Edmonton and Calgary are, unsurprisingly more for progressive policies.
Edmonton and Calgary are, unsurprisingly more for progressive policies.
Fuck no. Never i don’t want it, fuck that noise
He’s a fascist
It’s a " won’t someone rid me of this meddlesome priest" issue. It’s normalizing it, which is dangerous
Elbows up
Yes, and we even have a lot of interprovincial trade issues. Although with what is happening with the US, we are trying to simply cross provincial trading.
A bit of artistic licensing
-Trump, definitely*
Fuuuuuuuuuck spez
I canceled my starlink after his nazi salutes, I hope a bunch more follow suit, then it could be a lot more lost reoccurring revenue for old Moscow musk
Yeah, i was gonna say pp is canada trump, but on further reflection pp is more akin to mike Johnson. I guess marlaina Smith is a combo of mtg and bobo. Side note i forgot bobos name and looked it up.
Slava Ukraini
Tldr: trump is putins bitch, the US negotiates and bends over to terrorists.
I can help. Trump, the fascist wannabe dictator is putins bitch.
Buy the phone second hand? At least your money isn’t going directly to google
Those bribe cheques certainly helped
Imo, Ford fucked the pandemic response. He turned down billions from the feds. Hospitals had to do temp shutdowns. Took too long to do anything about the clownvoy. The only reason more ontarians didn’t die is because of the federal health minister
Nah, we don’t want Ukraine to suffer more under putin.
I truly wish it was LPC followed by NDP