I really enjoy Debian. I have no need for bleeding edge software releases, what I need is stability. I even run Firefox ESR 😀 It’s quite hard to brick a Debian stable installation (if not doing any extraordinary that is).
I really enjoy Debian. I have no need for bleeding edge software releases, what I need is stability. I even run Firefox ESR 😀 It’s quite hard to brick a Debian stable installation (if not doing any extraordinary that is).
Oh yes. The actual craft of writing something down with a pencil does wonders for me to actually remembering stuff.
I’m 53. Never got the hang of typing fast on the phone, so whenever I’m in a meeting and not having my laptop with me, it’s pen and paper for me. 🙃
I find the web 1.0 experience rather nice.
I know that they don’t spell it with big letters on the website, but Debian is NOT a distro for new users. So why even go there?
Debian + I3 when working and Debian + KDE when slacking off. 🙃
Let me sync… LetMeSync… LemmeSync… LemmySync…
Granted, it’s a kind of niche use case but in the embedded world there’s usually size constraints which prevents a full blown bash installation.
However, things are better now than 20 years ago. Flash is cheap.
I think you are on the wrong Lemmy instance. I (we) are not interrested in reading about Putins version of the truth here. I think Lemmygrad has users that shares your worldview.
“…wasting massive amounts of ad money.”
I don’t see this as a problem.
Ronnie James Dio.
Stargazer by Rainbow
I did the same. Lemmy-Easy-Deploy made thinhs easy.
I’m a simple man, show me a Stratocaster and I upvote.
Nice strat! I’ve had mine for about fifteen years now and it’s still my favorite to play.
Setting up an own instance of Lemmy got super easy using Lemmy-Easy-Deploy
I’m using Dynu for DDNS.
Solar system. My gaming machine is called Titan, my Pihole is called Asteriods, my Lemmy machine Callisto and on it goes. 😀
Made in PRC
DayZ. Walking in the woods and hearing a deer in the distance or going up on a cliff and watching the sunset is quite serene.