Remember when Trump moved the US embassy to Jerusalem declaring Jerusalem the capital of Israel? People are kill-informed if they think things get better for the Palestinians under Trump 2.0.
Remember when Trump moved the US embassy to Jerusalem declaring Jerusalem the capital of Israel? People are kill-informed if they think things get better for the Palestinians under Trump 2.0.
No phones on in classrooms during class. What parent would not be on board?
IOS stock app?
In the US, know that insurance companies hire private investigators to follow and video people making injury claims. Especially higher dollar ones.
Maybe we should be seeing the realities of the world, even the horrors. It’s a lot easier to support things like war if you’ve never witnessed the brutality. This person was making a political statement by setting themself on fire. I imagine they wanted people to see.
I’d argue that for most of the US it is necessary to have a car. We just have adequate public transport. I’d much prefer that we did, but currently we do not. I suspect one could take an aerial photo of many arenas/stadiums located in densely populated cities in the US and they do not have much parking either.
I’ve never known “college town” to be used as a denigration, though sometimes students from big cities who go to school in college towns are eager to return to what those big cities have to offer and perhaps don’t enjoy the college town vibe as much as others.
College towns are great in my opinion. Especially many of the small(ish) towns where large public land grant universities are located. (Penn State/Happy Valley, University of Florida/Gainesville, heck most every SEC school for that matter, Cornell University/Ithaca, etc.) The towns often grow around the universities. The schools bring in events that the towns otherwise would never have (concerts/plays/art exhibits/speakers/etc) not to mention college sports. You have some of the best and brightest, including students, faculty, researchers, doctors, in a confined local area. Education and diversity are valued. The universities are often the biggest employer in town, pay well, and attract lots of companies and people who benefit from the symbiotic relationship. You have people from all different walks of life. And usually the cost of living is reasonable. All in all, usually pretty good places to live.
He was an excellent (arguably one of if not the best) race car driver in the American NASCAR series.
This is reddit copypasta. Change the name of the famous person and insert whomever.
They will lie, deny, stonewall, and there will be no repercussions nor change.
Your understanding and articulation of the joke is correct.
People don’t like Rick Scott but he spent enough of his money to get elected. And Bloomberg is 50 fold wealthier. And Bloomberg seems much more personable. So I don’t know.
“Alberta’s young working population and more jobs with higher wages has resulted in Albertans over-contributing tens of billions into the CPP compared to the benefits we’ve received,” states a Government of Alberta video promoting the creation of an Alberta pension plan.
Aren’t the high wages (and young people) predominately because oil/gas? Are those not national natural resources?
Thanks for exporting that south of the border. Or wait, is it thanks for importing that from south of the border? Either way, we all pay.
Dammit Canada, covering all the mineralized tissue in the body. What’s next, eye care?
14 Republicans and 11 Democrats. Here’s a link to the HPSCI member list: https://intelligence.house.gov/about/hpsci-members.htm
My very good friend, third or fourth generation American but 100% Mexican descent, maybe or maybe not got a little smart with the border agent. We did have to wait a few extra minutes for him in the parking lot on the US side. Meanwhile, the Middle Eastern international student with us had zero issues and whipped out two cans of beer out of his pockets while we waited. If you’re out there Fahad, you rock!
Why so serious citizen?