rare reddit W
rare reddit W
how many do you want?
one for each pocket.
and it does replace the shortcut with steam+X aswell or would i need to do anything else to change that?
that’s not how it is to be interpreted.
it means something like in order for google maps to show you your position they NEED to access your device’s gps service, otherwise maps by design can not display your position.
missing keys
that’s the biggest war crime that valve has committed with the deck and no idea how they think it’s acceptable
both of you can be right at the same time. just saying.
personal petpeeve of mine, that insta-gen as you describe it, is mentally incapable of making/uploading computer screenshots in computer specific subs (e.g. game specific subs). they upload photos of their monitor that look like ass, angled like they’re tim walker and shaken like they’re driving on cobblestone… almost like we’re back in the 00s or something.
it literally requires more effort to post a worse picture and be removeded at than simply pressing print-screen and ctrl-v on the pc.
“bUt I’m NoT uSiNg ReDdIt On My CoMpUtEr So I’m NoT lOgGeD iN”
yeah, while at that better uninstall it on your phone aswell. nothing of worth comes out of you anyways. smh
for short, how about
What kind of attitude is this? You’re still being used by them as content for the paying users. I’d at least like to get dinner before i get forked.
insert how did you take the picture of your screen? chain
Time to get muta involved
Handy information
Especially when it’s actual advice mallard
not really. you’ll build muscle memory of the button sequence, if needed.