A scoop of vanilla ice cream, topped with a little “chili crunch” oil - salty and sweet, spicy and creamy… it’s great.
A scoop of vanilla ice cream, topped with a little “chili crunch” oil - salty and sweet, spicy and creamy… it’s great.
I don’t go to McDonalds much any more, but I’d get fries and a vanilla shake to do that with, as a treat!
How’s that any different from today?
(Just kidding, gallows humor)
I think it’s like “vee-shee-swah”?
Source: some French classes in elementary school 🤷🏻♂️
The enemy gate is down, Ender!
Lemming > Chihuahua > Honey Badger
Just angrier and angrier all the way through
Hmm… maybe Zebra > Okapi > Giraffe?
This one’s my favorite!
Watching a playthrough of the God of War franchise: “who’s this Kratos guy, he seems like a bad-ass…”
Returns home, founds a new religion: “No, see, Ares IS cool and all, but I’m telling you, someone’s going to come along and beat his ass…”
I’m doing MY part!
“Michael Tuesdays and Thursdays” was funny, but also had some layers to it; a very complicated patient and his therapist, who is writing a book about his care - so not always totally objective, as he has something to gain. And then that therapist also sees a therapist (played by the late, great Ed Asner) who seems to be going senile.
It’s funny, sometimes sad, sometimes very sweet, with a good cast.
ProPublica, TST, a local tree-planting charity, Wikipedia
There’s just too much… between work, home life details, and trying to pay attention to the state of the world on 20 different fronts, I just don’t feel like I have the bandwidth to be like “gee, I’m going to pick up a new skill today!” I need that downtime to veg on the couch and look at memes, it’s way less exhausting.
That’s a really interesting idea; my kid wants to be a pilot and just discovered flight tracker… I’m going to check out Airspy’s “how to” stuff and see about this as a gift idea too!
Yeah, same! I thought I had a pretty good guess from the context, but “cold camera shoe” is a new term for me. Glad Lemmy has such a great community though, there are some awesome responses in this thread!
Not sure if this is what you’re describing, but phones like the one you pictured have a reversible tab for use if you mount the phone to a wall - if the tab is sticking up, it keeps the receiver from falling off the cradle.
Here’s a site selling them, but it has a diagram showing where it’s located:
My only hope is that the first time I stepped over the line when using my powers, I’d feel so bad about it afterwards that it would prevent me from doing it again… mostly.
See also: