What is a high floor low ceiling book?
What is a high floor low ceiling book?
I’ve actually got a few really cool things coming together in my life. Job is going well. Back on the bicycle as soon as it warms back up. Back in the gym now. Another “supplement” cycle upcoming. Just bought a house. The podcast went from 0 to several thousand downloads a month in 1 year. Starting a non profit that has a huge interest in donations already. May start twitch streaming for fun.
So I’ll claim it. 2024 will be my year.
Arizona Ice Tea. 99 cents a can for 20 years.
Cost Co. Hotdog and a drink is still 1.50.
Ted Lasso got boring after the first season because they made everyone happy and bubbly. It worked so much better when Ted was the lone optimist.
Ahhh. Then yes. Remote works the same. Change the default launcher to FLauncher and it automatically maps it to the home button.
Sony is the easiest to change all the settings. Samsung is the worst.
I have no idea what a reddit controller is.
FLauncher. It’s even on the Google play store.
Then you have to side load an app that changes the default launcher. But that is also very easy.
PSA: It is incredibly easy to get an alternative launcher for android TVs. Zero ads. Literally none.
That’s just phenomenal.
Obviously Christians are horrible hypocrites. Just look at their embrace of Trump. There is no hate like Christian love.
But that’s not why I rejected Christianity. It had nothing to do with the book. Or the people. It’s down to one simple thing. There is no God. It’s a myth. It’s bronze age mythology. Everything is just man made. Men invented it. Men wrote it. Men interpret it and argue about it. It’s all made up. There. Is. No. God.
I spent 30 years immersed in evangelical Christianity. I have read the Bible cover to cover. Twice. The world will be better off when your belief system is relegated to the ash heap of history.
Hey man… fuck you.
This is why Bidens recent executive order is so important.
Your belief system is finally dying. And humanity will be better because of it.
That looks pretty good at first. I am a huge DS9 fan. But upon closer examination with those sliders, it looks like it’s just brighter. That’s it. Am I wrong?
Yes. Repeatedly and constantly. It’s the rallying cry of the morons. Reality doesn’t fit my worldview so it’s reality that’s wrong!
An argument is an intellectual process. Contradiction is just the automatic gainsaying of anything the other person says.
Egypt really REALLY doesn’t want refugees. They are the biggest hurdle. They are screening everyone ahead of time to ensure they have a place to go.
I’ve never read any of his books. Top 3? Just the titles. I’ll go in blind.