First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
I hope everyone supporting nationalist politicians because the old days were better for them take some time out of their day to reflect on this, let WW1 and WW2 at least have the positive side of teaching us about what not to fall for as citizens.
Lemmy needs a tag on posts not to export them to federated instances and put the whole of US politics and culture wars behind it.
Meanwhile Rule 10:
A place for major news from around the world, excluding US-internal news.
One of the best things about the reddit migration to the fediverse is having a local tab full of wholesome local non-US content. It would be nice if we could clean up All a bit more. I would be totally fine if my home lemmy instance defederated from all US instances carrying their domestic politics
I don’t think continually rage farming us is going to add anything of value. If a whole country wants to drive themselves insane with increasingly polarized and nonsensical crap they need a private space to do it away from the rest of us because it isn’t healthy and I don’t want to participate.
You are absolutely right, but this rule 10 thing, do you really think it applies? If Trump gets into power again and starts deporting people based on their political views, you dont think that will have repercussions on the rest of the world?
Exactly. There some US-centred news that don’t have their places here, but the US news that can impact the entire world should be posted here
Understandable, but this shit actually is going to affect the rest of the world, for reasons not the least of which being you all will likely see many U.S. refugees crossing your borders soon because of it. It’s the same as any genocide, anywhere.
Who are we to stop Florida, Arizona, and Texas from denying their god-given right to not accept welfare, social security, Medicare, and Obamacare mostly paid for by Democrat states?
It’s damn patriotic of Republicans and I thank them for making their voting pool die younger.
As an Arizonan, I would like to remind you that we are currently a blue state. I worked hard for that thank you very much.
God I wish I lived in the America he says we’re currently in. If only the left was that powerful here.
The enemies of fascism are always both impossibly strong and extraordinarily weak, depending on the needs of the fascist propaganda.
It’s #8 in Umberto Eco’s famous list
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I hate World Socialist Website too, but this is something Trump said so take that as you will
As we are replicating (with distortion of course) the fascist era from the end of WWI to the end of WW2, we have Trump providing the specter of the palmer raids of 1919-1920. I like watching bizarre alternate histories, I just wish this one wasn’t real.
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Some drunk guy ran his truck into a panda express near me which is the same as the Mongolians attacking the great wall of china. These alternate histories are so bizzare bro im so serial.
Yeah, a drunk guy crashing into an asian themed fast food restauraunt is very comparable to an ex president making promises to deport and destroy anybody too far left of his current politcal position if re-elected. These events are definitely of a similar scale and nature. Thank you for the sane comparison.
A great way to distract from his legal woes.
It’s so friggin weird that people think Trump does stupid things as a “distraction”.
Trump may be even more extreme than last time.
If we can just deport all the MAGA to Florida and Texas they can go and create their Nazi playground and leave the rest of us alone.
As a native Floridian please no. There are some of us still fighting here. And with the recent immigration stuff there’s a chance Florida will lean a little more blue this next election. I hate it though, my job is pretty inextricably tied to Florida, so it’s a bummer since I’m super progressive.
I’ll call Bugs Bunny to deal with Florida; his methods have certainly proved effective in the past.
With the recent malaria cases in both these states that sounds like a good idea
Great minds think alike haha but theres alike of great people in FL as well. Feel bad for them
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If it’s really a Nazi diatribe, then he only wants to deport the state-level socialists. The national ones can stay.
I doubt there is a socialist or a communist party that has an active membership in the US :) US is so far right , there is no left left.
I don’t know about political parties, but there are definitely socialists and communists here. It’s a free country — people have all sorts of beliefs and politics here.
I vote for democrats because they’re not actively working to take my rights away, but I do not like them as they lean too far to the right. I have a feeling a lot of Americans are on the same boat as me. Everyone I know voted for Biden, but I don’t know anyone who actually likes him or what he stands for.
I lived in The Netherlands for a good portion of my early adulthood and I just wish we could be more like them in some ways. Holy shit it was so nice not to worry about the cost of seeing a doctor, and not feeling unsafe holding hands with my partner in public (am gay) and so on. Also knowing I would have weeks of paid time off every year was amazing. I haven’t had any actual time off work since I came home… 20 years ago.
