I die talking to a manipulative person. This seems doable!
I die talking to a manipulative person. This seems doable!
I think that it is exactly the same as before you were born.
I think that you better get over there.
To tell the age of any horse Inspect the lower jaw of course; The six front teeth the tale will tell, And every doubt and fear dispel.
Two middle nippers you behold Before the colt is two weeks old; Before eight weeks two more will come Eight months: the corners cut the gum.
At two the middle “Nippers” drop: At three the second pair can’t stop; When four years old the third pair goes, At five a full new set he shows.
The deep black spots will pass from view At six years from the middle two; The second pair at seven years; At eight the spot each corner clears.
From the middle “Nippers” upper jaw At nine the black spots will withdraw. The second pair at ten are bright; Eleven finds the corners light.
As time goes on the horsemen know The oval teeth three-sided grow; Then longer get - project before - Till twenty, when they know no more."
When the dog makes the barf noise.
How many up downs of my flip flop.
When my late husband said, “why you syphilitic son of a bitch” I knew that he was really angry at someone and if he said “rats in a dishpan” then something just went haywire. He passed away 30 years ago now and I have never heard another person say those things.
He, she, it, I, we, you, they.
A half of a sandwich with a few bites taken out of it.
Just think about being that cat. Wander around a neighborhood and see a person on their deck sitting in a chair, go over and lay on their belly.
You seem to be treating everyone, including yourself, with respect. I can’t think of anything that is kinder. This sounds like a hard thing not the wrong thing to do.
You are a very kind and sensitive person.
Do you think that there’s sleeping quarters in the tip?
In Pennsylvania it’s called the Hershey squirts.
Eggs are going to stick to that.
So dapper!
Every girl’s crazy about a sharp dressed man= every girl’s crazy about his shotgun hair.
Yes, there is such a thing as a vaginal prolapse but… That thing is really hooked in there! And no I am not Dwight.
If I pick up something that is too heavy my uterus will fall out.
I think that you would just end up with a sticky butt hole.