What does excel and incels have in common? Confusing things for a date.
What does excel and incels have in common? Confusing things for a date.
Who shit in your cheerios?
I mean, they send military aid to Israel because their neighbor wants to wipe out all jews and they send economic aid to palestine because not all of them want to kill all jews. So im not really sure who you are talking about.
The US is absolutely not sitting this one out. We are supporting our ally Israel. Just as Iran is supporting their ally Hamas.
Stop pretending this is so black and white.
People need to relate. It’s easier for the West to relate to a british person than a Palestinian person. It’s hard to relate to just Palestinian because a significant amount is a part of Hamas, and Hamas wants me dead because I am not Muslim. Hamas was democratically elected. That means a majority of Palestinians think their way is the right way. That little british-palestinian didn’t vote for Hamas. I can relate to her. It’s hard to relate to people that democratically elected a group that wants to kill me.
Reading this from the toilet. Will update in a few
VR still sucks, but didnt boats make people want to throw up. Then trains, then cars. They still do sometimes, but it’ll be worth it
I mean how bout a source buddy?
Heres what they say on their website. “As a court of last resort, it seeks to complement, not replace, national Courts.”
Perhaps we interpret that differently, or I could have described it better.
You just come in here, take one sentence, call it false, and leave? Come on mannnnn.
No stupid questions, but certainly stupid answers.
The USA is not a part of the international criminal court. So even if the ICC said the US committed war crimes, they have no way to enfore those laws in the USA.
ICC is for states that can’t prosecute within their country. USA can do that. So it goes like this:
ICC: Hey, USA, you committed war crimes
USA: We dont recognize your court of law, and we did our own investigation where we found no wrongdoing.
ICC: We disagree
USA: Okay, that’s nice. If you arrest Bush we will invade the Hague
Make it with nuclear power. Turn water to hydrogen and oxygen. Release the oxygen. Package the hydrogen. Burn the hydrogen and it mixes with the oxygen. Maybe eject the spent radioactive fuel into space some day?
Its still early. This is the first time there has been a legitimate alternative to reddit and thats honestly only because 3rd party apps like sync have made it usable.
Reddit started when Digg changed its site and everyone went to reddit. There has also been multiple attempts to leave reddit, but no similar alternatives. Now there is a good alternative and there will be more things reddit does that will make people look for alternatives.
I mean Im not conservative, but I hope you see the irony in the complete lack of empathy in your message
Are you fucking stupid?