The person in the picture is u/spez (fastest and the goofiest picture I could find).

Also, please don’t take it seriously. It’s a shitpost. Thanks.

  • This is fine🔥🐶☕🔥
    3916 days ago

    Reddit has tankie subs too. Latest one I noticed was TheDeprogram with more than 60k users. A highly upvoted comment from there:

    One thing worth pointing out is how Bernie is framing it like the war was started by Putin and literally no other factors were at play. Putin just started the war one day for no reason because he felt like it.

    • stebo
      16 days ago

      Putin just started the war one day for no reason because he felt like it.


      “Yeah but it was because NATO is expanding”

      Ok so countries formerly under Russian rule want to prevent that from happening again, what a surprise. This hurts Putin’s feelings and that’s why he felt like invading Ukraine in 2014 and in 2022.

      (comment not directed at TheBat of course)

    • @[email protected]
      515 days ago

      There were also several instances of reddit tankies infiltrating other leftist subs to try to take them over.

    • Tomassci
      316 days ago

      Any sub favourable to leftists can get brigaded by tankies, unless explicitly anti-tankie.

  • @[email protected]
    16 days ago

    I usually have the mindset „theres no ugly humans, only unhealthy looking ones“ …

  • Tedesche
    1015 days ago

    That’s u/spez?!?!?

    Holy shit, 10,000 switches in my brain just clicked and the output is “Schadenfreude Upgraded.”

    • @[email protected]OP
      315 days ago

      It’s goofy u/spez. Could be real too but probably an altered image. I felt like a regular spez image wouldn’t cut it so searched for a goofy one and found this.

  • @[email protected]
    915 days ago

    Maybe I’m in the minority here, but I’ve been in Lemmy for almost 2 years since the API migration, and I don’t know if I’ve ever encountered a tankie, despite seeing hundreds of memes about them.

    I’m guessing my instance just doesn’t federate with the same weird shit y’all are seeing?

    • @[email protected]
      14 days ago

      .ml and hexbear are the tankie instances

      They used to have a lot of popular communities on there, but they have driven most of them off their space into other instances by now.

      If you imply that Putin or Xi are dictators you will get banned from those spaces.

      Edit: hey look, I summoned one

      • @[email protected]
        415 days ago

        i don’t want to encourage bothering people in other instances, but getting banned from hexbear feels kind of like getting banned from thedonald. Not quite the badge of honor you’d hope. Like, cool and all but what were you doing there in the first place.

      • @[email protected]
        -615 days ago

        Well they aren’t.
        Both countries have elections. (unlike ukraine BTW that without the excuse of war banned almost every party and put political opponents in jail)
        It’s a ridiculous cartoon villain propaganda name.
        Like every country the west doesn’t like needs to be called a regime.

          • @[email protected]
            -414 days ago

            when people choose to.
            When does someone from outside the D/R uniparty get elected in the US?
            They have been in charge for literal centuries.
            But that’s normal for the banana republic apparently.

            • @[email protected]
              14 days ago

              Wow your whataboutism really proved that China has a free society.

              Good job.

              You know you are allowed to aknowledge your country has problems and talk about how to fix them? I guess that’s a taboo thing in a dictatorship tho.

              • @[email protected]
                -114 days ago

                So petty with your whataboutism BS.
                A way to get out of the fact you’re a hypocrite and live under a 1 party regime.
                China deals with their problems BTW. Corrupt oligarchs can and do get the death penalty. People can say what they need and want.
                The fact the US does not show that or you are ignorant about it is your problem.
                They have no poverty unlike the US shithole, and their people are doing fine.

                • @[email protected]
                  14 days ago


                  Looks like you lost this one troll farm account

                  Not so easy to shit out disinfo when you can’t ban me XD

        • db0
          515 days ago

          Did you hear what happened to Alexei Navalny? How anyone can think that Russia is not a kleptocratic dictatorship is beyond me.

          • @[email protected]
            -215 days ago

            The racist and fascist criminal, filmed with an MI6 agent talking about causing triouble?
            The one that made videos of him shooting “vermin” muslims, organised fascist marches and other awful stuff?
            Yes, he was poisoned by his Brit handler on the plane, I know.
            Not as funny as the the Skripal joke. OC it has to be novishok, LOL
            I’m not sure you really know what happened to all these people
            Did you hear what happened to Epstein, Gary Webb, Assange or the plenty whistleblowers?
            Where in Russia is Guantanamo?

            • db0
              15 days ago

              Ok so even assuming all this is true, (which is a big assumption, but whatever), does that deserve a summarily death sentence?

              Please drop the immediate whataboutism for once

              • @[email protected]
                -615 days ago

                First, what I said about Navalny is true since everything I mentioned is on video. Just like the Azov nazis he was later made to clean up his image to be pallatable for the west as ‘good warriors of democracy’.
                Not one article mentioning any of this about the ‘saint and citizen activist’ in any MSM. Keep repeating: we have free, independent and neutral press!
                And his ‘death sentence’ was more than likely also caused by western jail visits.
                He was rotting in jail, out of the news and he had outlived his propaganda use for the west.
                The only thing they could do was make him a martyr.
                The Skripal farce is more difficult to prove but it stinks like hell.
                As if they couldn’t let them or Navalny have an accident or have him shot in a robbery went wrong.
                Nooo, let’s smuggle some Novishok, the autograph of the Russian state to kill people that have no importance.
                And how remarkable that this evil dedliest poison on earth killed NONE of the intended targets, stupid Russians!
                I bet you never heard about the first Poison Dagger exercise, where they practiced just that, an attack with biological weapons.
                That lasted 3 weeks, and was held in Canterbury, the home of the Skripals. And wouldn’t you know it, 1 day after the end of these exercises the real thing happened.
                And who ‘found’ the victims? Her identity was first kept a secret but months later when it was out of the news they decided to give her an award for her ‘performance’ she just happened to be the daughter of the highest medical authority in the English army.
                She and her parents do not live anywhere near Canterbury.
                As other key 'witnesses’they had a couple, Mr and Mss something.
                When you saw their pictures they looked a bit shabby at best. Turns out they were crack junkies living in a halfway house. Very credible.
                Like many of the official narrative their stories turned out to be inconsistent with reality.
                Even the Skripals themselves have denied they were poisoned in the place the Brits claim.
                But how could they be poisoned with Novishok, the trademark of evil Russia then?
                By another coincidence Canterbury happens to be only 10km from Porton Down, where they have a military biological warfare research center.
                Together with Fort Detrick in the US it’s the only place in the west know to have Novishok.

