The change was that the health Ministry was able to report deaths again, which did not have the same breakdown as the local news had been reporting while the health Ministry was unable to. Still the same total.
The change was that the health Ministry was able to report deaths again, which did not have the same breakdown as the local news had been reporting while the health Ministry was unable to. Still the same total.
Actually, about 300-400 of those were military and not civilians.
The access is universal, but its run by private companies now.
Well, they have privatised it and made it worse and worse, with longer queues and worse quality of care.
Seems that a lot of the leftist parties that are in opposition opposes it, but most o Europe has right wing governments at the moment.
Why not buy fresh? Or do you stock up a lot ahead of time?
They are preparing to enter Rafa, where they have forced half of Gaza into.
Får jag fråga vilken del av landet? Bott upp och ner västkusten och inte hört.
Ive never heard the sand in foot as a Swede.
Dark Forest is book 2. Iirc the trilogy is named Remembrance of Earths past.
Try visiting /r/worldnews and see if you can find a single article critical of Israel. Try posting a comment critical of Israel and see how many minutes before you are permanently banned.
Yeah without more context it just seemed they were renaming the setting as part of a larger diff
What am I looking at?
This is true in Sweden. Though by the 5 year program you might be Swedish too. // Got a civilingenjörsexamen
Klarna had their best year so far, they lost a record low 11 billion SEK. (About 1.1 billion usd).
They shoot both the people waiting for aid but also the aid trucks themselves.
More like 100 lines of template errors
This simply isn’t true. People kept track of the year, even if it wasn’t the Julian calendar, stuff like “the third year of the reign of king George”.
By comparing historical accounts of known events with stable periods, like eclipses or comets.
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