off of memory alpha and the fan novels? why it so bad in taste. the animated series, however im partial to.

      as for SNW ITS BETWEEN disco in terribleness(its a sold C- show), but not as bad but no where near “2000s enterprise series level of great series”. the enterprise series wouldve continued beyond 4 seasons, if not for LES MOONVEs, who hated star trek.

      both picard and disco were just plain cringey. almost always on the 3 series, use romulan at end of season 1 as clickbait and then completely dropping thier arcs.

  • @[email protected]
    1821 days ago

    Haven’t seen Philosophy Tube on here yet.

    High quality and engaging deep dives on various philosophy-related topics. Abigail, the face of the channel is an actor and playwright (and an academic) and that very much shines through.

    • @[email protected]
      221 days ago

      Seconded. Love their stuff. Also Contrapoints (who Philosophy Tube kinda ripped off, but hey ho, both great content.)

      FD Signifier is good too.

      • @[email protected]
        320 days ago

        Contra and Philosophytube are an excellent example of how two people with a lot of similarities can do the same concept and wind up with wildly different results even when both are excellently done.

  • @[email protected]
    1721 days ago

    I love Technology Connections for an easy, interesting watch. He just explains how appliances work lol

    • @[email protected]
      321 days ago

      Have you seen his latest? It’s all about algorithms and a societal shift in what people expect from computers and media.

      • @[email protected]
        320 days ago

        It’s a video I loved, and I understand why some of his fans wouldn’t but a lot of people need to see it.

      • @[email protected]
        220 days ago

        I haven’t had a chance yet! Seems like a bit of a departure from his usual stuff but very topical

    • @[email protected]
      121 days ago

      Yes, I also love it! But sometimes he’s a bit repetitive. I usually watch his videos at 1.2x speed

  • @[email protected]
    1521 days ago

    Peter Dibble has some great documentaries on historical curiosities around the Pacific Northwest, and beyond.

    Technology Connections does deep dives into topics of technology, specific devices and appliances, and generally is very entertaining and informative.

    RedLetterMedia for film critiques, so bad it’s good reviews, and comedy.

    Defunctland does documentaries around theme parks.

    Tasting History with Max Miller is a very educational historical food dishes show. Not super long form.

    Matt Baume does great “LGBTQ+ in TV, historically” type of content. And wrote a book about it which is great too.

    Stand-up Maths does great math content. Yeah, it’s math, but it’s fun. Bonus is he also wrote a great book relating to his content about engineering and maths mistakes in real life on large scales.

    LGR- retro computer tech

    Techmoan- retro audio tech

    • HobbitFoot
      221 days ago

      For Drfunctland, who doesn’t want to watch an over hour long video on the design of FastPass?

  • @[email protected]
    1521 days ago

    For educative scientific YT channels I’d recommend Veritasium, The Action Lab and NileRed to name a few. They produce top quality scientific videos about really interesting phenomenas and experiments. And the best part is they make the concepts simple to understand without the need of a degree or smth lol

    • @[email protected]
      221 days ago

      Adding to this, Smarter Every Day is really great – they just started a series on Nuclear Power with a walkthrough of the first Nuclear Reactor used to produce electricity.