Guess the late 50s or sometime in the 60s. Guess this would be a very good compromise for the quality of life, listening to good music and a good perspective for life in general.
Guess the late 50s or sometime in the 60s. Guess this would be a very good compromise for the quality of life, listening to good music and a good perspective for life in general.
As a German it is seven times easier to piss of a Brazilian
I read that more as answering and communicating the disinterest instead of ghosting them.
It is. There are traffic lights in front of the crossing for pedestrians and the bicycle lane is parallel to the car lane and logically both of the can only have a green light if the cars from the left have a red light and also the pedestrian have a green light for crossing.
Then it’s still not a design problem, but a problem that traffic rules are not enforced.
There are traffic lights nearly everywhere, so: no
Why tho? Every possible collision point is regulated by traffic lights
For third party voters in the US: What do you think is the effective difference between voting for a third party and throwing your ballot directly into a garbage bin?
Hier wird wohl kräftig am Watschenbaum geschüttelt!
Even if you are into DIY: Buy cheaper once, if something breaks buy something more expensive.
It’s a bicycle which got a small electric motor, which assists you while driving and is typically limited to a speed of 28 km/h or so, at least in the EU.
Fighting through it at the moment, it just feels like I don’t even get half of what is written.
At least here people less often get shot.