Dude. Literally the first sentence of the body text…
Dude. Literally the first sentence of the body text…
Specifically the jaw.
I found that I was unconsciously clenching my jaw and would lie awake for hours. Once I started consciously unclenching I would fall asleep really quickly.
Joyce Summers. That episode of Buffy was a masterpiece.
I’m a big queen fan and I love Thank God it’s Christmas. I also love Jona Lewie’s Stop The Cavalry, which isn’t really a Christmas song, but only gets played at Christmas. Bing Crosby’s White Christmas is my favourite traditional recording. Feliz Navidad by Jose Feliciano needs to be binned forever.
For future reference, and to keep you out of jail, always ask for consent before physical contact. Asking may seem awkward, or counterintuitive, but it removes doubt. Also, ‘no’ means ‘no’, and no reason or explanation is necessary.
There’s not a restaurant built that I can’t fly - Zap Brannigan
The album August and Everything After by Counting Crows.
I was like “WTF? I’ve never even heard of beef tea and I’ve lived in Victoria my whole life!” Then I clicked the link. 🤦
Good Morning Glipglorp! From the Androids and Aliens podcast by the Glass Cannon Network. It was a random bit of world-building that the players latched on to and ran with and it turned into a whole episode.
An American Werewolf in London.
I stayed up watching it on my brother’s black and white TV. My parents had no idea. I nearly shit the bed afterward when my brother jumped on me in the dark and yelled “raaaah.”
It depends on whether you’re referring to individual refried beans or the dish ‘refried beans’ as a whole.
If it’s the former, it would be ‘too many’ (individual) refried beans.
If it is the latter, it would be ‘too much’ (of) refried beans… Unless you had multiple servings, in which case it would be ‘too many’ (servings of) refried beans.
That is my opinion: as such it is subject to change should further information come to light.
Harpo Speaks! - Harpo Marx An amazing story. That guy had a wild life!
Total Recall - Arnold Schwarzenegger Nothing happened to Arnold by accident. He is the ultimate man with a plan.
District 9
Do I “approve” of sex work? It’s not my place to either approve or disapprove of what other people do with their time, their money or their bodies. The question is loaded to provide justification for your moral outrage.
Brussels Sprouts.
When I was a kid my mother used to boil them. I would gag from the taste. Mushy vomit-balls of awful.
A few years ago I watched a Jamie Oliver video on how to cook them properly and now they’re a staple with roasts and meat + 3 veg at our place. My wife, my oldest son and I fight over who gets the most.
“Correlation is not causation” is the phrase I use in that situation.
Death on Two Legs - Queen
This is the only correct answer.
Sharp tools. Check them before you start. Check them after an hour or more of sustained use. Replace (disposable) blades more often. Sharp tools make work easier and safer, and you have the added benefit of a cleaner finish on the cut.
When I was eleven (1988) we moved to a rural property with no power. I left when I was eighteen… So… Seven years.