My partner wants to know: How many stitches?
My partner wants to know: How many stitches?
Yaml parsing. Article was great.
I read part of it; it was too painful to read more.
I kept finding myself saying “Well that’s stupid” over and over again.
Edit: To clarify, it’s yaml parsing that is “stupid”; the article was great.
USA here: Or people saying “Don’t work overtime, they’ll just take it all in taxes”.
Well, my marginal tax rate on income has never been 100% (yet). While there are other factors to consider if you feel working overtime is worth it or not to you personally. That is not a valid logic to use.
Well, if you want more information: Biosecure Cow Cremator.
Note, there are two sizes available!
I remember when this started years ago (in the before AI times): Jolly Roger Telephone.
Seems now they are using AI too.
Living on a farm tells me: Animal Carcass Disposal Options Rendering • Incineration • Burial • Composting
We almost never lost an animal (200 head of beef cattle), but even the best cared for animals past away eventually.
I know where you can rent saws from; not sure about the “first half” of that step. /s
Wood colored concrete 🤔!
As if they need a reason.
If they’re hot, we need mandatory leaks!
Shakes fist at TSA.
Went to university with a lady named (I kid you not): April May June
According to her, her parents thought it would be “fun”.
I would guess she is about 50-60 years old now.
You were joking - obviously!
Far more than I am proud to say, far more.
But, after Adams filed a formal complaint about the assault, she was told in writing by a vice-president at CFMWS that she should have realized she would face such dangers when accepting a job supporting Canada’s military mission in Latvia.
So, she “should have known what she was getting herself into”? And they put that in writing it seems.
Months after the assault, Adams wrote to Chief of the Defence Staff Gen. Wayne Eyre and other senior military leaders asking for help. Adams said she didn’t receive a reply from Eyre.
I’m shocked, shocked I say! /s
Instead, the DND records indicate that military and department officials were more concerned about whether other news media outlets would pick up on the Ottawa Citizen articles about the incident.
I really hope the Ottawa Citizen alerts all the other media outlets about this - repeatedly!
Shortly after the assault, Adams’ contract was ended two months early by CFMWS. That decision was made “in order to ensure there is no further risk to your health,” according to a Feb. 3 2023 letter sent to Adams by the organization. CFMWS gave her $11,833, which paid her out for the early termination of her contract.
Captain Obvious knows the proper way to handle this is to fire the victim (shows they are “good” business people). But we paid out the contract so it’s totally fine. /s
Sounds like our neighbors to the north are stealing the US militaries playbook on sexual assault. Worst thing they could do 😭.
Sorry to hear it didn’t work out as planned for the two of you.
IMHO, relationships should not be about one persons happiness/goals/etc over the other (i.e. wives are not more important than husbands or vice versa). The item mentioned in the original post isn’t going to change anything in their lives (other than bringing one of them a bit of joy).
A lot of people are already living in: Leisure Suit Larry