European 🇪🇺
The G7 has been compromised.
Unfortunately, that’s probably true for the whole world order.
I want to hope that the new one will be better, but oftentimes history tends to disagree with that notion. Yet I’ll remain fighting for a better tomorrow.
I mean apart from the logic of sanctions, those shadowfleet boats are “environmental disaster” ticking timebombs. They are not very safe or seaworthy.
Some of them have extreme strange huge anchors, which tend to drag 100 km across the oceanfloor and mysterously break critical communication cables in Europe and so. Others have dubious highend technical devices on board.
Nice detail is that somehow they end up being owned by a Hong Kong Ltd.
If I were to place a date for when USA started it’s downward slope I’d say around the end of the 90s. Thereafter the turningpoints were 9/11, covid 19, and finaly 2025.
So is it like DDG but with EU GDPR ?
Sorry, just noticed it is duplicate of earlier post
“Do you solemnly swear that you will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic ;that you will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that you take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that you will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which you are about to enter: So help you God?”
The ego of Autocrat Kompromat Trump literally has no borders, not even national ones ^^
What a horrible situation for the artists and all those detainees…Seems random people have been detained and held way too long, without legal reasons.
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Good work UK. keep at it. Clean the house.
Who are “they”?
Russian and Chinese communism
Yes, both have been forms of authorities rules.
And in light of OP’s question. To me “they” are all the authoritarians; both the extreme left and right winged.
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Actually, unofficially, there are more of these kinds. It’s a public secret now anyways. Wait, I don’t know about the keys though…
Not talking about subs,but the payload.
If America is going to continue to be not Trump, it’s going to have to move fast.
So far, their checks & balances have been failing, unfortunately. Something about corruption in DOJ in recent news, leaves me very worried about the last Pillar. I hope the US citizens from both parties make it a democracy again: by the people for the people.
Directly or indirectly, the re-election of Trump and his administration’s policy , is causing extra rifts worldwide. It’s important to counter false claims, disinformation and address the situation.
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That dude posts so much so frequently, it’s extremely fishy.
Totally, and always the same long not engaging statements. I’d even prefer random adverts at this point, which I normally block.
It’s a bit premature to announce this, but yes VonderLeyen has announced the preparation of a defense package of approx. 700 B via this legal fiscal venue. Together with the EU Competitiveness Compass plan at around a minimum of 750 B, they will likely be aimed to reinforce each other. In addition, other parallel plans are being prepared, pending current developments.
added: Context: EU defense is now at 326 B in 2024 (consilium EU). Though Europe also includes UK and other countries ofcourse.
This newly announced extra package is like a minimum extra budget.
It’s in the article. G7 is about consensus. Doesn’t mean other parties won’t have their own plans.