Yeah, obviously hyperbole, but there is a kind of console fanboy-ism around smartphones which is honestly bizarre.
And while I’d rather Apple not be so shitty about proprietary everything, it’s also not the end of the world.
Yeah, obviously hyperbole, but there is a kind of console fanboy-ism around smartphones which is honestly bizarre.
And while I’d rather Apple not be so shitty about proprietary everything, it’s also not the end of the world.
I’ve owned flagship androids and iphones. I like my iPhone better, sorry. If other companies want to make a better product, I’ll switch back again. It’s not really about the exclusivity/walled garden nonsense.
This was my thought as well. Pretty sure I already have all of that turned off but I would have done that as part of the install and brief customizing of the UI. Can’t say I ever used a guide or anything, or even considered it unusual for modern software.
Ah, that likely explains it. I know when installing I hit “no” on anything that sounds remotely marketing related and I turned off search and weather because they just don’t add any value and I like a clean screen. So I think the only ads I get are the small, unobtrusive ones on the lock screen, which I can’t say I’m bothered by in the slightest. I barely even notice them since it isn’t like I stare at the lock screen.
I’m so confused by the ads thing. I don’t think I’ve noticed any since upgrading to Win 11. Are they only on certain editions or something?
You got that right, Buddy.
This was my first thought. Maybe if you’ve only seen either movie as a child, I guess…
You know, the ping pong table being the correct answer is absolutely moronic but the explanation of the pay option is not inaccurate. I work with this data all the time and while pay is big, it’s not the biggest reason, or even the reason for a majority. But again, it is certainly not behind “lack of ping pong table” as a reason people leave…
That is precisely the point. It is the official position of the GOP to push all children toward private Christian schools. Step 1 of that plan is obviously to make public education so incredibly terrible that people start asking for better access to private schools.
All of the seemingly stupid things this governor does to screw with education are at face abhorrent but also serve only to damage the educational system in Florida.
I’ve found the overall performance to be more consistent/better. The “better” part is a bit moot as every time I buy a new phone, the performance should be better than the last one just because it’s newer technology.
And while there are a lot of things I don’t like, core performance kind of overshadows any other issues I have or features I’m missing out on. Perhaps I should have said “better for my needs” instead of “better product.”