A lot of Americans have called me a communist or socialist (many don’t seem to know the difference). I am definitely neither. I just want this country to be better for everyone.
It was Democrat DA Sherry Boston in Georgia who charged 22? environmental protestors with domestic terrorism for being present at protests in vague proximity to where a police car was burned.
It was Democrat Mayor Andre Dickens, and Democratic Senators Jon Ossoff & Raphael Warnock, who remained silent when the Atlanta City Council passed funding for Cop City after 90%+ of public testimony urged them to vote against it. Although the Senators had no problem implicitly supporting the state’s narrative that the protestors are violent terrorists, while waxing poetic about “sacred constitutional rites”. They’ve also all been silent, as far as I’m aware, about the police firing 57 rounds into Tortuguita / Manuel Paez, an environmental activist who had his hands up at the time of death according to an independent obituary. The first environmental activist killed on US soil - which, as an act of politically motivated violence, would actually fit the definition of terrorism - with the full complacency of the Democratic Party.
It was Obama who passed the Trespass Bill allowing federal authorities to designate certain areas as, essentially, “1st Amendment does not apply here” zones. He also signed the NDAA, which, as the ACLU explains: “…[codified] indefinite military detention without charge or trial into law for the first time in American history. The NDAA’s dangerous detention provisions would authorize the president — and all future presidents — to order the military to pick up and indefinitely imprison people captured anywhere in the world, far from any battlefield.”
It was all presidents, Democratic and Republican, who decided not to exercise the unilateral authority granted to the executive branch to end the wildly unpopular Drug War which especially targets poor and/or marginalized people, particularly black people. (Based on rates of arrest vs rates of self admitted use.) All presidents have the ability to reschedule any substance at any time without any approval from any other branch of government. The Drug War, or just cannabis prohibition even, could end tomorrow if Biden wanted it to.
Not to mention they may not be taking away your rights, as an American, but the Democrats might be taking away the lives of your parents, siblings, or neighbors as acceptable collateral with the wars they champion overseas. (Speaking less about Ukraine as the whole nuclear disarmament in the 90s is a special case, and more about, for example, our unjust occupation of oil fields in Syria or Obama’s illegal strikes in Libya).
Vote 3rd party, because you’re doing something worse than throwing your vote away when you vote Republican or Democrat. Both teams have largely the same corporate ownership.
I will not risk voting third party when a Republican president will do everything in his power to take away my rights and the rights of my trans friends. It’s easy to do that when your rights aren’t on the line, but mine are.
Please note that I don’t disagree with you. I fucking hate democrats. It’s a garbage party full of garbage candidates with garbage ideas and garbage officials with no spine.
But these are my rights we’re talking about. This is my actual life. The rights of my friends and loved ones to exist. Right now, right here. I can’t risk that.
I also don’t really think it’s fair to both-sides this. I don’t disagree with you that democrats are awful (see above) but they’re orders of magnitude less awful than Republicans. At least they’re not trying to turn this country into a theocracy.
I’ll happily vote third party when my loved ones and I aren’t one election away from a fucking death camp.
Then why would did the Democrats not use their brief supermajority to codify protections for abortion, for trans people, etc? Could it be that they don’t actually care about you at all and just need a narrative in order to hold up a sign that says “If you don’t vote for me, look what will happen!”
They’re playing their role in the Ratchet Effect, and Republicans are playing theirs. All to benefit the same people.
Also worth mentioning that more people died of COVID during Biden’s administration and police killed more people in 2022 than any other year. While Biden insists we need to “fund the police” and Democrats champion Cop City - are those not just components of a decentralized, country-wide “death camp”?
It’s not “both sides-ing”, it’s insisting that they are the same side. One actor playing two roles in the same movie.
I mean I already said they’re garbage spineless people. Nowhere did I say that they were any good or had any redeemable qualities.
I don’t think they care about me. I vote for them because they’re not christofascists. They’re not trying to make a literal fucking list of all trans people in the state. They’re not calling me a groomer or calling for the “elimination” of my friends.