                Maybe you should read more verifiable stuff and not uniquely swallow western ‘news’.
                That is, if you have the possibility since they ban everything and decide what we can and can’t see bcs ‘Russian disinfo’ and us plebs can’t make up our own mind or discern what is true.

                Whataboutism is a term used by the west that makes it impossible to call out hypocricy or double standards.
                West: “we are better than X country bcs this or that!”
                Reply: “no actually you do this or that so you’re even worse”
                West: “whataboutism!”
                And let’s indeed stick to the subject, there is no objective reasoning to call Putin or Xi dictators.
                You will have to do better than “but Navalny” or simply admit the truth that it’s western framing.

                • db0
                  715 days ago

                  You sound like an unhinged conspiracy theorist, mate.

        • @[email protected]
          14 days ago

          Putin and Xi are dictators in the same way that Trump is trying to be. They consolidated power under their office, removing term limits and checks, and manipulate the democratic process in their favor (often with blatant ballot stuffing and crushing opposition, in the case of Putin).

          The US political system, as corrupt as it is, isn’t quite to that point yet, though unfortunately that might be changing soon.

          • @[email protected]
            14 days ago

            I’m sure you have proof of your fantasy tales.
            I’ll wait for it (and never hear from you again)
            Is crushing opposition the removing of 3rd partuy candidates by the US dems what you mean?
            Or doesn’t that count in your hypocrite world?

            • @[email protected]
              114 days ago

              I started to make a long effort post detailing Putin’s rise to - and subsequent consolidation of - power, but then I came to my senses and realized it would be pointless. If I went through with it, you would just do what you’ve been doing already, dismiss all sources I provide as false and biased propaganda while engaging in ridiculous whataboutism. I decided it would be a poor use of my time, is this really how you want to be spending yours?

              • @[email protected]
                114 days ago

                Where did I “dismiss all sources”.
                You have offered exactly ZERO sources, only claims that ironically parrot the equally unfunded biased propaganda you baselessly accuse me of.
                How hard could it be when they’re supposed to be obvious dictators?

                Check all my convo’s and you will see the same pattern.
                I offer verifiable facts and NONE of the others can return the favor.
                At best an infantile “I’m not talking to you anymore”, but usually with added cheap personal attacks like ‘biased propaganda’ ‘Vlad’ ‘Russian bot’ ‘Xi bucks’ or ‘+100 social credit’. Sad really.

                Maybe don’t start throwing BS claims you can’t back up when you have no intention of having a genuine discussion and cowardly chicken out when I call you out on them.
                Or is that the best way to spend your time?

    • Lemminary
      14 days ago

      It depends on your instance. I was originally on .lm when they first federated with Hexbear about a year ago and got piled on by like 40 when they thought I was criticizing communism when I wasn’t and I also got banned for the sin of replying to them. The reason for banning was “troll”. Lmao

      I even got ratio’d by someone downplaying the events of the Tiananmen Square. That’s when I knew I was up to my waist.

      E: It was an immediate instance ban by an Admin iirc

    • @[email protected]
      214 days ago

      I have been here about as long, though it doesn’t feel like two years. I’ve decided it’s probably how some people interpret left of center views.

      Kind of like how my parents seem to interpret feminist as misandrist hell bent of world domination and not people who think compensation should be equal.

      Either that or people hearing such and such communist country was right about X and interpreting it as that country was right about everything.

      It seems like some thought terminating bullshit to me, but like you, maybe I’ve just not happened across this terrible scourge on Lemmy.

    • @[email protected]OP
      16 days ago

      Thanks! Can we follow or subscribe to individual accounts on Lemmy though (other than RSS)? Because I’d love that.

        • @[email protected]OP
          215 days ago

          Should be easy to implement I would think but what I would really want is maybe adding a couple people to my feed from Mastodon (or other fediverse) as well as inside Lemmy. Unlike Reddit, Fediverse has the power to do this.

  • @[email protected]
    16 days ago

    He really looks like he‘s about to be buh-goking, I’m going with D

    Also he really looks like I‘d imagine a Reddit mod

    • Lemminary
      14 days ago

      “Tankies” is a pejorative term used to describe hardline supporters of authoritarian communist regimes, particularly those who defend the actions of the Soviet Union during events like the Hungarian Revolution of 1956 and the Prague Spring in 1968. The term has evolved to also refer to modern supporters of similar ideologies, including those who back policies of countries like Russia and China.

      DDG LLM response

      See also:

  • @[email protected]
    -514 days ago

    Lemmy world is the worst instance. You guys are huge libs and it’s embarrassing. Get a life, spend your energy on something productive other than shitting on people on the left, while right wingers staged a coup, and are going to start cracking down on everyone’s rights. “First they came for the communists…”