@remindme@mstdn.social 1 year
Here to learn to develop in Flutter! (and also shitpost)
@remindme@mstdn.social 1 year
The Manipur segregation issue is a sad thing to hear. I hope they find peace soon.
Floorp gang!
Philippines is not included too even though most other ASEAN countries are on the list.
Their phone was probably offline at the moment.
Nice argument, unfortunately:
Taiwan is a sovereign country
Nine-dash-line is baseless and shall not be observed by ASEAN countries
Yes, Active
is basically Hot
but comments are included in the equation.
Asking for this too.
If your community knowingly depends on slavery then your community probably deserves to collapse
European summers are mostly indistinguishable from Southeast Asian cold weather
They wouldn’t probably need to buy the whole thing, making them rename the app is enough.
And then there’s that extension that puts Mr. Beast’s signature clickbait grin on every thumbnail
Just the small data for troubleshooting and some phone model metrics (e.g. your Android version). Nothing any suspicious
Southeast Asian companies would like to have a word with you
That’s pretty gay tbh
I swear your word choice is reminding me of a comment I made a few days ago
Not for product questions exactly, but for product reviews instead.
These pointless reviews always drive me crazy. But nothing can be done about it probably. Shoppee and Lazada both reward people for reviewing a product they bought, and people want those rewards so they quickly spin up any review they can.
Haven’t tried it yet, but the delivery rider is very cute and handsome 🥺👉👈 the bubble wrap in the packaging is very soothing 🥰 and delivery was fast. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
My brother in christ you were supposed to review the product itself, not the deliveryperson’s appearance or the product packaging
Stick fights are one of the most memorable parts of my childhood.
These crybaby librals wouldn’t let you use that 🤬🤬🤬
They have a point. But as a Filipino who’s very concerned about a possible Chinese invasion (though I live far down south so my main concerns are whether Mindanao regions’ budgets can handle all the Taiwanese refugees and movers from Luzon) I’m very skeptical of their actual agenda.