It’s mostly symbolic. But the last thing we need is democrats scoring own goals, and stopping actual action against tyranny
It’s mostly symbolic. But the last thing we need is democrats scoring own goals, and stopping actual action against tyranny
That happens when r/conservative gets to the front page where they are pant’ed/ brigaded.
They do not reach those numbers on their own, and the most heinous shit is defended by the mods with the same voracity as Reagan
The project 2025 people already had every executive order and move lined up ready for him. No understanding required .
My friends invented band members for the band 69boys. “Quick Skeet” Fisher, Reginald “Busta Nut” Gunderson. They are not real… well they used to not be real. I think Gunderson started to do interviews. Obscure enough to evade moderation, important enough to have people rip from Wikipedia without verifying
A million huh? At that point there would not be any arrests. But if that was what was necessary, i don’t think it was a possibility to begin with. I generally do not believe that protesting does much unless it is super disruptive to everyday life. People protest every day, exactly where and how the powers aT be allow them to happen. Out of sight out of mind.
If you had, you think any good would have come of it?
I’m not here to defend Hitler or jk Rowling. Yea the joke is malformed
The implications are that hitler drew up the sketches. You know… The whole failed artist thing causing him to join the field of genocide tyrant instead.
Um… yea? It’s not supposed to? Let’s ignore how dangerous and foolish it would be to allow llm’s admin control of a system. The thing that prevents it from doing that is well, the llm has no mechanism to do that. The best it could do is ask you to open a command line and give you some code to put in. Its kinda like asking siri to preheat your oven. It didn’t have access to your ovens system.
You COULD get a digital only stove, and the llm could be changed to give it to reach out side itself, but its not there yet, and with how much siri miss interprets things, there would be a lot more fires
So that’s the thing, it’s a lie of omission. The full line is ‘The civil war was fought over the states rights… to own slaves”. We were taught that north were not freeing slaves out of a moral standpoint, but to ensure monetary dominion over the south. Anyway, it’s carefully curated propaganda and white washing of history that is apparently still happening to this day.
That the civil war was fought over states rights.
I mean you can try sure. But i am convinced that boycotts do not work. Part of the consequence of allowing duopolies, or even monopolies is there is no getting away from it. And the stock market has never been more hostile to the individual investor… unless you mean everyone should empty their 401k?
Snowden is in exile because he proved that this is not the case. My understanding is they are not supposed to do that with domestic, but data don’t care about that and agencies spying on citizens knew that, and snatched it all up once they left us soils, up in the air, bounced overseas, all justification to spy without a warrant. Nothing has changed
Other then the experts, whom ever they are, the rest have no clue
I have been bamboozled by fondant on carrot cake at a buffet before. My life was ruined.
Oooooohhhhh! You had me going in the first half, not going to lie.
For me i went with WraithGear because i personally feel that i am not here, or real, that i am just piloting my corpse around. It crossed with my thoughts on gaming due to making an xbox account and all, and i have a framed art cell of metal gear acid on my desk, and it all kinda clicked. Its gear as in metal ‘gear’ more so then a cog.
Its a world where the clean up of souls is differed to designated souls who for one reason or another can’t pass on. These souls are given a new body and are assigned to a cell to replace the one who reaped them. They are told a location, a time, and a name. And have to find the person about to die and pull the soul out before they are killed, else the soul brings the trama of death over with them. In the protagonists case she is put in the “freak accident death” group. Which reap people who are indirectly killed by demons mostly. It’s forbidden to reach out to your family for obvious reasons, but due to her mother HATING the word “moist” and considering it a sex slur, she leaves behind a message saying just that and the mother instantly catches on.
If he was given extra responsibilities like being in some committee he could lose those, but in this case i don’t think that’s a concern.