It’s just another cold war, history books will discuss it as such.
It’s just another cold war, history books will discuss it as such.
Dropsite is great and Ryan Grim is a treasure.
I don’t even think it’s this, you look at Twitter and see their American numbers tanking, becoming more like that doesn’t make sense from a business standpoint.
Now look at how every billionaire and big corp is bending over backwards to give Trump money. In his mind, a lot of them were complicit in 2020 for his loss, and everyone knows he looks for revenge.
These people like Zuck have no actual morals, he’s just hanging a sign that says he’s on their side, desperate not to be targeted. This is the same way he acted with Obama, the left just liked it.
That’s a fucking drag. I saw them a few times back in the day. After a show at Slim’s in SF, he told everyone not to push or fight. He promised to talk to everyone waiting, and he did. The whole band did. Why is everyone a fucking rapist.
I know this is the argument people think is the most compelling. But in reality, this is not hitting with the electorate. Calling him weird was much more effective. Even post Jan 6th!
Trump bad, Trump fascist, for some reason that’s preaching to the choir; the urgency is already felt with the people who are gonna feel it. The campaign could realize this, and could pivot and focus entirely on abortion and economy, because they won’t touch the war. But Kamala is currently stumping with Republicans on a “Trump Bad” ticket. Fuck the Cheneys.
Basically Trump = fascist, even if true, is ineffective, and is losing the election as Trump picks up immigration votes from minorities and protest votes from Muslims.
There were like 2.3 million people living in Gaza and at best guess 42k have been killed. That’s a best guess and most estimates say at least.
Initially, Germany had around 500k Jewish people. Around 300k of those people were able to flee, although many not far enough. Of the remaining 200k, about 25% were killed in concentration camps or through some other horror.
As the Nazis gathered more territory, they began the systematic, machine-like murder of European Jews. As a direct example, Poland had over 3 million Jewish people, 90% of them were killed in the Holocaust in concentration camps.
I don’t think we really need to compare genocides to say this is a genocide, especially not to the Holocaust.
Yeah, that’s a fair point, honestly.
I feel you, it’s for sure gray.
I get what you’re saying, but my point is it’s not really accepted. It’s actually an incredibly controversial process that has recently been updated in the US to include not targeting civilians specifically.
Totally respect it’s not your idea, I’m just pointing out that I think it’s much more complicated when you involve civilian collateral damage, which is actually terrorism in a mask with an overcoat.
People are pretty universal in their condemnation of American attacks that kill civilians, that’s why we see the names of those people less, Trump made that change. Biden rolled back those changes finally, but you’re not gonna believe some of the new rules, stuff like stop fucking drone striking civilians you sociopaths:
So yeah, America is both complicit in and has been (maybe still is) a sponsor of terror in many situations. And if one of those people affected by America in that way were to somehow get a bunch of cell phone bombs on GI’s hips while they were out with their families, to those people it might be justified while I would still call it terrorism.
You know, I bet they have a problem with both! Shooting a rocket at a market is comparable to putting explosives on a possible combatant and detonating it while they are in a market. Let alone 3,000x that latter scenario.
Like I don’t care for terroristic acts on civilians no matter where they come from. I’m unironically ok with them mass targeting the rocket sites, though!
I was being facetious, I was at best neutral before horse gate.
Yeah, that’s his remaining audience in a nutshell. It’s legit creepy.
No, when he exposed his loli horse porn to the world I lost the respect I never actually had for him in the first place i guess.
It’s one thing to be so stupid you don’t have a different personal computer to do your weird jerk off shit. It’s another to then expose your creepy jerk off shit to your audience. It’s yet another third thing that your audience is willing to just ignore it and keep watching. Gross!
Pretty sure the only sentient being that would need to be worried around Vaush would be a little girl he wants to take on a stable tour.
That’s not the definition of a strawman. We can discuss this philosophy from outside of it. That’s a thing that’s ok to do!
But you did construct a strawman which I addressed. Anecdotally the bit about pets for vegans being “companions” came directly from the person who posted the initial thread calling out rookie (which by the way, rookie seems like kinda of a jerk and probably shouldn’t be making decisions like these).
An animal is incapable of providing any consent, they are incapable of understanding the ethical choices a vegan may make, or the reasons behind it. The fact that instead of many viable alternatives, they selfishly choosing to keep an animal that would need to have those choices made for them is an ethical problem in their own philosophy.
These vegans choose to keep a cute kitty or puppy, even old and sick kitties and puppies are cute and rewarding, for selfish reasons. If you truly need to keep an animal, keep a vegan pet. Then you don’t need to participate in the food system, and a non-vegan pet owner can provide for the animal best suited to their lifestyle.
Like there is an understanding that engaging in the meat industry, even on the fringes, perpetuates that industry hurting animals. The same is true for pets, even good pet owners engage and support a system where by animals are exploited and hurt, even if it’s not THEIR animal. I don’t see why this is so hard, honestly.
I think that’s the point, the ethically vegan argument is not to own a pet that eats meat, and it’s odd these particular vegans in the channel couldn’t see it, and all the non vegans were pointing it out.
Pet ownership in general is not vegan, even if you gaslight yourself into calling them companions.
I mean it did some good, but a lot of us perfectly sane people who also don’t like the way the US projects soft power through a system of clandestine agencies using NGOs as cover, don’t miss it.
Was this the way to stop it? Absolutely not. But honestly, I’m guessing the fact it was so intertwined with some deeply helpful agencies specifically towards red state farmer’s, it was supposed to be painful to audit and get rid of. Fuck Elon and all that shit I need to say to virtue signal so people don’t knee jerk not listen.
But also look into the propoganda our own country has fed us.