And I have a coworker that asks why I panic every time he mentions that he got some code from Gemini.
To be fair this is kind of an interesting example of how something that is obviously wrong can actually work and also make long-term damage so nice
The future that Chat GPT wants.
They should make a device that removes the need for waffle stomping. Like, maybe a separate fixture without a grille and with an aperture large enough to allow the solid loaf to pass straight through. Maybe integrate some kind of support to allow the user to comfortably assume and hold a squatting position. Oh, and a cleaning feature to wash the contents away.
Away with your snowflake wokery. Your dad waffle stomped. Your grandfather waffle stomped. What makes you so special??
What is this fever dream nonsense, man. Get with the program, get stompin’!
They could even put a little shower inside that seperate fixture to wash away stubborn contents that refuse to evacuate from the host.
Had a really bad nose bleed once in the shower.
I thought it was fine and sort of blew my nose a bit, and a huge clot came out. I had to waffle stomp it.
Any device to help would have been appreciated.
Have you taken a look at the Belgian waffle maker? Highly recommended, I hear.
It stomps. The competition.
That’s a slogan if I’ve heard one hahah.
When two completely separate sources collide to form a coherent end result I find myself amazed.
Essentially, 90% of what is being said in the text comes from a reddit thread where a user tells how his wife once scared him shitless by blurting out, while watching television, laughing histerically, she would regularly take a dump in the shower, then proceed to stomp the result down the drain. The user had been noticing the drains had been somewhat clogged lately and had made a passing remark about it to his wife.
The “waffle stomping” came from another user replying to the thread and I’m sincerely amazed how no references to “hot boxing” or “power bombing” are sprinkled in, as many users made references to how steam/moisture intensifies scents and smell, the reason which the wife had picked up the taste for scented candles.
I came into contact with this story through a podcast that extracts posts from various reddit subs.
To find a direct reference to it, here, through an AI allucination… I’m baffled.
Turning off the internet for today, folks.
I’ll see myself out.
This is the source that’s causing it. I think it’s because Google is giving it high authority because it’s coming from an edu domain: wafflestomp derives its name from the,douche as the French affectionately call it.
Is it weird, that I knew what a waffle stomp is before reading the post? Have I done too much internet?
Nope, totally normal. You’ll know when it’s time to go to sleep… Traffic Cone
What in the Kentucky fried fuck?
I got you fam…
Do you think God stays in heaven because He, too, lives in fear of what He’s created?
I literally cant tell if this is edited, if Google is being dumb, or if people 200 years ago really used the term.
What I want to know is what the Dutch are doing exactly with their stroopwafel stomps.
We have a different kind of cookie that we name our most depraved rituals after, it looks like this.
Ah, een lekker potje Koekiekwakkie
Really really bad idea plumbing systems for sewage and for wastewater are different in some countries and this could cause a lot of issues not to talk about the fact that the pipes for your shower are most likely way smaller than the pipes for your bathroom making them more likely to get clogged even if you waffle stomp it.
Well Belgium obviously developed their system for it from the ground up, while the rest of us are stuck with bad design decisions that result in the clogs.
Clogs are Dutch
The French manage to keep their crêpe together.
The real issue is that the drain trap is much smaller for a shower than that in a toilet even if the pipes are the same diameter.
The waffle grid is for the exact purpose of stopping things that are too large for the drain trap, so theoretically it should be fine. If it passes the grid, it can pass the trap. However, the drain trap doesn’t clean out entirely every time. If you stomp shit into the drain, then the trap will contain shit until it is cleaned out. It will also smell like shit, which defeats the purpose of having the trap in the first place.
Drain traps are disgusting enough without the addition of shit. Even in best case, it will accumulate hair mixed with shampoo and conditioner. I doubt that mixing it with shit will generate any kind of water savings, because it will require a thorough cleaning more often. Also, the main pipes actually needs a lot of water to drain. If by saving on water you eventually have to call a plumber to blast out the fat-bergs it will require a whole lot of more water.
It’s only a problem if you don’t waffle stomp it properly, duh
more likely to get clogged even if you waffle stomp it.
then you get out the poop knife.
I’m so glad the culinary world and the fecal world are getting closer, post by post
the circle is complete
Belgians have been waffle stomping for a long time.
You had me up until the end, NGL. 😂🤣
Oh I didn’t make this, this is a direct screenshot.