I was promised more moss
I was promised more moss
Hacker news still going strong, you get the drama stories here and there but the focus is on the technology
The water cooling system that only needs to be used once
I just tried and got “about 40,000 billion kilometers”. Also the references are completely different from the ones in the post, so I guess it was a ranking issue
AI is just too unpredictable, hard to know what’s accurate and you end up doing the work yourself anyways
that’s awesome, did not know about that handy operator!
The other command could just be printf '' >> file
to not overwrite it. Or even simpler >>file
and then interrupt
I generally agree and like this strategy, but to add to the other comment about catching reimplemented code, there’s just some code quality reviewing that cannot be done by automating tooling right now.
Some scenarios come to mind:
It’s hard to catch these without understanding context, so I agree a code review meets are helpful and establishing domain owners. But I think you still need PR reviews to document these potential problems
When your function literally returns the void
I don’t want to think of what the FaceTime integration would be like…
Seems like John was trying to… cut some corners
It’s 2024 and we’re still doing king and queen stuff apparently
I don’t have prime any longer and I don’t miss it, it’s overrated really. I don’t need stuff within 2 days all the time
Is IsSlackDown down? This link isn’t working for me for some reason lol