Charlie Angus for PM!
He was stopped by reporters the day Freeland quit and the very first thing he said to them was “What the fuck is going on?!”
Charlie Angus for PM!
He was stopped by reporters the day Freeland quit and the very first thing he said to them was “What the fuck is going on?!”
Huh, come on, you don’t want to spend years learning to be a cmake guru?
It is absolutely both
To be fair vscode might be referencing itself here
Fuck yeah, Dawson City!
Neat! That address / intersection is a five minute walk from me! Thanks for pointing it out, I wouldn’t have noticed it otherwise (with the ad being so absurd)
I kind of wish I could un-read this article. Holy fuck.
Hah, I don’t find him terribly believable as a heel, he seems too wholesome and cool.
That was such a good match! Now we need Takeshita vs Okada to unify those belts
😂 Since I watched it last night it was fresh in my mind, but I could decipher Takeshita’s hair and trunks through the blurriness, plus the white ropes. If I didn’t just watch it I would not have gotten it.
Takeshita’s English is getting so much better too, he spoke a bit at the media scrum after the PPV. He’s a beast!
An update on that bot, I think they realised it was malfunctioning, so now they are doing some manual intervention to make it seem more lifelike. They also edited the original comment they posted on all of the crossposts.
Take a look at the way they comment. It has big “native Russian speaker but knows a bit of English” energy
That bot is malfunctioning as heck. It probably had a bit of code to comment on posts that were crossposted about a particular subject (Musk election interference in this case), but its list of crossposts accidentally included this post. I suspect all of their good bot developers are either working on Reddit, or are now sunflowers in Ukraine.
Hey bot! Пиздец! 😂😂😂
Everything was fucked!
I was the other way around! I really liked Joy Division, didn’t really care for New Order. Now I like them both, but they stimulate very different parts of my brain.
It was just one of those days!
Wait a second… you’re not Canadian but you know who The Hip are? And you like them?! My mind is blown, my dude. That’s awesome 😃
Weird, I was just about to add my comment in here about The Hip. I used to haaaaate them, like get up immediately and turn the radio station if they came on kind of hate.
Then I remember the music video for Poets came out, and I thought it was okay. Fine, maybe I like one of their songs, but fuck the rest!
And then I heard Bobcaygeon a few years later - I think it was the right place and the right time. A cottage trip, after a few drinks, and somebody I had a lot of respect for said they loved the band. Suddenly Gord wasn’t some awful screechy eccentric folk elderly-rock singer, but an eccentric artist whimsically singing about deep Canadiana. I started exploring them more, and now I love them and passionately regret that I will never be able to experience them live.
RIP Gord, you beautiful weirdo.
If any non-Canadians want a glimpse of what Canadian culture is like go take a listen to the top Tragically Hip songs. Also pay attention to the lyrics because some of them are just poetry and magnificent.
Rush still fucking sucks, though.
The hypocrisy!
In Ontario I’ve generally heard and used “Québécois” and don’t really hear Quebecers often. Weird that the Montréal CityNews outlet is using Quebecers of all places.
In my mind Québécois is a sign of respect, while Quebecers is dismissive, and I can’t explain why I think that way.