Do it anyway?
Do it anyway?
They could stand up now. They could offer some resistance.
We’re sure not treating them nice right now. I’d hold off travel plans here for a bit.
Why don’t the Jews simply ban the Nazis? …
This would help the American people fight the Oligarchs. Godspeed, friends.
MobaXTerm namely. It will start up, but it misses a lot of features when used in Wine. To the point it’s not usable for work purposes.
You’re really forcing it at that point. Wine can’t run most of what I need to use for work. I’m excited for the day I can ditch Windows, but it’s not any time soon unfortunately. I’ll have to live with WSL.
CRT and DEI are misrepresented by both the left and right. They make more sense when you look at them without the point of view of 14 year old Redditors or 400 year old dinosaurs.
Well the conservatives are fascists right now so that’s a pretty easy connection to make.