If a third party was a viable option and they had better candidates, I’d vote for them. As it stands, it’s not an option, and telling people who vote D to vote third party instead is a terrible idea, because all it’ll do is increase the likelihood that the Rs will win.
In fact, telling democrats to vote third party is a known right wing tactic. Very well known in fact.
Voting for them for who they are not, while ignoring the fact that they don’t fight back in any meaningful way, is doing your part to enable the ratchet effect.
I don’t care what the right wing does. I care what’s right. I’m not voting for anyone whose campaign donors profit from overseas murder, just because they’re not vitriolic about trans people at home.
I’m not the one telling people how to vote though. You’re the one doing that, and you’re doing it in a very Jill Stein 2016 sort of way. And on a brand new account, which has only replied to my comments. Forgive me but you’re giving off some very strong vibes at the moment and they are not good.
Anyway, you can vote for whoever you want, I don’t really care. I’m just not gonna sit here and let you use my comments to spread this “both sides are the same, vote third party” nonsense. Not on my fucking watch, friendo.
They already said they don’t like the Dems, just that they dislike Republicans more. Which is absolutely valid. One is not doing enough to protect them, the others are actively trying to remove their rights. Both sides are not the same.
In a different system, I would definitely encourage everyone to vote for a 3rd party. Not being from the US, I do. But in a FPTP system, that’s just not viable. It’s not a vote for the other party, but it’s the same as not voting, or worse if your 1 democratic state is the only one to go 3rd party.
Until a primary candidate of one of the established parties runs on a platform to change the electoral system, there’s just very little you can do. Which I can only imagine how frustrating it is. I’m not from the US, but I’m invested enough and have close friends living there that I want to see a change as well.
Even our “socialists” are actually Centrists given an Overton Window that isn’t shifted to a building several blocks east.
There’s more than ten nationwide communist/socialist parties, plus a bunch of state-only parties:
Stochastic terrorism.
He knows he needs to be in headlines… I highly doubt he actually gives a shit, this is just a way for us to talk about him and a way to rile up his base…
I wonder to what extent something similar applied to the early nazi-leadership though. How many of them truly believed the crazy conspiracies, lies and hate-mongering, and how many of them were “just pragmatic” and appreciated how these could be used to “rile up the base”.
I don’t think the ownership class is wrong.
They have some comeuppance due.
The Adventures of Gill… a Teen!
The National Socialist German Worker’s Party (Nazis) was not known for deporting socialists. Seems very odd to call someone a Nazi for calling for such.
They were known for exterminating socialists. They outlawed socialism. And the first camps that they were famous(eg Dacua) for were originally made to deal with socialists.
Shortly after the Nazi rise to power and the Reichstag Fire, they arrested thousands of their opponents. The scale of these arrests led to the creation of early concentration camps to hold the prisoners.
The early concentration camps primarily held political prisoners as the Nazis sought to remove opposition, such as socialists and communists, and consolidate their power.
Here’s an article form 1933:
They teach this stuff in public elementary schools. Did you not go to school?
not deporting, just killing and torturing, what is your fucking point?
People who think Nazis were/are socialists just because the word is in their name just show how incredibly little they know about history.
They don’t really think that. They just want to muddy the waters. Anything that makes actual discussion of issues more difficult is a win for them.
Well… They don’t use words for their proper definitions.
They’re like a super low grade version of Smurfs were they use the same 2 or 3 words in a derogatory way, and their supporters Hyuck Hyuck and shake their bibles until someone kills a gay person.
You’re assuming most of them are arguing in good faith.
I think it would be impossible for this take to be more ahistorical and inaccurate.
Do you think North Korea is a Democratic Republic too?
Dude must be really confused by buffalo wings.
That’s even more hilarious because I’m from Buffalo lol
Dude must be confused by a lot of things.
It’ll take a while to deport legal American citizens. They might have to put them into camps first.
Either educate yourself or go to that quarantined Nazi instance with the other inbred racist fucks and sugarcoat the Holocaust together
Oh I do love me some nazi apologia. Sure, once in power socialists and communists were arrested and killed or put into the camps, but not generally deported. Jews on the other hand were initially ‘encouraged’ to get out of germany, and then ‘deported’ to the extermination and slave labor camps.