Trebuchets, which btw are far superior to catapults.
Trebuchets, which btw are far superior to catapults.
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Highasakite - Norway
I’ve heard people (admittedly only online) advocating for surgery for trans minors, the main argument being that puberty has such a big impact that an earlier surgery often means a much more effective result.
(This is just from memory, I might be getting stuff wrong)
One of the funniest memories from when I was travelling (around 2017) was many tourists holding up their giant tablet devices, fumbling with them to try take photos of things.
This happens in a lot of countries. For me I noticed it particularly with young people in Germany, and pretty much anyone in Norway.
Can make it slightly frustrating when actively trying to learn the language by speaking with people 😅
As a counter example, I managed to make friends with a Swiss person while elsewhere in Europe, and then later in my travels got to visit them in Switzerland for a few days. My time there was truly one of the most breathtaking and memorable experiences of my trip.
Maybe it’s expensive, maybe Europeans are “cold” personality wise, but God damn they have got some incredible scenery.
For me the main benefit of it would be the ability to try local/cultural dishes while travelling, if lab grown meat was an option.
I’ve been vegetarian my whole life and vegan for ~4 years or so, and I would definitely eat lab grown meat (assuming the conditions you stated).
I almost certainly wouldn’t eat it often but there is sooo many cultural dishes I haven’t ever tried due to them containing meat, which I would love to try sometime.
Admittedly I expect that most things I would not end up liking, but the ability to try would be really nice.
I’m vegan, and agree with you 100%
To be fair, the first despicable me was decent imo. But the abominations which followed…
From twitter or like, from the human species?
Then I must be missing a lot of projects, because I don’t know of any which use discord for any of these things, besides questions and answers. And even then, only for informal stuff. Anything more serious goes on GitHub (or alternatives) or forums.
Public forums serve a different purpose to a live chat. Actually what I’m seeing a lot in the comments is people making assumptions about what the purpose of the discord server is, and from those assumptions then conclude that it would be easy to use something else. Some assume that they use it for documentation (???), some assume it’s for technical support. But usually what I see, is that these kinds of servers are just an attempt to build a community. And for building a community in the tech space, discord has by far the biggest user base for a chat solution (unless you really think there are more target audience using Facebook messenger, than discord?)
I’m sorry but where is this random assumption that the documentation is on discord coming from?? It is extremely common for projects/organisations to have some kind of community discord, but I have never seen one that used it as their main documentation host. The discord are almost always just community hubs to chat with other community members.
then don’t brag about being 100% FOSS supporter
You are literally doing exactly what the meme was about lol. A discord alternative may simply not be a viable alternative for their needs, if no one is using it.
Fake nails. I have nothing against people who wear them, but for some reason it just instantly makes me think we are not compatible at all.
If it’s the SpongeBob squarepants theme then it’s ok. In fact that’s a bonus.
Isn’t doing things to avoid boredom exactly what a hobby is? :D would you consider hiking to be a hobby?
If you are gonna fake something like this, you wouldn’t actually shoot a bullet, you’d use a blank and some tiny blood pack like they use in movies.